85 research outputs found

    Investigating The Key Factors Effecting The Use Of Telemedicine In Iraqi Hospitals

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    The weakness of information sharing has appeared clearly with the events of 11th of Sep 2001 that caused cannot stop and prevent the attacks of terrorist. Recently, a prevalent relationship between information sharing and intelligence in the context of counter-terrorism. A few studies have been conducted in this domain by Western countries whilst, none studies done with countries which have effected directly with terrorist attacks especially the Middle East. Issues with information sharing in intelligence domain are still significant challenges to cover. Nevertheless, literature showed there is no single model combined with the technology, information sharing and human factors with an empirical gap in this field, to determine what the intelligence need to develop non-failure intelligence product. This study aims to analysis the technology gap that focuses on fully supporting the common requirements of information sharing in Iraqi intelligence through propose an electronic information sharing model adopted based on Layered Behavioral Model. The fourteen factors are employed in five layers included, Policies and Political Constraints as an Environmental Layer, Compatibility, Information Quality, and Common Data Repository as an Organisation Layer, Cost, Expected Benefits, and Expected Risk as an Information Fusion Center Layer, Technology Capability, Top Management Support, and Coordination as a Readiness Layer, and the last factor in Individual Layer are Trust, Information Stewardship, and Information Security. A quantitative method employed to achieve a broader background of the phenomenon under investigation and to address a broader range of attitude and behavioural issues. This method was a statistical approach in testing the proposed research hypotheses for the factors. From the empirical testing point, found that Policies, Compatibility, Common Data Repository, Cost, Expected Benefits, Expected Risk, Technology Capability, Top Management Support, Trust, Information Stewardship, and Information Security had a significant influence on the degree of electronic information sharing. Whereas, Political Constraints, Information Quality, and Coordination had no significant influence on the degree of electronic information sharing. Several contributions of this study are, create a new theoretical model for the electronic information sharing within intelligence domain. Enhances existing literature by expanding upon layers and factors that are affecting in two dimensions are, electronic information sharing and intelligence. Add new vision to develop information fusion center in the context of electronic information sharing. Reduce the gap of the empirical study in intelligence sectors. And provide a formal strategy and creation a series of the guidelines for Iraqi intelligence authorities to govern E-information sharing activities

    Design Data Warehouse for Medical Data

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    Organizing and managing the database relations in term of data warehouse technology has been addressed widely in different complex environments. The data warehouse contains a source of valuable data mining. The data contained in the data warehouse is cleaned, integrated, and organized. This study highlighted the existing issues on the medical databases which present a huge number of information across various departments, managing this type of data require time, and laborious tasks to separately access and integrate reliably. Hence, this study aimed to model new medical data warehouse architecture for managing and organizing the medical dataset operation into data warehouse. Technically OLAP has been used to design the proposed architecture, for the hospitable administrators, and top manager and/or sophisticated user can use MDW by using Microsoft SQL Server 2005. Building the proposed architecture adopted by using Microsoft Visual Studio for performing the OLE database operations. The performing process has been tested through the using of use test case technique

    Barriers faces telemedicine implementation in the developing countries: toward building Iraqi telemedicine framework

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    The Iraqi healthcare services are tussling get possession of lost momentum. Many professional physicians and nurses left Iraq because the current situation there. In spite of the plans of calling back the skilled health workforce but they still afraid of disadvantage of their return. Hence, technology plays a central role to take advantage of their profession through the use of telemedicine. Thus it is the need to study the factors that effects the implementation of telemedicine that covers network services, policy makers and patient understanding. These papers shows the issue that faces the implementation of telemedicine and analyze the literature of previous telemedicine in Middle East countries to find out the essential factors toward building Iraqi telemedicine framewor

