15 research outputs found

    A simple probabilistic scoring method for protein domain identification.

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    Abstract Summary: A simple heuristic scoring method is described for assigning sequences to known domain types based on BLAST search outputs. The scoring is based on the score distribution of the known domain groups determined from a database versus database comparison and is directly applicable to BLAST output processing. Availability: The scoring system will be incorporated into the server www.icgeb.trieste.it/sbase/ Contact: [email protected]; [email protected]

    A természetfotózás szerepe a természetvédelemben

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    A természetfotózás kialakulása. A természetfotózás és a természetvédelem kapcsolatrendszere. A hazai természetfotó klubok és egyesületek rövid jellemzése. Szerepvállalásuk a természetvédelemben. A természetfotózás szerepkörének kibővítése. A természetfotózás hatékonyabb szerepvállalása a természetvédelemben.BSc/BATermészetvédelmi mérnö

    Prediction of Protein Domain-Types by Backpropagation

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    We propose a neural net solution for the recognition of the domain-types of proteins, which is a hard and important problem in biology. We have found that using a clever preprocessing technique relatively small neural networks perform surprisengly well. The performances of the neural nets were measured by cross-validation and Hoeffding's inequality was utilized for the estimation of a confidence interval of the estimates

    Prediction of Protein Functional Domains from Sequences Using Artificial Neural Networks

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    An artificial neural network (ANN) solution is described for the recognition of domains in protein sequences. A query sequence is first compared to a reference database of domain sequences by use of BLAST and the output data, encoded in the form of six parameters, are forwarded to feed-forward artificial neural networks with six input and six hidden units with sigmoidal transfer function. The recognition is based on the distribution of BLAST scores precomputed for the known domain groups in a database versus database comparison. Applications to the prediction of function are discussed

    The domain-server: direct prediction of protein domain-homologies from BLAST search.

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    Abstract RESULTS: A WWW server for protein domain homology prediction, based on BLAST search and a simple data-mining algorithm (Hegyi,H. and Pongor,S. (1993) Comput. Appl. Biosci., 9, 371-372), was constructed providing a tabulated list and a graphic plot of similarities. AVAILABILITY: http://www.icgeb.trieste.it/domain. Mirror site is available at http://sbase.abc.hu/domain. A standalone programme will be available on request. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: A series of help files is available at the above addresses