28 research outputs found

    The effect of electromagnetic radiation in the mobile phone range on the behaviour of the rat

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    Abstract Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) is emitted from electromagnetic fields that surround power lines, household appliances and mobile phones. Research has shown that there are connections between EMR exposure and cancer and also that exposure to EMR may result in structural damage to neurons. In a study by Salford et al. (Environ Health Perspect 111:881-883, 2003) the authors demonstrated the presence of strongly stained areas in the brains of rats that were exposed to mobile phone EMR. These darker neurons were particularly prevalent in the hippocampal area of the brain. The aim of our study was to further investigate the effects of EMR. Since the hippocampus is involved in learning and memory and emotional states, we hypothesised that EMR will have a negative impact on the subject's mood and ability to learn. We subsequently performed behavioural, histological and biochemical tests on exposed and unexposed male and female rats to determine the effects of EMR on learning and memory, emotional states and corticosterone levels. We found no significant differences in the spatial memory test, and morphological assessment of the brain also yielded non-significant differences between the groups. However, in some exposed animals there were decreased locomotor activity, increased grooming and a tendency of increased basal corticosterone levels. These findings suggested that EMR exposure may lead to abnormal brain functioning

    Early Life Stress, Depression And Parkinson’s Disease: A New Approach

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    Abstract This review aims to shed light on the relationship that involves exposure to early life stress, depression and Parkinson’s disease (PD). A systematic literature search was conducted in Pubmed, MEDLINE, EBSCOHost and Google Scholar and relevant data were submitted to a meta-analysis. Early life stress may contribute to the development of depression and patients with depression are at risk of developing PD later in life. Depression is a common non-motor symptom preceding motor symptoms in PD. Stimulation of regions contiguous to the substantia nigra as well as dopamine (DA) agonists have been shown to be able to attenuate depression. Therefore, since PD causes depletion of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra, depression, rather than being just a simple mood disorder, may be part of the pathophysiological process that leads to PD. It is plausible that the mesocortical and mesolimbic dopaminergic pathways that mediate mood, emotion, and/or cognitive function may also play a key role in depression associated with PD. Here, we propose that a medication designed to address a deficiency in serotonin is more likely to influence motor symptoms of PD associated with depression. This review highlights the effects of an antidepressant, Fluvoxamine maleate, in an animal model that combines depressive-like symptoms and Parkinsonism

    Transgenerational deep sequencing revealed hypermethylation of hippocampal mGluR1 gene with altered mRNA expression of mGluR5 and mGluR3 associated with behavioral changes in Sprague Dawley rats with history of prolonged febrile seizure.

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    The impact of febrile seizure has been shown to transcend immediate generation with the alteration of glutamatergic pathway being implicated. However, transgenerational effects of this neurological disorder particularly prolonged febrile seizure (PFS) on neurobehavioral study and methylation profile is unknown. We therefore hypothesized that transgenerational impact of prolonged febrile seizure is dependent on methylation of hippocampal mGluR1 gene. Prolonged febrile seizure was induced on post-natal day (PND) 14, by injecting lipopolysaccharide (LPS; 217ÎĽg/kg ip) and kainic acid (KA; 1.83 mg/kg ip). Sucrose preference test (SPT) and Forced swim test (FST) were carried out in the first generation (F0) of animals at PND37 and PND60. The F0 rats were decapitated at PND 14, 37 and 60 which corresponded to childhood, adolescent and adulthood respectively and their hippocampal tissue collected. The second generation (F1) rats were obtained by mating F0 generation at PND 60 across different groups, F1 rats were subjected to SPT and FST test on PND 37 only. Decapitation of F1rats and collection of hippocampal tissues were done on PND 14 and 37. Assessment of mGluR5 and mGluR3 mRNA was done with PCR while mGluR1 methylation profile was assessed with the Quantitative MassARRAY analysis. Results showed that PFS significantly leads to decreased sucrose consumption in the SPT and increased immobility time in the FST in both generations of rats. It also leads to significant decrease in mGluR5 mRNA expression with a resultant increased expression of mGluR3 mRNA expression and hypermethylation of mGluR1 gene across both generations of rats. This study suggested that PFS led to behavioral changes which could be transmitted on to the next generation in rats

    Exposure to Early Life Stress Results in Epigenetic Changes in Neurotrophic Factor Gene Expression in a Parkinsonian Rat Model

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    Early life adversity increases the risk of mental disorders later in life. Chronic early life stress may alter neurotrophic factor gene expression including those for brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and glial cell derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) that are important in neuronal growth, survival, and maintenance. Maternal separation was used in this study to model early life stress. Following unilateral injection of a mild dose of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA), we measured corticosterone (CORT) in the blood and striatum of stressed and nonstressed rats; we also measured DNA methylation and BDNF and GDNF gene expression in the striatum using real time PCR. In the presence of stress, we found that there was increased corticosterone concentration in both blood and striatal tissue. Further to this, we found higher DNA methylation and decreased neurotrophic factor gene expression. 6-OHDA lesion increased neurotrophic factor gene expression in both stressed and nonstressed rats but this increase was higher in the nonstressed rats. Our results suggest that exposure to early postnatal stress increases corticosterone concentration which leads to increased DNA methylation. This effect results in decreased BDNF and GDNF gene expression in the striatum leading to decreased protection against subsequent insults later in life

