3,555 research outputs found

    Response of Potential Stored Grain Insect Pests to BFL 225 Multi-Attractant Lure in Commercial Warehouses.

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    Farmers generally store their harvested products to ensure a continuous food supply for their household, provide seed for subsequent crops and farm, and as a source of income because it allows farmers to sell the products for cash or to exchange it for other products. But the introduction of new crop varieties, satisfying primarily an increased yield, has led to a contemporary selection of plants susceptible to infestation by insects, due to a loss of resistance to insect attack. Studies were conducted to determine the efficacy of traps baited with the kairomone BFL 225 multi-attractant lure for the detection and monitoring of storage insect pests into commercial warehouses in southern Nigeria for ten months. This trapping experiment demonstrated that floor traps baited with BFL 225 lure significantly (P< 0.001) captured insects compared to the unbaited (control). The predominant insects captured include Sitophilus spp., Plodia interpunctella, Tribolium castaneum, Callosobruchus maculatus, Alphitobius laevigatus and Rhyzopertha dominica. The implication of his study is that BFL 225 could be utilized as a part of integrated pest management strategies for early detection of potential insect pests migrating into stored grain warehouses in tropical Africa. Keywords: Baited traps, storage pests, kairomone, monitoring, warehouses

    Organic Matter and Heavy Metals Leachate Effect on Soils of Selected Dumpsites in Selected North Central States of Nigeria

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    This research was conducted to assess the presence  of some heavy metals Chromium (Cr), Iron (Fe), Copper (Cu), Manganese (Mn), Lead (Pb), Zinc (Zn) and Aluminum (Al) in municipal solid waste dumps. Heavy metals in the soils were determined at varying depths of 0-5cm, 5-15cm and 15-30cm to assess the extent of pollution and the effects of pH and organic matter in the soil. Heavy metals concentrations were analysed using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The results revealed a significant difference (p < 0.05) in the concentrations of heavy metals across varying depth at the dumpsites when compared with control points in the same location. Mn had the highest mean 131.22 ± 25.98 mgkg-1 followed by Fe, which is 69 ± 11.02 mgkg-1 at the dumpsites. Mean concentration of all the Heavy metals investigated at the various dumpsites studied were significantly higher than at the control point and below the maximum standard levels set by FAO and WHO for agricultural soils. Result of particle distribution indicated higher sand content (> 80.0%) and lower clay and silt contents in both dumpsite and control site which implies the ease of movement of dissolved metals in the soil environment. Organic Matter (OM) content at dumpsites was observed to be slightly higher than at the control sites. The data also signifies that as pH decreases and %OM decreases the concentration of these heavy metals decreases down the soil profile. It is, therefore, concluded that accumulation of heavy metals in depth was highly correlated with pH and organic matter content

    Isolasi dan Karakterisasi Senyawa Aktif terhadap Mortalitas Kutu Beras dari Ekstrak Etil Asetat Rimpang Jeringau (Acorus Calammus L.)

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    Telah dilakukan isolasi dan karakterisasi senyawa aktif terhadap mortalitas pada rimpang jeringau (Acorus calammus. L). Penelitian diawali dengan mengekstrak 450 gram serbuk rimpang jeringau (Acorus calammus. L) dengan pelarut metanol menggunakan teknik maserasi. Ekstrak kental metanol difraksinasi dengan pelarut n-Heksan dan etil asetat. Identifikasi senyawa yang terkandung pada rimpang jeringau dilakukan dengan uji fitokimia pada ekstrak kental dan masing-masing fraksi. Melalui kromatografi kolom, ekstrak kental fraksi etil asetat menghasilkan 308 fraksi kemudian diuji menggunakan KLT. Isolat murni yang positif pada uji terpenoid dianalisis keberadaan gugus fungsinya dengan spektrofotometer IR dan UV-Vis. Pada Spektrofotometer IR menunjukkan gugus fungsi adanya ulur C-H, ulur C=O, ulur C=C aromatik, tekuk O-H, tekuk C-H dan ulur C-O alkohol. Sedangkan untuk UV-Vis menunjukkan pita dengan serapan gelombang maksimum pada 248,60 nm. Maka senyawa yang diduga adalah senyawa terpenoid yang merupakan senyawa aktif mortalitas

    Artisanal Inland Water Fishing and Challenges of Livelihood Sustainability in Ibi Local Government Area, Taraba State Nigeria

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    This study examined challenges of livelihood sustainability from artisanal inland water fishing activities in Ibi LGA, Taraba State, Nigeria. Descriptive survey design was adopted. Purposive sampling was used in selecting 406 respondents from 12 communities in 6 political wards of the LGA. Descriptive statistics was used to analyse 401 questionnaires retrieved. Findings of the study reveal decline in daily fish catch from three baskets 10 years ago to only one basket presently. Also, income from fishing has declined from ₦150,000 (192)monthly10yearsagotolessthan50,000(192) monthly 10 years ago to less than ₦50,000 (64) presently. Factors responsible for decline in fish catch include rising water level, temperature increase, pollution, climate change, seasonality and unsustainable fishing practices. The unsustainable fishing practices include use of chemicals, small size nets and mosquito nets in fishing. The results reveal that fishermen engaged in non-fishing activities, fish farming and construction of fishing ponds along the floodplain as a way of achieving livelihood sustainability. Challenges of livelihood sustainability include seasonality of fishing activities, decline in fish stocks, use of traditional fishing methods and unsustainable fishing practices among others. The study recommend the need to enforce extant laws on fishery protection,  enlightenment campaign, and government support to fishing cooperatives

