2,103 research outputs found

    Degeneracy between mass and spin in black-hole-binary waveforms

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    We explore the degeneracy between mass and spin in gravitational waveforms emitted by black-hole binary coalescences. We focus on spin-aligned waveforms and obtain our results using phenomenological models that were tuned to numerical-relativity simulations. A degeneracy is known for low-mass binaries (particularly neutron-star binaries), where gravitational-wave detectors are sensitive to only the inspiral phase, and the waveform can be modelled by post-Newtonian theory. Here, we consider black-hole binaries, where detectors will also be sensitive to the merger and ringdown, and demonstrate that the degeneracy persists across a broad mass range. At low masses, the degeneracy is between mass ratio and total spin, with chirp mass accurately determined. At higher masses, the degeneracy persists but is not so clearly characterised by constant chirp mass as the merger and ringdown become more significant. We consider the importance of this degeneracy both for performing searches (including searches where only non-spinning templates are used) and in parameter extraction from observed systems. We compare observational capabilities between the early (~2015) and final (2018 onwards) versions of the Advanced LIGO detector.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Losing You in Chatuchak

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    The Tumor

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    An analysis of sovereignty and its application to segregation in public schools

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    Division of authority between the national goverment and the state governments has been a problem since the origin of the United States and this problem is especially prominent today in so far as it concerns the public schools. In the present situation, both constitutional and emotional difficulties are concerned; for this reason, history, constitutional analysis, and recent developments in trends of thought are all essential parts of a discussion concerning the present problem of segregation in public schools. Almost three years ago, the Supreme Court rendered its decision in the Segregation Cases, 347 U.S. 483 (1954), in which it held that segregation could not be enforced on the basis or race. This was but the most recent important case dealing with the subject; many preceded it. But a beginning cannot be made with the first or these cases because a fundamental constitutional question is involved, and an analysis or this question is necessary be.tore the present situation can be properly understood. The next chapter will therefore be devoted to an historical analysis of the question of sovereignty, presenting the views of prominent men from different periods in the growth or the United States. Some of these men such as John C. Calhoun and Daniel Webster were natives of this country, others such as Alexis DeTocqueville were not, but all made important contributions in analyzing this problem

    Beyond the Building: Exploring the Link Between City Sustainability Policies and Historic Preservation Policies

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    Though the United States does not have a uniform climate or climate policy, cities are leading the way in sustainability policy creation. Historic preservation and sustainability are large concepts and neither, because of their values-based nature, have a single measurement of success. Linking the concept of historic preservation to sustainability can bring both into the next generation of practice. This thesis explores and analyzes the relationship between the sustainability policies and historic preservation policies of cities. It seeks to uncover whether some of the US cities that have been touted at the most sustainable use historic preservation as part of their approach to sustainability planning, and the extent to which they do so

    The Effectiveness Of A Strength Training Program On Extremity Strength, Flexibility, And Balance Of Elderly Women

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    This quasi-experimental study, partially replicating that of Nelson and Wernick (1997), compares balance, flexibility, and extremity strength before and after an 8-week weight-bearing exercise class. Six women, aged 69 to 85, used 1-5 pound wrist weights and ankle weights up to 1 o pounds. Pre-and post-exercise measurements of biceps curls, seated leg lifts with weights, one leg stand, and seated stretches were gathered. Results showed improvement in every category, with the greatest improvement (41.6%) in balance and the least (8.3%) in trunk flexibility. Nursing is uniquely positioned to assist this population by promoting, developing, and implementing such exercise programs


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