11 research outputs found
Um estudo de caso sobre os saberes profissionais na formação do treinador de futebol
Pouco se tem discutido a respeito dos saberes necessários para a formação do treinador, em particular de futebol, isso pode ser consequência de uma tradição que considera como reflexões centrais o treinamento técnico- tático e a preparação física. A pesquisa nasce da seguinte questão: quais os saberes necessários para a formação do treinador de futebol? Assim como discutir como esses saberes são mobilizados e utilizados pelo treinador. O objetivo é analisar quais tem sido os saberes mobilizados e utilizados no seu cotidiano profissional. Dessa forma o estudo utilizou-se da pesquisa de campo, tendo como ferramenta a entrevista narrativa, que se deu com o treinador de futebol do clube capixaba Espírito Santo Futebol Clube. Os resultados serão apresentados em categorias temáticas. Foi identificado que dentre os clubes brasileiros é comum que no comando das equipes os treinadores sejam advindos do futebol, mas que no cenário atual os treinadores de formação acadêmica têm obtido êxito. Ao analisar a trajetória profissional dos treinadores, nota-se que os profissionais de educação física foram inseridos nos clubes de futebol como preparadores físicos, e com o passar de o tempo assumir o cargo de treinador. O treinador deve manter uma relação equilibrada de experiências da formação vinda do futebol, com a formação acadêmica. Assim podemos afirmar que os saberes necessários para a formação do treinador da modalidade de futebol, são os saberes orais, experienciais, curriculares, pedagógicos, técnicos e afetivos e que os mesmos são mobilizados para a formação de atletas autônomos e eficientes
O estado do conhecimento sobre os saberes na formação do treinador de futebol e futsal
Little has been discussed about the knowlwdge required for the formation of the sports coach, in particular football and futsal, this can be a result of a tradition in the area that still considers as central technical training reflections-tactical and physical preparation. Thus, the present research is born the following question: What have been the interests in journals football and futsal area to discuss about knowledge in the formation of the coach? The central objective is to present the knowledge required for the formation of the sports coach of football and futsal. To this end, has developed a study of quali-quantitative basis, divided into two phases, the first was a documentary research, in the area of physical education journals and football, bolstered by Bibliometric indicators. With this methodological incursion was possible to verify that the coach has been the subject of little interest, there are no authors that publish constantly on this topic. and up-to-date analyses. Notice also, that the data collection instruments most used value narrative of the subject involved. Finally, these results will contribute to the second phase of the study will be an explanatory research with the football and futsal trainers of greater Vitória.Pouco se tem discutido a respeito dos saberes necessários para a formação do treinador desportivo, em particular de futebol e futsal, isso pode ser consequência de uma tradição na área que ainda considera como reflexões centrais o treinamento técnico- tático e a preparação física. Desse modo, a presente pesquisa nasce da seguinte questão: quais têm sido os interesses em periódicos da área do futebol e futsal em discutir sobre os saberes na formação do treinador? O objetivo central é apresentar os saberes necessários para a formação do treinador desportivo das modalidades futebol e futsal. Para tanto, tem-se desenvolvido um estudo de bases quali-quantitativas, estruturado em duas fases, na primeira realizou-se uma pesquisa documental, em periódicos da área da Educação Física e do Futebol, amparada por indicadores bibliométricos. Com essa incursão metodológica foi possível verificar que o treinador tem sido objeto de pouco interesse de discussão, que não há autores que publicam constantemente sobre este tema. Verificou-se ainda, que as principais pesquisas são originais, ou seja, possuem trabalhos de campo o que contribui para análises mais ampliadas e atualizadas. Percebe-se também, que os instrumentos de coletas de dados mais utilizados valorizam a narrativa dos sujeitos envolvidos. Por fim, esses resultados contribuirão para a segunda fase do estudo que será a realização de uma pesquisa explicativa junto a treinadores de futebol e futsal da região metropolitana de Vitória.
