61 research outputs found


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    This study examines the effect of action-based experiential approach on Business education students’ entrepreneurial skills acquisition for business operation in Rivers State, Nigeria. To achieve this, two research questions and two hypotheses were formulated. Quasi-experimental research design was adopted for the study. The population and sample of the study consists of 134 NCE II Business education students during the 2017/2018 academic session. The sample was selected using purposive sampling technique. Two sets of instruments namely: Action-Based Experiential Entrepreneurial Learning Activities Guide (ABEELAG) and the Entrepreneurial Skills Assessment Tool (ESAT) were designed for the study. The instruments were face validated by three lecturers from University of Uyo, Akwa-Ibom State. The reliability of stability for the ESAT was ascertained using test-retest method to test for stability of the instrument. Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (PPMC) was computed to obtain r – value of 0.84 for the two administrations and converted using the spearman brown prophetic formula to have reliability co-efficient of 0.72. Data collected for the study were analysed using mean scores for the research questions and t-test statistics computed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20.1 to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The results show that entrepreneurial skills can be highly acquired by Business education students when action-based experiential approach is used for entrepreneurship education than when direct instruction approach is used. The results also show that there is significant difference in the mean score of students in entrepreneurial skills acquisition when taught with ABEA as against DI approach. The result also shows that male and female students do not differ significantly in entrepreneurial skills acquisition when taught with project-based experiential approach. Based on the results and conclusions drawn, it was recommended among other things that a train-the-trainers workshop should be organized by institutions of higher learning for all lecturers handling entrepreneurship in business education to educate them on how to use action-based experiential approach for the practical aspect of entrepreneurship.  Article visualizations

    Integrating E-Learning Technologies in Business Education Course Delivery During Covid-19 Lockdown in South-South Nigeria

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    This study investigates the acceptability of utilizing e-learning technologies for business education course-delivery during the period of tertiary institutions lockdown as a result of COVID-19 pandemic in south-south, Nigeria. Hinged on the theory of Technology Acceptance by Davis, F. D, a descriptive survey research design using quantitative and qualitative approach was adopted. Data was collected via questionnaire, and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was used for the qualitative approach. The study revealed that business educators utilized e-learning technologies to a very low extent during the pandemic. Therefore, strategies to forestall such hindrances and difficulties were identified and discussed. Keywords: e-learning, academic staff attitudes, ICT, synchronous, asynchronous, COVID-19 DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-32-09 Publication date: November 30th 202

    Influence of Treasury Single Account on Cash Flow Management in Federal Colleges of Education in South-South, Nigeria

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    This study examines the influence of Treasury Single Account (TSA) on the cash management in Federal Colleges of Education in South-south, Nigeria. To achieve its purpose, two specific objectives and two hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The study adopted an analytical survey research design to collect data for analysis. The population of the study was made up of 32 top management staff comprising of 18 bursary staff made up of three cashiers, 12 accountants, and three bursars and 14 internal audit staff of the three Federal Colleges of Education in south-south, Nigeria. The entire population was used for the study because it was a manageable size. Questionnaire was used to collect data related to the hypotheses which was developed based on two rating scales of agreed (4-points) and diagreed (2-points). The data collected were analysed using t-test. The results show that there is no significant difference in the opinion of the bursary staff and audit staff on the influence of TSA on cash management in the Federal Colleges of Education. It also show no significant difference in the opinion of the bursary staff and audit staff on the influence of the TSA on the availability of cash for the Federal Colleges to meet their future financial obligation as at when due. Based on the findings, the following recommendations were made among others, that the Federal government of Nigeria, should stop sweeping of the cash balances in the TSA platform of the Federal Colleges of Education which is meant for their future payments. That the TSA platform should be design to be able to reverse payment within 48 hours when it is initiated in order to avoid loosing huge scares financial resources due to errors. Keywords: Public financial management reforms, Centralizing cash balances, Control corruption in Federal institutions


