9,847 research outputs found

    The pEst version 2.1 user's manual

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    This report is a user's manual for version 2.1 of pEst, a FORTRAN 77 computer program for interactive parameter estimation in nonlinear dynamic systems. The pEst program allows the user complete generality in definig the nonlinear equations of motion used in the analysis. The equations of motion are specified by a set of FORTRAN subroutines; a set of routines for a general aircraft model is supplied with the program and is described in the report. The report also briefly discusses the scope of the parameter estimation problem the program addresses. The report gives detailed explanations of the purpose and usage of all available program commands and a description of the computational algorithms used in the program

    Flight experience with lightweight, low-power miniaturized instrumentation systems

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    Engineers at the NASA Dryden Flight Research Facility (NASA-Dryden) have conducted two flight research programs with lightweight, low-power miniaturized instrumentation systems built around commercial data loggers. One program quantified the performance of a radio-controlled model airplane. The other program was a laminar boundary-layer transition experiment on a manned sailplane. NASA-Dryden personnel's flight experience with the miniaturized instrumentation systems used on these two programs is reported. The data loggers, the sensors, and the hardware and software developed to complete the systems are described. How the systems were used is described and the challenges encountered to make them work are covered. Examples of raw data and derived results are shown as well. Finally, future plans for these systems are discussed. For some flight research applications where miniaturized instrumentation is a requirement, the authors conclude that commercially available data loggers and sensors are viable alternatives. In fact, the data loggers and sensors make it possible to gather research-quality data in a timely and cost-effective manner

    Galactic Scale Feedback Observed in the 3C 298 Quasar Host Galaxy

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    We present high angular resolution multi-wavelength data of the 3C 298 radio-loud quasar host galaxy (z=1.439) taken using the W.M. Keck Observatory OSIRIS integral field spectrograph with adaptive optics, Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), Hubble Space Telescope (HST) WFC3, and the Very Large Array (VLA). Extended emission is detected in the rest-frame optical nebular emission lines Hβ\beta, [OIII], Hα\alpha, [NII], and [SII], as well as molecular lines CO (J=3-2) and (J=5-4). Along the path of 3C 298's relativistic jets we detect conical outflows of ionized gas with velocities up to 1700 km s−1^{-1} and outflow rate of 450-1500 M⊙_\odotyr−1^{-1}. Near the spatial center of the conical outflow, CO (J=3-2) emission shows a molecular gas disc with a total molecular mass (MH2\rm M_{H_{2}}) of 6.6±0.36×109\pm0.36\times10^{9}M⊙_{\odot}. On the molecular disc's blueshifted side we observe a molecular outflow with a rate of 2300 M⊙_\odotyr−1^{-1} and depletion time scale of 3 Myr. We detect no narrow Hα\alpha emission in the outflow regions, suggesting a limit on star formation of 0.3 M⊙_\odotyr−1^{-1}kpc−2^{-2}. Quasar driven winds are evacuating the molecular gas reservoir thereby directly impacting star formation in the host galaxy. The observed mass of the supermassive black hole is 109.37−9.5610^{9.37-9.56}M⊙_{\odot} and we determine a dynamical bulge mass of 1-1.7×1010R1.6kpc\rm\times10^{10}\frac{R}{1.6 kpc} M⊙_{\odot}. The bulge mass of 3C 298 resides 2-2.5 orders of magnitude below the expected value from the local Mbulge−MBH\rm_{bulge}-M_{BH} relationship. A second galactic disc observed in nebular emission is offset from the quasar by 9 kpc suggesting the system is an intermediate stage merger. These results show that galactic scale negative feedback is occurring early in the merger phase of 3C 298, well before the coalescence of the galactic nuclei and assembly on the local relationship.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa
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