53 research outputs found

    Towards a Practical Pedestrian Distraction Detection Framework using Wearables

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    Pedestrian safety continues to be a significant concern in urban communities and pedestrian distraction is emerging as one of the main causes of grave and fatal accidents involving pedestrians. The advent of sophisticated mobile and wearable devices, equipped with high-precision on-board sensors capable of measuring fine-grained user movements and context, provides a tremendous opportunity for designing effective pedestrian safety systems and applications. Accurate and efficient recognition of pedestrian distractions in real-time given the memory, computation and communication limitations of these devices, however, remains the key technical challenge in the design of such systems. Earlier research efforts in pedestrian distraction detection using data available from mobile and wearable devices have primarily focused only on achieving high detection accuracy, resulting in designs that are either resource intensive and unsuitable for implementation on mainstream mobile devices, or computationally slow and not useful for real-time pedestrian safety applications, or require specialized hardware and less likely to be adopted by most users. In the quest for a pedestrian safety system that achieves a favorable balance between computational efficiency, detection accuracy, and energy consumption, this paper makes the following main contributions: (i) design of a novel complex activity recognition framework which employs motion data available from users' mobile and wearable devices and a lightweight frequency matching approach to accurately and efficiently recognize complex distraction related activities, and (ii) a comprehensive comparative evaluation of the proposed framework with well-known complex activity recognition techniques in the literature with the help of data collected from human subject pedestrians and prototype implementations on commercially-available mobile and wearable devices

    Optimizing Mix-zone Coverage in Pervasive Wireless Networks

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    Location privacy is a major concern in pervasive networks where static device identifiers enable malicious eavesdroppers to continuously track users and their movements. In order to prevent such identifier-based tracking, devices could coordinate regular identifier change operations in special areas called mix-zones. Although mix-zones provide spatio-temporal de-correlation between old and new identifiers, depending on the position of the mix-zone, identifier changes can generate a substantial inconvenience (or ``cost") to the users in terms of lost communications and increased energy consumption. In this paper, we address this trade-off between privacy and cost by studying the problem of determining an optimal set of mix-zones such that the degree of mixing in the network is maximized and the overall network-wide mixing cost is minimized. We follow a graph-theoretic approach and model the optimal mixing problem as a novel generalization of the vertex cover problem, called the \textit{Mix Cover (MC)} problem. We propose three approximation algorithms for the MC problem and derive a lower bound on the solution quality guaranteed by them. We also outline two other heuristics for solving the MC problem, which are simple but do not provide any guarantees on the solution quality. By means of extensive empirical evaluation using real data, we compare the performance and solution quality of these algorithms. The combinatorics-based approach used in this work enables us to study the feasibility of determining optimal mix-zones regularly and under dynamic network conditions

    Exploiting Out-of-band Motion Sensor Data to De-anonymize Virtual Reality Users

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    Virtual Reality (VR) is an exciting new consumer technology which offers an immersive audio-visual experience to users through which they can navigate and interact with a digitally represented 3D space (i.e., a virtual world) using a headset device. By (visually) transporting users from the real or physical world to exciting and realistic virtual spaces, VR systems can enable true-to-life and more interactive versions of traditional applications such as gaming, remote conferencing, social networking and virtual tourism. However, as with any new consumer technology, VR applications also present significant user-privacy challenges. This paper studies a new type of privacy attack targeting VR users by connecting their activities visible in the virtual world (enabled by some VR application/service) to their physical state sensed in the real world. Specifically, this paper analyzes the feasibility of carrying out a de-anonymization or identification attack on VR users by correlating visually observed movements of users' avatars in the virtual world with some auxiliary data (e.g., motion sensor data from mobile/wearable devices held by users) representing their context/state in the physical world. To enable this attack, this paper proposes a novel framework which first employs a learning-based activity classification approach to translate the disparate visual movement data and motion sensor data into an activity-vector to ease comparison, followed by a filtering and identity ranking phase outputting an ordered list of potential identities corresponding to the target visual movement data. Extensive empirical evaluation of the proposed framework, under a comprehensive set of experimental settings, demonstrates the feasibility of such a de-anonymization attack
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