    The genetic basis for individual differences in mRNA splicing and APOBEC1 editing activity in murine macrophages

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    Alternative splicing and mRNA editing are known to contribute to transcriptome diversity. Although alternative splicing is pervasive and known to contribute to a variety of pathologies, including cancer, the genetic context for individual differences in isoform usage is still evolving. Similarly, although mRNA editing is ubiquitous and associated with important biological processes such as intracellular viral replication and cancer development, individual variations in and the genetic transmissibility of mRNA editing are equivocal. Here, we have used linkage analysis to show that both mRNA editing and alternative splicing are regulated by the macrophage genetic background and environmental cues. We show that distinct loci, potentially harboring variable splice factors, regulate the splicing of multiple transcripts. Additionally, we show that individual genetic variability at the Apobec1 locus results in differential rates of C-to-U editing in murine macrophages; with mouse strains expressing mostly a truncated isoform of Apobec1 exhibiting lower rates of editing. As a proof of concept, we have used linkage analysis to identify 36 high confidence novel edited sites. These results provide a novel and complementary method that can be used to identify C-to-U editing sites in individuals segregating at specific loci and show that, beyond individual DNA sequence and structural changes, differential isoform usage and mRNA editing can contribute to intra-species genomic and phenotypic diversity

    The CAST Time Projection Chamber

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    One of the three X-ray detectors of the CAST experiment searching for solar axions is a Time Projection Chamber (TPC) with a multi-wire proportional counter (MWPC) as a readout structure. Its design has been optimized to provide high sensitivity to the detection of the low intensity X-ray signal expected in the CAST experiment. A low hardware threshold of 0.8 keV is safely set during normal data taking periods, and the overall efficiency for the detection of photons coming from conversion of solar axions is 62 %. Shielding has been installed around the detector, lowering the background level to 4.10 x 10^-5 counts/cm^2/s/keV between 1 and 10 keV. During phase I of the CAST experiment the TPC has provided robust and stable operation, thus contributing with a competitive result to the overall CAST limit on axion-photon coupling and mass.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures and images, submitted to New Journal of Physic

    Food Characterization of the Spotted Pimelodid Fish Pimelodus Maculatus From a Polluted Urban River in Argentina

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    On the present study, the nourishment and the digestive system of a population of the spotted pimelodid Pimelodus maculatus Lacepède 1803 from a polluted urban river in Argentina were analyzed (Reconquista River, Buenos Aires province). The specimens are characterized by having benthic habits and an omnivore diet. In their intestinal content, a diversity of components was identified. Such components were grouped into ten alimentary items, with dietary variations according to body size while the longitude of the intestine remained proportional to standard length. Microbiological analysis in the gills, stomach and intestine showed the occurrence of Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Salmonella sp. Fungi and yeast were also detected. Bacterial accounts were very high both in the analyzed organs as well in water samples. The ecological and sanitary significance of the identified bacteria is discussed

    Short duration chickpea to replace fallow after Aman rice: the role of on-farm seed priming in the High Barind Tract of Bangladesh

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    Chickpea (Cicer arietinum) is a promising post-wet-season crop to follow rainfed rice (Oryza sativa) in the High Barind Tract of northwestern Bangladesh. Yields in farmers' fields, however, remain low (<1 t ha-1) primarily due to factors such as poor crop establishment, late sowing, and terminal drought and heat stress. Having been shown to improve plant stand and yield of chickpea in other environments, seed priming - soaking the seed overnight before surface drying and sowing the next day - of chickpea cv. Barichola-2 was tested for its efficacy under Barind conditions. In the 1998-99 season, 30 trials, grown entirely on residual soil moisture were conducted in farmers' fields in districts of Rajshahi and Nawabganj. A statistically significant mean yield response to priming of 47% was obtained. In 1999-2000, 105 on-farm trials (in Rajshahi, Nawabganj, Noagaon and Niamatpur) and 15 demonstrations (in Godagari) comparing presence and absence of priming were conducted. The crop received rain during this growing season. In a randomly chosen subset of 35 trials, scientists recorded a mean yield increase due to priming of 20%; it was 22% (from 1.02 to 1.25 t ha-1) in the remaining 64 trials (6 of the 105 trials were abandoned) where farmers recorded yields. Using a different cultivar (Barichola-5), the mean yield response to priming in 15 demonstrations was 17% (from 1.25 to 1.46 t ha-1). The priming response was attributed mainly to rapid seedling establishment, with higher plant stand and earlier crop maturity allowing escape from end-of-season stresses. Priming also reduced the incidence of stem and root diseases, and increased nodulation by native rhizobia. This simple technology can substantially increase chickpea yields to remunerative levels for the resource-poor farmers in this difficult environment. Furthermore, it is suggested that this technology can act as a catalyst for the introduction of further technologies that will permit reliable and profitable cultivation of post-rainy-season crops and thus improve the livelihoods of the rural populatio