Alcances, limites e avanços do fundo constitucional de financiamento do Centro-Oeste: Uma análise espaço-estrutural das regiões imediatas do estado de Mato Grosso do Sul
The Constitutional Funds were established by art. 159, item I, paragraph c of the Federal Constitution of 1988 with the objective of contributing to the "reduction of inequalities" existing between the peripheral regions of the North, Northeast and Center-West vis-à-vis the central regions of the Southeast and South. In this sense, its role as a financier of productive investments in these peripheral regions has increased in recent decades. Therefore, the objective of this investigation was to understand the spatial profile (municipalities and immediate regions) of Mato Grosso, through some socioeconomic variables, in which FCO disbursements were distributed between 2002 and 2018. Additionally, to verify how the FCO variables and GDP behaved in the same period in certain regions with different profiles in the period from 2002 to 2018. Therefore, the argument woven in the work started from the premise that the Mato Grosso productive structure is marked by an economic formation rooted in a late economy, underdeveloped, dependent and, therefore, it presents a structural heterogeneity that sets limits to the reach and depth of penetration of technical progress in Mato Grosso's productive units. Finally, it is observed that, it is observed that the municipal groups reconstructed as thought concrete express structures that reproduce patterns of an underdeveloped economy, which is marked by a structural and productive heterogeneity, in which they coexist, in the same space and time, the modern and the backward, that is, productive units that have been gripped by the modernizing forces of technical progress, as well as others that are still rooted in traditional and subsistence economies. For example, Três Lagoas is a specific, but not unique, case of a pattern of capital reproduction, in space and time, through the pulp and paper complex, which reinforces the argument that the resources directed by the FCO are aligned with localities that the productive units are integrated as several market structures, but with low integration to the neighborhood. In other words, the FCO's resources are reinforced to robust structures with links in national and international production chains, but which have structures for significant limits in the immediate region. On the other hand, the average changes, more tenuous, such as a series of GDPpc, even though the region has a more rigid structure. These localities are found on the margins of the growth process or regions of increments of Matosense, it is verified that the fractions of F are possibly influenced by the internal product of these captain localities that do not follow a pattern
Avaliação do FCO estado de Goiás: Ensaio metodológico
The Constitutional Funds were established by art. 159, item I, paragraph c of the Federal Constitution of 1988 with the objective of contributing to the "reduction of inequalities" existing between the peripheral regions of the North, Northeast and Center-West vis-à-vis the central regions of the Southeast and South. In this sense, its role as a financier of productive investments in these peripheral regions has increased in recent decades. Thus, the objective of this investigation was to understand the profile of spatial associations in the cities of Goiás through some economic variables. Additionally, to verify how the variables FCO and GDP per capita behaved in certain regions with different profiles in the period from 2002 to 2018. Therefore, the argument woven in the work started from the premise that the productive structure of Goiás is marked, by its historical formation and economic, due to a structural heterogeneity that sets limits to the reach and depth that impulses from the modernization process can reach the productive systems of agricultural units and industrial sectors in the state of Goiás. quali-quantitative that aimed to unveil the regularities and uniformities of the phenomenon related to disbursements in the FCO in the productive structures of the immediate regions of Goiás in the period from 2002 to 2018. Finally, it is observed that, in nominal values, the directed resources of the FCO for the immediate regions in Goiás corroborate the evidence presented by the economic literature. what is about the FCO, that is, that they point to a concentration in those regional spaces with greater economic dynamism. On the other hand, when the behavior of these disbursements is observed, in terms of variations, it appears that, even marginally, FCO resources are stimulating changes in the productive structures of immediate regions that are still rooted in traditional and subsistence economies as is the case of Flores de Goiás
Liming Optimizes Nitrogen Fertilization in a Maize-Upland Rice Rotation under No-Till Conditions
Liming and N fertilization are common practices for optimizing crop yields in tropical agriculture, but the adequate N rate to ensure crop development, enhance yields and N use efficiency, and improve soil chemical properties has not been established for grass rotation. We assessed the optimal N fertilizer rate for combination with liming in an agricultural system composed of two grasses (maize and rice) in rotation under no-till (NT) conditions. Four N rates (0, 50, 100, and 150 kg N·ha−1) were tested under two liming conditions. Maize (11 Mg·ha−1) and rice (5 Mg·ha−1) yields were highest with lime and 150 kg N·ha−1 applications. At 18 months after liming, lime application increased soil pH. In addition, combining liming with N fertilization further increased SOM content at all N rates. Lime increased available P, exchangeable Ca2+ and Mg2+, and BS at N rates of 0, 50, and 100 kg N·ha−1. Overall, combining liming and N fertilization is beneficial for grass crops under NT conditions, as evidenced by enhanced maize and rice N use efficiency and yields. N fertilization rates of 100 and 150 kg N·ha−1 under lime amendment provided the best improvements in crop yields in this cropping system
Do despotismo da gentalha à democracia da gravata lavada: história do conceito de democracia no Brasil (1770-1870)
The voting rate in Brazil only reached 40% (considered consistent with a modern democracy) in the 1980s. However, the bibliography always refers to the 1986, 1945, and 1933 elections as moments of "re-democratization", when explicitly or implicitly the original "democracy" could only have existed during the fraudulent and oligarchic First Republic (1889-1930). This article focuses on the process by which the 19th century Brazilian elites slowly forged this purely liberal-institutional concept of democracy, with extensive repercussions during the following century. The concept found its symbol in the "starched collar democracy" to which Teófilo Ottoni referred in his campaign in 1860, limited to the educated and moneyed stratum of the population, and reclaimed by the UDN party in the 1945 presidential campaign