3 research outputs found

    Distribusi Sebaran Hotspot Berdasarkan Data Modis Aqua Dan Terra untuk Deteksi Dini Kebakaran

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    Hotspot dapat diketahui menggunakan bantuan teknologi penginderaan jauh yaitu satelit Terra/Aqua dengan bantuan sensor MODIS. Hotspot jumlah banyak dan memiliki tingkat kepercayaan tinggi memiliki potensi kebakaran. Dampak kebakaran cukup besar, sangat diperlukan adanya sistem deteksi dini, jadi penting dilakukan penelitian dengan judul “Distribusi Sebaran Hotspot berdasarkan Data MODIS Aqua dan Terra untuk Deteksi Dini Kebakaran”. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis time series untuk mendapatkan informasi jumlah hotspot dari Citra Modis Aqua dan Terra tahun 2012-2019. Analisis untuk menemukan distribusi sebaran hotspot berupa titik koordinat yang di tumpang susun ke peta administrasi menggunakan Arc GIS. Hasil penelitian diketahui Kecamatan paling tinggi jumlah hotspotnya dari perekaman data Aqua dan Terra Modis adalah Kecamatan Candi Laras Utara; Jumlah hotspot paling banyak berada pada tingkat kepercayaan Tinggi dan Sedang sehingga dapat diketahui Kabupaten Tapin memiliki potensi tinggi terjadi kebakaran; dan Deteksi dini, koordinasi, kerjasama dan komunikasi dengan pemerintah pusat, daerah maupun swasta untuk meminimalkan korban jiwa dan harta benda akibat kebakaran.Kata kunci: Distribusi, Sebaran Hotspot, Modis aqua dan Terra, Deteksi Dini KebakaranDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/jpg.v11.i2.26787ReferencesA. Sandhyavitri, M. A. Perdana, S. Sutikno, and F. H. Widodo, “The roles of weather modification technology in mitigation of the peat fires during a period of dry season in Bengkalis, Indonesia,” in TALENTA-CEST, IOP Conf. 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    Location Characteristics of the New Country Capital in East Kalimantan Province

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    The relocation of the national capital has been carried out by several countries for various reasons. This study aimed to determine the characteristics of the location of the nation’s capital city in East Kalimantan Province. The research was conducted in two regencies, 3 sub-districts, and 4 sub-districts. Penajam Paser Utara District includes Babulu and Sepaku Districts, while Kutai Kartanegara District includes Muara Jawa District. The data used in this study is secondary data from the study literature. The findings from the study are that in West Babulu Village there is a network of arterial roads and local roads. Pemaluan Village, Sepaku Village, and Teluk Dalam Village have a network of local roads and other roads. North Panajam Paser Regency has 3 watersheds and Kutai Kartanegara Regency has 2 watersheds in total there are 5 watersheds. Meeting water needs apart from river water can also be from dams. In 2023, it is estimated that the Nation Capital's water needs will reach 16,500 liters/second, with the needs of surrounding districts in that year reaching 27,232 liters/second. In line with the development of the city and its facilities, the need for water will increase, so the nation’s capital city requires alternative sources of additional water. Topographic conditions seen from elevation, slope, and landform, there are several areas that need to be maintained as protected areas or city green open spaces (RTH), urban forests, which can also function as educational or tourism facilities for Capital cities in order to protect areas that are underneat

    The Distribution Mapping for Environmental Evaluation of Waterlily (Nymphaea pubescens Willd.) Growing in Lebak Swampland in Kalimantan Selatan Province

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    The lotus is one of the aquatic plants that grow in the Lebak area and is widely used as food and medicine by the local community. The lotus growing environment determines its growth. The distribution of lotus plants has not been well identified. This study aims to determine the distribution of lotus mapping for environmental evaluation of lotus growing in Teluk Sinar Village, Sungai Pandan District, Hulu Sungai Utara Regency, South Kalimantan Province. The study used data collection methods with primary and secondary data survey techniques. Primary survey through delineation of lotus plant boundaries in the field. Field measurements were also carried out to identify the environmental variables of lotus growing. In addition, the interpretation of high-resolution satellite imagery and low-resolution satellite imagery for spectral analysis. The environmental variables for growing lotus include water depth, light penetration depth, water pH, and sediment pH. The results of the study revealed a map of the distribution of lotus and the growing environment of the lotus. The lotus distribution map was obtained from the results of overlaying several thematic maps, image interpretation, and field measurements using Arc View and Arc GIS software. The distribution of lotus plants can grow in an environment with a water depth of 35-121 cm, a light penetration depth of 23-100 cm, a water pH of 6.25-8.37, and a sediment pH of 3.33-4.69. The results of the Lotus Distribution Mapping and the Lotus growing environment obtained can be used as a basis for determining the potential distribution of Lotus in each region