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    This study examined the influence of experiential instructional design learning activities proposed by Abdulkarim and Ordu (2018) on business education students’ electronic business (e-business) competencies development in Colleges of Education in Rivers State. To achieve the main purpose of the study, two specific purposes, two research questions and one hypothesis were posed. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design to obtain data on participants’ self-evaluation. The population of the study was made up of 22 part-time Business education NCE I students from Federal College of Education (Tech.), Omoku during the 2018/2019 academic session. A research designed questionnaire was used to collect data for the study. The reliability of the instrument was determined using Cronbach alpha to obtain a reliability index of 0.72. Data collected for the study were analysed using mean and simple linear regression. The findings show that the students highly develop e-business competencies evaluated. The result of test of hypothesis showed that experiential instructional design learning activities has significant influence on business education students’ development of e-business competencies. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others business educators who want to bridge the gap should adopt experiential instructional design.  Article visualizations

    Influence of Microfinance Banks’ Service Quality Dimensions on Customers’ Satisfaction in South-south, Nigeria

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    The study examines the influence of microfinance banks’ (MFBs) service quality dimensions on customers’ satisfaction in south-south, Nigeria. To achieve its major purpose, six research questions and six hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. Survey research design was adopted to collect data from a sample of 120 customers drawn using convenience sampling technique from an infinite population of three microfinance banks across three south-south States namely: CrossRivers State, Rivers State and Bayelsa State of Nigeria. Data collected using a four rating scale questionnaire were analysed with cluster mean to answer the research questions. In addition, pairwise correlation and multiple regression analysis were used to test the hypotheses raised. The results of the study show that customers were satisfied with the service quality attributes such as: service tangible, service reliability, bank responsiveness and service assurance. However, the customers were dissatisfied with MFBs empathy towards their customers. The results also show that there is significant relationship between customers satisfaction with MFBs service quality dimensions and their satisfaction with service quality provided. However, customers satisfaction with MFBs service quality dimensions provided by MFBs do not significantly influence their satisfaction of the service quality offered. Based on the findings, it was recommended among other things that proprietors of MFBs in south-south, Nigeria should train and retrain their human resource to be customers’ friendly in line with the objectives of the banks in order to retain customers’ loyalty. Proprietors of MFBs in south-south, Nigeria should provide the most excellent tangibles that would guaranteed their customers with maximum satisfactions during service delivery. Keywords: service tangible, service responsiveness, service assurance, empathy, service reliabilit


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    This study examines the impact of institution-community entrepreneurship education ecosystem (ICEEE) on business education graduates’ jobs creation skill. A descriptive follow up study of 329 Business education degree graduate students in the year 2017 and 2018, using a questionnaire, mean, cluster mean of the responses, and multiple regression analysis revealed that the students learned product-production using the model as well-established small-scale businesses; although not many jobs were created. The effectiveness of the ICEEE model can be experimented in different fields of study to equip students with requisite knowledge and skills for self-reliance.  Article visualizations

    Exploring awareness and factors facilitating diffusion, adoption and use of social media in teaching, learning and research by faculty members in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria

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    This paper focused on Exploring Awareness and Factors Facilitating Diffusion, Adoption and Use of Social Media in Teaching, Learning and Research (TLR) by Faculty Members in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. The objectives of this paper are: To identify the types social media faculty members of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, are aware of and to identify factors that facilitate the diffusion, adoption and use of social media in TLR by faculty members in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. The researchers used single case study research design for this study. The population of this study comprised all the faculty members including staff in training in the 12 faculties of ABU, Zaria with a total number of One thousand nine hundred and fifty nine (1, 959). The researchers selected participants purposefully who must have had life experiences with using social media in Teaching, Learning, Research. Thus, the researchers used this criterion to select 12 faculty members for the interview, one from each faculty. The researcher employed interview as the instrument for collecting data. The researcher adopted the thematic process of data analysis. It was found out that Faculty members were aware of two types of social media: Everyday life Social Media and Scholarly Social Media. Factors that facilitate the diffusion of social media for TLR are: being technologically savvy (curiosity), social media as a tool for interactions, social media as a tool for collaboration and Interactions among faculty members. Factors that facilitate Adoption of social media for TLR by the faculty members are academic network, official academic gathering, and family members. Factors that facilitate the Use of social media by the faculty members are social media benefit, ease of use and Exposure of faculty members abroad (training) etc. It was concluded that Faculty members in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria were aware of scholarly social media and everyday life social media. They indicated that diffusion, adoption and use of social media for teaching, learning and research depend on some factors. These factors included curiosity, Academic connectivity like academic colleagues, online forums, students etc. It was recommended that University management should mount training programmes aimed at creating awareness on the academic implication of the two social media types and how best to apply in Teaching, Learning, Research. Training programmes in the form of workshops, conferences and symposium etc. would ensure increased awareness and encourage best practice and Faculty members should endeavor to acquire technology savvy skills as it will help in upstanding social media technologies which will improve Teaching, Learning and Research in the University

