53 research outputs found

    Social network communications in chilean older adults

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    The growth of older adults in new regions poses challenges for public health. We know that these seniors live increasingly alone, and this impairs their health and general wellbeing. Studies suggest that social networking sites (SNS) can reduce isolation, improve social participation, and increase autonomy. However, there is a lack of knowledge about the characteristics of older adult users of SNS in these new territories. Without this information, it is not possible to improve the adoption of SNS in this population. Based on decision trees, this study analyzes how the elderly users of various SNS in Chile are like. For this purpose, a segmentation of the di erent groups of elderly users of social networks was constructed, and the most discriminating variables concerning the use of these applications were classified. The results highlight the existence of considerable di erences between the various social networks analyzed in their use and characterization. Educational level is the most discriminating variable, and gender influences the types of SNS use. In general, it is observed that the higher the educational level, the more the di erent social networking sites are used

    Medicina traslacional e innovación en salud: mecanismos y perspectivas

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    Many new discoveries in Life Sciences cannot be translated into products, services or new applications to improve human health. Translational medicine, defined as "from bench to bedside", refers to the transfer of results or new knowledge achieved in the laboratory into health innovation. We aim to review the state of art of translational medicine, its relationship with innovation processes and the different perspectives to consider. Finally, we contextualize the situation of Research and Development (R&D) in Chile and the main issues of the biotechnology market in the country

    Acceptance of social networking sites by older people before and after COVID-19 confinement: a repeated cross-sectional study in Chile

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    This study aims to examine the capacity of the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) to explain the intention to use social networking sites by older people in two time periods, before and after their confinement by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, as well as the evolution of effects (paths) over time of TPB’s determinants. Based on the samples of 384 and 383 Chilean adults collected before and after confinement, the evolution of the effects (paths) was analysed using the TPB model applying the PLS-SEM technique. In conclusion, as older people begin to use social networking sites to connect with their families and people of interest during confinement, their attitudes become more significant, their perceptions of control become less important, and social pressures remain permanent in time

    Predicting Condom Use among Undergraduate Students Based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour, Coquimbo, Chile, 2016

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    Background: Sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy in adolescents are acknowledged public health problems in many countries. Although it is known that the proper use of condoms allows avoiding these health problems, their use in Chile is still limited, for unknown reasons. Objective: Based on planned behavioural theory, the aim was to validate a behaviour model regarding condom use by measuring the influence of the variables that predict this use among Chilean university students. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out in October 2016 among 151 Chilean university students belonging to the health and engineering areas. The information was collected through a self-administered survey. The sample was divided into two groups: stable and not stable relationships. Partial least squares (PLS) regression was used for the analysis. Results: It was possible to explain the condom use of the students by 57%. The attitude was the main variable related to the intention of using condoms, together with the perceived behavioural control. Additionally, there are statistically significant differences in the variables that predict condom use among students with stable relations compared to those without a stable relationship. Conclusions: The planned behavioural theory is useful for predicting condom use behaviour when students have a stable partner

    Incidencia de cáncer en la Región de Coquimbo, estimada según resultados de biopsias, años 2006 al 2015

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    Introduction: Though cancers produce a high disease burden in Chile, there is no national population-based cancer registry. The present study aimed to estimate the incidence of the twenty main types of cancers in the Coquimbo Region. Material and methods: Data from the registry of the Unit of Pathological Anatomy of Coquimbo Hospital, which processes all biopsies from public facilities in the region, were used; this allowed for the estimation of the incidence of these pathologies. The different types of cancers were characterized according to the sex and age groups of the affected individuals. For the calculation of incidence rates over two five-year periods, 2006-2010 and 2011-2015, the beneficiary population of the national public health insurance system (FONASA) was used as the denominator. Finally, a linear projection of the incidence rate was calculated until 2025. Results: Women had a higher gross incidence rate of cancer than men. The incidence increases, in both sexes, as age increases. The most incident cancers in women were breast cancer, non-melanoma skin cancer, and cervical cancer, and among men, they were non-melanoma skin cancer, prostate cancer, and gastric cancers. Discussion: Given the relative high frequency of certain cancers (thyroid, testicular, cervical, and breast) among younger adults, preventive strategies should be oriented towards these age groups. Likewise, comprehensive programs should be established for the most frequent cancers (non-melanoma skin, prostate, and colon). If no new cancer prevention policies are implemented, a linear growth of the incidence rate of up to 22% is projected for the year 2025.Introducción: A pesar de que los cánceres producen alta carga de enfermedad en Chile, se carece de un registro poblacional de cáncer nacional. El objetivo de estudio fue estimar la incidencia de los veinte principales tipos de cáncer en la Región de Coquimbo. Material y métodos: Con datos del registro de la Unidad Anatomía Patológica del Hospital de Coquimbo, que procesa totalidad de las biopsias procedentes de los establecimientos públicos de la región; se estimó la incidencia de estas patologías. Se caracterizaron los cánceres según tipo, sexo y grupos de edad. Se calculó tasas de incidencia de los quinquenios 2006-2010 y 2011-2015, utilizando como denominador la población beneficiaria del Fondo Nacional de Salud. Finalmente se realizó una proyección lineal de la incidencia hasta el año 2025. Resultados: Las mujeres presentaron una mayor tasa bruta de incidencia que los hombres. La incidencia aumenta, en ambos sexos, conforme aumenta la edad. Los cánceres más incidentes en mujeres fueron de mama, de piel no melanoma y de cuello uterino, y entre los hombres, fueron los cánceres de piel no melanoma, de próstata y gástrico. Discusión: Dada la elevada frecuencia relativa de cánceres de tiroides, testículo, cuello de útero y mama en edades jóvenes, se sugiere orientar estrategias preventivas hacia estos grupos de edad. Así mismo, se debiera establecer programas integrales para los cánceres más frecuentes (piel no melanoma, próstata, colon). De no existir políticas públicas enfocadas a prevenir los cánceres, se proyecta un crecimiento lineal de hasta un 22% en la incidencia al año 2025

