617 research outputs found

    Factor analysis of diversity in the genus sorghum

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    Computer programmes for some problems in Biometrical Genetics. I. Use of Mahalanobis' D<SUP>2</SUP> in classificatory problems

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    Multivariate analysis of genetic divergence in Eu sorghums

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    A study of the nature of genetic divergence in Sorghum by multivariate analysis was undertaken to examine the nature of differentiation within this genus and to improve the existing criteria of its classification. Forty-six populations of Eu-Sorghum representing its different series and sub-series were selected. Based on Mahalanobis D2-statistic, the population could be grouped into 15 clusters. The spatial disposition of the clusters and their relative divergence was in broad agreement with that of Snowden in seven clusters, but only in partial agreement in the other cases with the phylogenetic relations indicated by him. The grouping was confirmed by canonical analysis. After a comparison of the present results with those reported by others, the sub-genus Eu-Sorghum could be divided into nine species

    Sub-specific differentiation in Nicotiana rustica

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    A localised chlorophyll deficiency associated with male sterility in Nicotiana tabacum L.

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    Relation between outgoing longwave radiation and findlater jet over Arabian Sea during summer monsoon and influence on Indian monsoon rainfall

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    428-435This work analyses the relationship between outgoing Longwave radiation (OLR) and Findlater jet (FLJ) intensities at 850 hPa pressure level and also their relation with Indian summer monsoon rainfall (ISMR; June-September) for a period of 1997-2010 over Arabian Sea and India. FLJ is a low-level jet (LLJ) which can be observed during southwest monsoon months. This LLJ generally supports the large-scale moisture and momentum transport from ocean to atmosphere, which results in rainfall over India. FLJ and OLR are associated during the monsoon months. However FLJ (positively) and OLR (negatively) are related with ISMR. Monthly and seasonal correlation coefficients among FLJ, OLR and ISMR presented and the deviations during El Nino/La Nina are discussed. Based on this analysis we recommend that the variations in FLJ should include interannual variability in atmospheric dynamics

    Low birth weight: an observational study of maternal and neonatal factors in a rural tertiary care hospital, Telangana, India

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    Background: Poor maternal health among Indian women is of global significance because India is home to 1/5th of the world’s births. 27% of these newborn babies in India are low birth weight (LBW), an important cause of high infant mortality. This study was conducted among puerperal women who delivered LBW babies in our hospital to know the various factors pertaining to socio-demographic, obstetric and anthropometric characteristics.Methods: this observational study was conducted in the department of obstetrics and gynecology at Bhaskar medical college and hospital, Moinabad, Hyderabad from January 2016 to June 2017. The study sample were those who delivered LBW babies in our hospital and a set questionnaire was used to collect the relevant details.Results: 75% of these mothers were in the age group of 20-25 years, 73.5% had more than 10 years of schooling. About 64% of these women had their 1st antenatal visit in 1st trimester of pregnancy and 54% had their 1st ultrasound in 1st trimester. 36 babies had NICU admission, either at our hospital or at a level III NICU facility, and all had good neonatal outcome.Conclusions: The state must endeavor to make quality health free and easily accessible to pregnant women so that all can avail these services to better the maternal and neonatal outcomes. This will be helpful in improving the overall health of our population over the next few decades. 

    Model simulation of tide-induced currents in Gauthami-Godavari estuary

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    Predictive spatial distribution of flow field has been simulated from the time series data on currents and tides during dry season (11-19, February, 2009) in the Gauthami-Godavari Estuary utilizing TIDAL model. A 2D-Tidal Estuarine model has been considered (instead of 3D model) due to well-mixed type system and its circulation is dominated by tides during the observational period. The model forcing functions consist of wind and tidal elevations along the open boundaries and no fresh water inflow from the main stream and no land flood in river system. The bathymetry data of the river basin has been collected and supplemented to the model as one of the rigid boundary conditions to evaluate integration. The bottom roughness length (K) was adjusted to achieve model calibration and verification in model simulations of flow field. The model simulation results are in qualitative agreement with the observational data with calibrated bottom roughness length which is about 0.085 m. Model results reveal that the majority of flow was found to be along the channel axis (i.e. high iso-bath contour). During flood time, flow is south-west direction and it is changed to northeast direction during ebb period which is indicating that the model results resemble flow in the real eastern system

    Awareness, attitude and practice of contraception amongst post-partum women in a rural tertiary care hospital, Telangana, India

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    Background: India was the first country in the world to start the National Family Welfare Program in 1951. But population stabilization has been a difficult target to achieve and by the year 2028, our population is expected to surpass that of China. This study was conducted among puerperal women delivered at our hospital to know their awareness about various methods of contraception and willingness to practice any of these methods.Methods: This cross-sectional interview-based study was conducted in the department of obstetrics and gynecology at Bhaskar Medical College and Hospital, Moinabad, Hyderabad from September 2015 to August 2016. The study sample were women who delivered in our hospital and a set questionnaire was used.Results: A total of 502 women in the post-partum period were included in the study.88.85% women were aware of any modern contraceptive. 30.85% of these women were aware of only the surgical method, i.e. sterilization; and another 58% women were aware of temporary methods also. Most of them knew about multiple methods, but tubectomy was the main method was known to the maximum (78%). As the literacy levels rose, awareness about temporary methods and male sterilization also increased. 70% of the study population were not aware of free availability of all these methods at Government hospitals and at our hospital.80.5% of these women were motivated after this study to accept a contraceptive method.Conclusions: There is a great unmet demand for contraception among rural women in India. Proper dissemination of the information about free availability of these methods by rural health workers, hospital staff and making these accessible in the peripheral areas of the country will help these couples. Providing oral, written and visual information to all the pregnant women at each ante-natal visit will be additional methods

    Antihyperlipidemic activity of Chloroxylon swietenia in triton WR1339 induced hyperlipidemia

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    Background: Medicinal herbs are beneficial and effective either in the management and prevention of several metabolic disorders, associated with hyperlipidemia, hypertension and insulin resistance which increases the cardio-metabolic risk and demands for the life time therapy. Current allopathic medicines are expensive and reported with several adverse effects and hence, finding of a suitable herbal medicine for hyperlipidemic disorders is very important.Methods: Thirty albino rats weighing 200-230g were randomly divided into 5 groups were rendered hyperlipidemia with a single dose of triton WR 1339. Normal control, positive control, standard, aqueous and ethanolic extract groups were treated with tween-80, tween-80, atorvastatin, aqueous and ethanolic extracts of Chloroxylon swietenia respectively for seven days. At the end of the study, blood was collected for estimation of the lipid profile.Results: Both the aqueous and ethanolic extract groups significantly reduced the TG and VLDL levels.Conclusions: The extracts exhibited remarkable activity on one or either parameter of the lipid profile. It could be due to the presence of alkaloids, steroids, flavonoids, coumarins and phenols in the extracts