    Dielectric Constant and Conductivity of Blood Plasma: Possible Novel Biomarkers for Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Alzheimer’s disease is a complex debilitating neurodegenerative disease for which there is no cure. The lack of reliable biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease has made the evaluation of the efficacy of new treatments difficult and reliant on only clinical symptoms. In an aged population where cognitive function may be deteriorating for other reasons, the dependence on clinical symptoms is also unreliable. However, it is well established that infusion of β-amyloid into the dorsal hippocampus of rats leads to cognitive impairment in a rat model of Alzheimer’s disease. Moreover, the blood plasma of β-amyloid-lesioned rats exhibits a distinct variation of the dielectric constant and conductivity when compared to that of normal rats in a time-dependent manner. These two electric parameters of blood plasma may therefore act as potential biomarkers for dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease. This review is aimed at highlighting evidences that support blood plasma electrical properties, e.g., dielectric constant and conductivity as possible novel biomarkers for the early development and progression of dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease

    Long-Term Treatment with Fluvoxamine Decreases Nonmotor Symptoms and Dopamine Depletion in a Postnatal Stress Rat Model of Parkinson’s Disease

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    Nonmotor symptoms (NMS) such as anxiety, depression, and cognitive deficits are frequently observed in Parkinson’s disease (PD) and precede the onset of motor symptoms by years. We have recently explored the short-term effects of Fluvoxamine, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) on dopaminergic neurons in a parkinsonian rat model. Here, we report the long-term effects of Fluvoxamine, on early-life stress-induced changes in the brain and behavior. We specifically evaluated the effects of Fluvoxamine on brain mechanisms that contribute to NMS associated with PD in a unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine-lesioned rat model. A 14-day early postnatal maternal separation protocol was applied to model early-life stress followed by unilateral intracerebral infusion of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) to model aspects of parkinsonism in rats. The anxiolytic, antidepressant, and cognitive effects of Fluvoxamine were confirmed using the elevated plus-maze (EPM) test, sucrose preference test (SPT), and Morris water maze (MWM) test. Further to that, our results showed that animals exposed to early-life stress displayed increased plasma corticosterone and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels which were attenuated by Fluvoxamine treatment. A 6-OHDA lesion effect was evidenced by impairment in the limb-use asymmetry test as well as decreased dopamine (DA) and serotonin levels in the striatum, prefrontal cortex, and hippocampus. These effects were surprisingly attenuated by Fluvoxamine treatment in all treated rats. This study is the first to suggest that early and long-term treatment of neuropsychological diseases with Fluvoxamine may decrease the vulnerability of dopaminergic neurons that degenerate in the course of PD

    Effect of long-term administration of antiretroviral drugs (Tenofovir and Nevirapine) on neuroinflammation and neuroplasticity in mouse hippocampi

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    The use of combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) has been successful in suppressing HIV-1 replication and restoring peripheral immune functioning in HIV-infected individuals. Despite these advances in the management of HIV, neurocognitive impairments continue to be diagnosed in HIV-infected patients on treatment, even when the viral load is low. Of interest is the observation that deficiencies in brain function in these individuals are marked by a persistent presence of neuroinflammation. Therefore, in this study we investigated whether long-term exposure to ART could contribute to neuroinflammation. Mice were subsequently administered a daily single dose of either Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate or Nevirapine orally for 8 weeks. After treatment, hippocampal tissue was collected from the brains of drug-treated and control mice and the levels of interleukin-1β (IL-1β), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) determined. Our results showed that administration of Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate and Nevirapine induced astrogliosis and up-regulated IL-1β and TNF-α. In addition, we found that Nevirapine reduced the expression of BDNF. Together these results suggest that Nevirapine promotes inflammatory and reduces neuroprotective processes in the hippocampus of mice. Our findings therefore highlight the potential of ART to be harmful to the brain and as such these drugs may contribute to the development of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder (HAND)

    The effect of transdermally delivered OA (TD OA) alone and in combination with CHQ (CHQ-OA) on hepatic and gastrocnemius glycogen concentrations of <i>P</i>. <i>berghei</i>-infected rats in comparison with control animals (NIC and IC).

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    <p>The effect of transdermally delivered OA (TD OA) alone and in combination with CHQ (CHQ-OA) on hepatic and gastrocnemius glycogen concentrations of <i>P</i>. <i>berghei</i>-infected rats in comparison with control animals (NIC and IC).</p