5,586 research outputs found

    Pair-distribution functions of two-temperature two-mass systems: Comparison of MD, HNC, CHNC, QMC and Kohn-Sham calculations for dense hydrogen

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    Two-temperature, two-mass quasi-equilibrium plasmas may occur in electron-ion plasmas,nuclear-matter, as well as in electron-hole condensed-matter systems. Dense two-temperature hydrogen plasmas straddle the difficult partially - degenerate regime of electron densities and temperatures which are important in astrophysics, in inertial-confinement fusion research, and other areas of warm dense matter physics. Results from Kohn-Sham calculations and QMC are used to benchmark the procedures used in classical molecular-dynamics simulations, HNC and CHNC methods to derive electron-electron and electron-proton pair - distribution functions. Then, nonequilibrium molecular dynamics for two -temperature, two-mass plasmas are used to obtain the pair distribution. Using these results, the correct HNC and CHNC procedures for the evaluation of pair-distribution functions in two-temperature two-mass two-component charged fluids are established. Results for a mass ratio of 1:5, typical of electron-hole fluids, as well as for compressed hydrogen are presented. PACS Numbers: 52.25.Kn, 52.25Gj, 71.10.-w, 52.27.Gr, 26.30.+kComment: 17 pages, four figure

    Disentangling the jet emission from protostellar systems. The ALMA view of VLA1623

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    Context: High-resolution studies of class 0 protostars represent the key to constraining protostar formation models. VLA16234-2417 represents the prototype of class 0 protostars, and it has been recently identified as a triple non-coeval system. Aim: We aim at deriving the physical properties of the jets in VLA16234-2417 using tracers of shocked gas. Methods: ALMA Cycle 0 Early Science observations of CO(2-1) in the extended configuration are presented in comparison with previous SMA CO(3-2) and Herschel-PACS [OI}] 63 micron observations. Gas morphology and kinematics were analysed to constrain the physical structure and origin of the protostellar outflows. Results: We reveal a collimated jet component associated with the [OI] 63 micron emission at about 8'' (about 960 AU) from source B. This newly detected jet component is inversely oriented with respect to the large-scale outflow driven by source A, and it is aligned with compact and fast jet emission very close to source B (about 0.3'') rather than with the direction perpendicular to the A disk. We also detect a cavity-like structure at low projected velocities, which surrounds the [OI] 63 micron emission and is possibly associated with the outflow driven by source A. Finally, no compact outflow emission is associated with source W. Conclusions: Our high-resolution ALMA observations seem to suggest there is a fast and collimated jet component associated with source B. This scenario would confirm that source B is younger than A, that it is in a very early stage of evolution, and that it drives a faster, more collimated, and more compact jet with respect to the large-scale slower outflow driven by A. However, a different scenario of a precessing jet driven by A cannot be firmly excluded from the present observations.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Exploring DCO+^+ as a tracer of thermal inversion in the disk around the Herbig Ae star HD163296

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    We aim to reproduce the DCO+^+ emission in the disk around HD163296 using a simple 2D chemical model for the formation of DCO+^+ through the cold deuteration channel and a parametric treatment of the warm deuteration channel. We use data from ALMA in band 6 to obtain a resolved spectral imaging data cube of the DCO+^+ JJ=3--2 line in HD163296 with a synthesized beam of 0."53×\times 0."42. We adopt a physical structure of the disk from the literature that reproduces the spectral energy distribution. We then apply a simplified chemical network for the formation of DCO+^+ that uses the physical structure of the disk as parameters along with a CO abundance profile, a constant HD abundance and a constant ionization rate. Finally, from the resulting DCO+^+ abundances, we calculate the non-LTE emission using the 3D radiative transfer code LIME. The observed DCO+^+ emission is reproduced by a model with cold deuteration producing abundances up to 1.6×10−111.6\times 10^{-11}. Warm deuteration, at a constant abundance of 3.2×10−123.2\times 10^{-12}, becomes fully effective below 32 K and tapers off at higher temperatures, reproducing the lack of DCO+^+ inside 90 AU. Throughout the DCO+^+ emitting zone a CO abundance of 2×10−72\times 10^{-7} is found, with ∼\sim99\% of it frozen out below 19 K. At radii where both cold and warm deuteration are active, warm deuteration contributes up to 20\% of DCO+^+, consistent with detailed chemical models. The decrease of DCO+^+ at large radii is attributed to a temperature inversion at 250 AU, which raises temperatures above values where cold deuteration operates. Increased photodesorption may also limit the radial extent of DCO+^+. The corresponding return of the DCO+^+ layer to the midplane, together with a radially increasing ionization fraction, reproduces the local DCO+^+ emission maximum at ∼\sim260 AU.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, accepted 7th July 201

    Wave spectra of 2D dusty plasma solids and liquids

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    Brownian dynamics simulations were carried out to study wave spectra of two-dimensional dusty plasma liquids and solids for a wide range of wavelengths. The existence of a longitudinal dust thermal mode was confirmed in simulations, and a cutoff wavenumber in the transverse mode was measured. Dispersion relations, resulting from simulations, were compared with those from analytical theories, such as the random-phase approximation (RPA), quasi-localized charged approximation (QLCA), and harmonic approximation (HA). An overall good agreement between the QLCA and simulations was found for wide ranges of states and wavelengths after taking into account the direct thermal effect in the QLCA, while for the RPA and HA good agreement with simulations were found in the high and low temperature limits, respectively.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figure

    Temperature Relaxation in Hot Dense Hydrogen

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    Temperature equilibration of hydrogen is studied for conditions relevant to inertial confinement fusion. New molecular-dynamics simulations and results from quantum many-body theory are compared with Landau-Spitzer (LS) predictions for temperatures T from 50 eV to 5000 eV, and densities with Wigner-Seitz radii r_s = 1.0 and 0.5. The relaxation is slower than the LS result, even for temperatures in the keV range, but converges to agreement in the high-T limit.Comment: 4 pages PRL style, two figure
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