    Diagnosing COVID-19 Infection in Chest X-Ray Images Using Neural Network

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    مع انتشاره السريع ، صدمت عدوى فيروس كورونا العالم وكان لها تأثير كبير على حياة المليارات من الناس. لقد ثبت أن صور الأشعة السينية هي طريقة مهمة لتحديد وتقدير ومراقبة الأمراض. يمكن استخدام خوارزميات التعلم العميق للمساعدة في تحليل أعداد ضخمة محتملة من فحوصات الأشعة السينية. لقد أجرينا نظام تحليل متعدد الاختبارات بأثر رجعي للكشف عن COVID-19 المشبوهة ، والأداء واستخدام ميزات الصور بالأشعة السينية لتقييم تقدم حالة المرض في كل مريض ، مما أدى إلى "اكتشاف وجود كورونا فايروس في الصور التي تم تحليلها وكانت النتائج مقبولة بالمقارنة مع التقنيات الاخرى.  أظهرت نتائج هذا البحث أن التطور السريع لتحليل الصور المستند إلى الذكاء الاصطناعي (AI) يمكن أن يحقق دقة عالية في الكشف عن عدوى فيروس كورونا بالإضافة إلى القياس الكمي ومراقبة تطور حالة المرض.With its rapid spread, the coronavirus infection shocked the world and had a huge effect on billions of peoples' lives. The problem is to find a safe method to diagnose the infections with fewer casualties. It has been shown that X-Ray images are an important method for the identification, quantification, and monitoring of diseases. Deep learning algorithms can be utilized to help analyze potentially huge numbers of X-Ray examinations. This research conducted a retrospective multi-test analysis system to detect suspicious COVID-19 performance, and use of chest X-Ray features to assess the progress of the illness in each patient, resulting in a "corona score." where the results were satisfactory compared to the benchmarked techniques.  This research results showed that rapidly evolved Artificial Intelligence (AI) -based image analysis can accomplish high accuracy in detecting coronavirus infection as well as quantification and illness burden monitoring

    Telemedicine Supported by Data Warehouse Architecture

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    2. Abd Ghani M.K., Jaber M.M. and Suryana N. (2015) “”, , Vol 10, No 2, ISSN 1819-6608

    A review on the theories of adoption telemedicine in Middle Ease: toward building Iraqi telemedicine

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    Telemedicine is the use of modern telecommunications and information technologies for the provision of clinical care to individuals at a distance, and transmission of information to provide that care. Recent advances in information technology and biomedicine increased significantly the technical feasibility, clinical feasibility and affordability enabled collaborative of telemedicine and medical service delivery. Health organizations around the world are becoming more interested in the acquisition and implementation the telemedicine technology to improve or expand existing services and patient care. The ultimate success of telemedicine in an organization requires the adoption of adequate care both technological and managerial issues. This study examined the adoption theories, the key management problem facing many health care organizations which interested in or currently evaluating telemedicine . this research models targeted the technology adoption and empirically evaluated in a study of the investigation involving more public health agencies and criticize the theories. Several research and management implications that emerged from the study results are discussed

    Flexible Data Warehouse Parameters: Toward Building an Integrated Architecture

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    Clinical databases have gathered a huge amount of information about patients and their medical conditions. Relationships and patterns within this data could provide new medical knowledge. Thus it is a difficult task focusing to model a data warehouse, very often, into internal structures and implementation applications. The aim of is project is to find the parameters of medical data warehouse which will be able to construct a flexible framework by analyze the approaches of data warehouse architectures and compare them regarding the cost and integrity. The proposed parameters may assist in achieving continual access to the common data warehouse. The important consideration, however, is that the clinical data record should contain not only longitudinal health summary information but also be used for business intelligence tool such as data mining and OLA

    Proper software engineering process in developing an integrated telehealth system

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    Software development project becomes difficult because of the complexity in the business requirements, rigid framework and unpredictable performance. These cause difficulties to deliver the software on time, to maintain it and to adapt to new requirements. These scenarios had been faced in developing the healthcare information system which typically complex and comprehensive. Due to its complexities, the development of healthcare information system and other related healthcare applications typically disparate and less integrated. This led to maintenance and system integration issues that recently struggling by most healthcare providers around the world to resolve it by putting effort to link all existing disparate system into integrated one. This was due to the fact that a proper software engineering process was given less attention at the beginning of the health ICT project. This paper proposed, a systematic software engineering process based on customized Rational Unified Process for managing the development of integrated telehealth system. This paper also proposed literate modeling approach for performing system analysis and design model for users‟ accessibility and comprehensibility