41,907 research outputs found

    Fundamental remote sensing science research program. Part 1: Scene radiation and atmospheric effects characterization project

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    Brief articles summarizing the status of research in the scene radiation and atmospheric effect characterization (SRAEC) project are presented. Research conducted within the SRAEC program is focused on the development of empirical characterizations and mathematical process models which relate the electromagnetic energy reflected or emitted from a scene to the biophysical parameters of interest

    Investigating the Effects of Finite Resolution on Observed Transverse Jet Profiles

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    Both the emission properties and evolution of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) radio jets are dependent on the magnetic fields that thread them. Faraday Rotation gradients are a very important way of investigating these magnetic fields, and can provide information on the orientation and structure of the magnetic field in the immediate vicinity of the jet; for example, a toroidal or helical field component should give rise to a systematic gradient in the observed Faraday rotation across the jet, as well as characteristic intensity and polarization profiles. However, real observed radio images have finite resolution, usually expressed via convolution with a Gaussian beam whose size corresponds to the central lobe of the point source response function. This will tend to blur transverse structure in the jet profile, raising the question of how well resolved a jet must be in the transverse direction in order to reliably detect transverse structure associated with a helical jet magnetic field. We present results of simulated intensity, polarization and Faraday rotation images designed to directly and empirically investigate the effect of finite resolution on observed transverse jet structures

    Delayed Dynamical Systems: Networks, Chimeras and Reservoir Computing

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    We present a systematic approach to reveal the correspondence between time delay dynamics and networks of coupled oscillators. After early demonstrations of the usefulness of spatio-temporal representations of time-delay system dynamics, extensive research on optoelectronic feedback loops has revealed their immense potential for realizing complex system dynamics such as chimeras in rings of coupled oscillators and applications to reservoir computing. Delayed dynamical systems have been enriched in recent years through the application of digital signal processing techniques. Very recently, we have showed that one can significantly extend the capabilities and implement networks with arbitrary topologies through the use of field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). This architecture allows the design of appropriate filters and multiple time delays which greatly extend the possibilities for exploring synchronization patterns in arbitrary topological networks. This has enabled us to explore complex dynamics on networks with nodes that can be perfectly identical, introduce parameter heterogeneities and multiple time delays, as well as change network topologies to control the formation and evolution of patterns of synchrony

    Experimental observation of chimera and cluster states in a minimal globally coupled network

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    A "chimera state" is a dynamical pattern that occurs in a network of coupled identical oscillators when the symmetry of the oscillator population is broken into synchronous and asynchronous parts. We report the experimental observation of chimera and cluster states in a network of four globally coupled chaotic opto-electronic oscillators. This is the minimal network that can support chimera states, and our study provides new insight into the fundamental mechanisms underlying their formation. We use a unified approach to determine the stability of all the observed partially synchronous patterns, highlighting the close relationship between chimera and cluster states as belonging to the broader phenomenon of partial synchronization. Our approach is general in terms of network size and connectivity. We also find that chimera states often appear in regions of multistability between global, cluster, and desynchronized states

    Human factors analysis of workstation design: Earth Radiation Budget Satellite Mission Operations Room

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    A human factors analysis addressed three related yet distinct issues within the area of workstation design for the Earth Radiation Budget Satellite (ERBS) mission operation room (MOR). The first issue, physical layout of the MOR, received the most intensive effort. It involved the positioning of clusters of equipment within the physical dimensions of the ERBS MOR. The second issue for analysis was comprised of several environmental concerns, such as lighting, furniture, and heating and ventilation systems. The third issue was component arrangement, involving the physical arrangement of individual components within clusters of consoles, e.g., a communications panel

    A human factors methodology for real-time support applications

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    A general approach to the human factors (HF) analysis of new or existing projects at NASA/Goddard is delineated. Because the methodology evolved from HF evaluations of the Mission Planning Terminal (MPT) and the Earth Radiation Budget Satellite Mission Operations Room (ERBS MOR), it is directed specifically to the HF analysis of real-time support applications. Major topics included for discussion are the process of establishing a working relationship between the Human Factors Group (HFG) and the project, orientation of HF analysts to the project, human factors analysis and review, and coordination with major cycles of system development. Sub-topics include specific areas for analysis and appropriate HF tools. Management support functions are outlined. References provide a guide to sources of further information

    A Chandra Survey of Quasar Jets: First Results

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    We present results from Chandra X-ray imaging and spectroscopy of a flux-limited sample of flat spectrum radio-emitting quasars with jet-like extended structure. Twelve of twenty quasar jets are detected in 5 ks ACIS-S exposures. The quasars without X-ray jets are not significantly different from those in the sample with detected jets except that the extended radio emission is generally fainter. New radio maps are combined with the X-ray images in order to elucidate the relation between radio and X-ray emission in spatially resolved structures. We find a variety of morphologies, including long straight jets and bends up to 90 degrees. All X-ray jets are one-sided although the radio images used for source selection often show lobes opposite the X-ray jets. The FR II X-ray jets can all be interpreted as inverse Compton scattering of cosmic microwave background photons by electrons in large-scale relativistic jets although deeper observations are required to test this interpretation in detail. Applying this interpretation to the jets as a population, we find that the jets would be aligned to within 30 degrees of the line of sight generally, assuming that the bulk Lorentz factor of the jets is 10.Comment: 25 pages with 5 pages of color figures; accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Supplements; higher resolution jpeg images are available at http://space.mit.edu/home/jonathan/jets