    Influence of Route and Location of Delivery on Neurodevelopmental Sequelae among Infants who Suffered Birth Asphyxia

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    Aim: This study aims to examine the influence of route and location of delivery on Neurodevelepmental Sequelae (NDS) among infants who suffered birth asphyxia. Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted from January 2018 to May 2019. A total of 271 infants diagnosed with birth asphyxia with a gestational age between 38 and 42 weeks were included. NDS was assessed using a structured datasheet. A 3 × 2 contingency table was employed to compare the prevalence between route, location of delivery, and weight. Spearman’s rho correlation and binary logistic regression were used to establish the relationship between the NDS and predictor variables. Results: The result indicated that route (14.4%) and location (14.4%) of delivery have accounted much for the point prevalence of NDS than weight (7.5%). In addition, route, location of delivery, and weight were also positively related to NDS (P < 0.05). The significant predictors explained about 67.4% of the variability in the NDS (Nagelkerke R Square = 0.674). Further, those who have had cesarean section have fewer odds of developing NDS (0.035, 95% confidence interval [CI], −0.239, 0.309) and those who had less weight have much odds of developing NDS (0.811, 95% CI, 0.791, 0.831). Conclusion: Route and location of delivery influenced asphyxiated infants to develop NDS. However, cesarean section and hospital delivery confer much more protection against NDS. Keywords: Birth asphyxia, cesarean section, home delivery, hospital delivery, neurodevelopmental sequelae, vaginal deliver


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    This study investigates consumerism and consumer behaviour in Rivers State, Nigeria. To achieve its main purpose, three specific purposes and three research questions were posed. The study adopted descriptive research design. Questionnaire was used for data collection. The population of the study was made up of all consumers in the 23 local government areas of Rivers State which are estimated to be around 7,409,304 people, that is, 4,112,001 males and 3,297,303 females. Sample of 230 respondents were selected using convenient sampling technique. The instrument for data collection was tested for reliability using Cronbach alpha test to obtain a reliability index of 0.72. Data collected for the study were analysed using mean and standard deviation and grand mean score to answer the research questions. The demographic profiles of the respondents were analysed using percentage. The study revealed that information about consumers’ rights were to a low extent accessed through consumers’ association in Rivers State. This means that consumerism in Rivers State is low or relatively new. It also revealed that consumers’ behaviour before purchase was to a low extent influence by their information about consumers’ rights and their behaviour after purchase was based on gentleman reactions. Therefore, it was recommended among others that educated consumers especially from the academic settings should form associations for creating awareness of consumers’ rights in Rivers State. It was also recommended that informed consumers must come together and form genuine movements aimed at championing their rights and instituting actions against unscrupulous marketers and businesses when the need arises.  Article visualizations

    An Investigative Study on Impact of Frequency Dynamics in Load Modeling

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    Load modeling plays a significant impact in assessing power system stability margin, control, and protection. Frequency in the power system is desired to be kept constant, but in a real sense, it is not constant as loads continually change with time. In much literature, frequency dynamics are ignored in the formulation of load models for the basic assumption that it does not affect the models.  In this paper, the composite load model was formulated with Voltage-Frequency Dependency (V-FD) on real and reactive powers and applied to estimate the load model. 2- Area network 4- machines Kundur test network was used for testing the developed model.  The model was trained with measurements from a low voltage distribution network supplying the Electrical Engineering department at Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. Both training and testing data were captured under normal system operation (dynamics). To evaluate the V-FD model performance, Voltage-Dependent (VD) model was examined on the same measured data. The work makes use of the Feed Forward Neural Network (FFNN) as a nonlinear estimator. Results obtained indicate that including frequency dynamics in modeling active power reduces the accuracy of the model. While in modeling reactive power the model performance improves. Hence, it can be said that including frequency dynamics in load modeling depends on the intended application of the model
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