407 research outputs found

    Assessing the debris around glaciers using remote sensing and random sets

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    The Effect of the Addition of Snakehead Fish (Channa Striata) Protein Concentrate on the Quality of Semprong Cake

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    This research was aimed to evaluate the effect of addition snakehead fish (Channa striata) protein concentrate on the quality of semprong cake. The method used was experimental and composed as completely randomized design (CRD). The treatment was the addition of snakehead fish protein concentrate, which was varied at 4 levels, (K0) original addition of snakedhead fish protein concentrate, addition of snakehead fish protein concentrate 5% (K1), addition of snakehead fish protein concentrate 10% (K2), addition of snakehead fish protein concentrate 15% (K3), snakehead fish protein concentrate addition percentage calculated by weight of rice flour formulation. The parameters used organoleptic evaluation, and proximate composition. The best treatment seen from organoleptic test K3 the addition with snakehead fish protein concentrate is 15%, with organoleptic value (K3 shape 3.56, K3 texture 3.48, K3 flavor 3.68, K3 taste 3.66), and proximate is water content K3 4.5%, protein content K3 21.62%, fat content K35.32%

    Study On The Content Formalinfresh (Restrelliger SP) Containedmarket Of Pekanbaru City

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    This study aimed to evaluate the safety quality fresh Restrelliger Spsold in the market around of Pekanbaru. Fresh Restrelliger Sp obtained from 5 traditional markets and 3 modern market in the city. A total of 24 samples were analyzed on the content of Formalin, Coliformbacteria, and Vibrio Spbacteria. pH condition. The results of the study concluded that there was no evidence of illegal ussing food additives ( formalin ) in all of the market around of Pekanbaru. No Coliform bacteria and Vibrio parahaemolitycus on fresh Restrelliger Sp. whereas the V. cholerae bacteria found in one sample. In one of the market. The results of the analysis of pH show that the range of pH amount 5.67 to 6.15

    L'endemisme vegetal

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    En el context de l'Arxipèlag Balear, la flora de Cabrera es caracteritza per presentar un nombre moderat de tàxons endèmics; únicament un d'ells és exclusiu de l'illa de Cabrera, vint són baleàrics, tres tenen una distribució baleàrico-cirno-sarda i dos es poden considerar com baleàrico-llevantins. Es realitza una anàlisi de les relacions que hi ha entre Cabrera i els seus illots i la resta de Illes Balears en funció d'aquest element endèmic.The flora of the Cabrera Archipelago is characterized by a moderate number of endemic taxa; one of them is endemic of the island of Cabrera, twenty are balearic, three have a balearic-cyrno-sardinian distribution and two can be considered as balearic-levantine endemisms. The relations between Cabrera and the other Balearic Islands concerning this endemic component are analized

    Gambaran Perilaku Ibu Rumah Tangga Tentang Penanggulangan Diare Pada Balita Di Desa Mangon Kecamatan Sanana Kabupaten Kepulauan Sula Provinsi Maluku Utara

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    : Diarrhea is a disease characterized by changes in the shape and consistency of stools which becomes soft until watery and increase of the frequency of defecation (more than normal three times a day). North Maluku province is one of the islands in Indonesia which is prone to diarrhea. Data of North Maluku Provincial Health Office showed that most children with diarrhea in Mangon village were under five years. This study aimed to find a description of the housewives\u27 behaviour in diarrhea management in children under five years in Mangon village, Sanana Sula Islands, North Maluku Province. This study was a descriptive survey. There were 91 respondents in accordance with the number of cases of diarrhea in children under five. The results showed that the knowledge about diarrhea management were categorized as good in 75 respondents (82.4%); the mother\u27s attitude were categorized as good in 48 respondents (52.7%); and the mothers\u27 actions in diarrhea management were categorized as good enough in 63 respondents (69.2%). Conclusion: Most mothers of children under five in Mangon village Sanana Sula Islands, North Maluku Province were categorized as good related to their knowledge and attitude in diarrhea management, and were categorized as good enough related to their actions


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    β-laktamase spektrum luas (ESBL) merupakan suatu kelompok enzim laktamase yang bertanggungjawab terhadap sebagian besar kasus resisten bakteri yang sebagian besar merupakan bakteri gram negatif, terhadap antibiotika β-laktam generasi baru yang kini telah teridentifikasi dalam jumlah besar di seluruh dunia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Memperoleh data prevalensi dari resistensi antibiotika golongan sefalosporin pada bakteri Pseudomonas aeruginosa dan Mengetahui frekuensi kejadian Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase (ESBL) pada 25 spesimen klinis di RSUP Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar selama periode April – Juli 2017. Pengujian yang dilakukan meliputi uji sensitivitas antimikroba yang dilakukan dengan mengguakan metode difusi agar Kirby-Bauer dan uji produksi ESBL dengan menggunakan metode double disc synergy test (DDST) dan phenotypic confirmatory test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bakteri Pseudomonas aeruginosa berhasil diisolasi dari semua sampel dengan tingkat keakuratan sebesar (90% - 99%). Pada uji sensitivitas antimikroba ditemukan bahwa dari 25 sampel klinik yang diuji terhadap antibiotika sefalosporin, yang telah mengalami resistensi secara berurutan dari yang terbesar adalah cefotaxime 19 sampel (76%), ceftriaxone 16 sampel (64%), dan ceftazidime 7 sampel (28%). Pada uji produksi ESBL ditemukan 21 sampel (84%) positif ESBL pada antibiotika cefotaxime+as. klavulanat, 21 sampel (84%) positif ESBL pada antibiotika ceftriaxone+as.klavunalat, dan 16 sampel (64%) positif ESBL pada antibiotika ceftriaxone


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    Nutrients are substances that can affect health and disease. Someone who consumes less nutrition has a greater risk of experiencing malnutrition compared to consuming enough nutrition. The process of providing nutrition itself is very complex so that it requires good knowledge and collaboration between health professionals, including nurses who have responsibilities and roles in the management of nutritional therapy. This study aims to determine the relationship between the knowledge of the implementing nurse and the provision of nutritional therapy per NGT at RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado. The research design used was analytic observational with a cross sectional approach. The sample selection technique used was purposive sampling with a sample of 90 nurses. The results of this study showed that there was no significant relationship between the knowledge of the implementing nurse and the provision of nutritional therapy per NGT with an α 0.208 > 0.05