    Mortalidad estandarizada según causas, edad y género en una comuna minera del norte de Chile entre 2006 y 2015

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    Introduction: The Chilean municipality of Andacollo was declared to be a Saturated Zone due to air pollution in 2009. It is unknown if this contamination affects the health of its inhabitants. Objective: To compare the general mortality and specific cardiovascular, respiratory, and neoplastic mortality rates in Andacollo with the national mortality rates between the years 2006 and 2015. Materials and methods: General and specific mortality rates, by gender, were calculated using official death and population registries. The Andacollo mortality rates were directly standardized by age and then compared with the national rates. Results: The adjusted mortality rates of Andacollo tend to be, on average, 20% higher than the national ones, throughout the decade. This difference is mainly due to an increased risk of dying among men, which is 35% higher for cancers, 40% higher for cardiovascular diseases, and 50% higher for respiratory diseases. These differences in risk of dying are much lower for women (average 9%) and are not observed in the younger population (20-59 years of age). Conclusions: Andacollo’s general and specific mortality rates are significantly higher than national ones, and the influence of environmental conditions on the population’s risk of dying can be ruled out, given the heterogeneity presented by sex. The excess risk of death among older men could be explained by previous occupational exposures.Introducción: La comuna de Andacollo fue declarada Zona Saturada por material particulado en el año 2009, desconociéndose si dicha contaminación afecta la salud de sus habitantes o aumenta el riesgo de morir de su población. Objetivo: Comparar la mortalidad general y por causas cardiovasculares, respiratorias y neoplasias, según edad y género, de la comuna Andacollo con las tasas nacionales, entre 2006 y 2015. Materiales y métodos: Con registros oficiales de defunciones y población, se calcularon tasas de mortalidad general, por causas específicas y según género. Se estandarizó con ajuste directo por edad las tasas comunales, para compararlas con las del país. Resultados: Las tasas de mortalidad ajustadas de Andacollo tienden a ser, en promedio, 20% superiores a las nacionales, durante toda la década. Esta diferencia está dada principalmente por un mayor riesgo de morir en hombres, que es 35% mayor para neoplasias, 40% más para enfermedades cardiovasculares y 50% mayor para las enfermedades respiratorias. Estas diferencias de riesgo de morir es mucho menor para las mujeres (promedio 9%) y no se observan en la población joven (20-59 años). Conclusiones: Las tasas de mortalidad general y específicas de Andacollo son significativamente superiores a las nacionales, pudiendo descartarse influencia de las condiciones ambientales en el riesgo de morir de su población, dada la heterogencidad presentada en los riesgos de morir por sexo. El exceso de riesgo de fallecer en hombres mayores podría explicarse por exposiciones laborales antiguas

    Explaining the Use of Social Network Sites as Seen by Older Adults: The Enjoyment Component of a Hedonic Information System

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    Previous studies suggest that older adults are living increasingly alone and without the company of their close relatives, which cause them depression problems and a detriment to their health and general wellbeing. The use of social network sites (SNS) allows them to reduce their isolation, improve their social participation, and increase their autonomy. Although the adoption of various information technologies by older adults has been studied, some assumptions still predominate, for example, that older adults use SNS only for utilitarian purposes. However, considering SNS as hedonic information systems, and in order to extend the theoretical explanation of the intention to use hedonic systems to their actual use, this study aims to determine the influence of perceived enjoyment, perceived usefulness, and perceived ease of use on the use of SNS by elders in Concepción, Chile. Two hundred fifty-three older adults participated in the cross-sectional study. The results indicate that perceived ease of use is the variable that has the greatest total effect in explaining the use of SNS and that by adding the perceived enjoyment construct, the explanatory power of the model increases significantly. Therefore, advancement in user acceptance models, especially in the use of SNS by elders, can be made by focusing on the type of system, hedonic or utilitarian

    Characterization of suicidal behavior in Coquimbo, Chile, between 2018 and 2020

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    Introduction Suicidal behavior is a public health problem worldwide. The World Health Organization estimated 700 000 deaths for the year 2021. Objective This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of suicidal behavior and describe its related factors in the Coquimbo Region, Chile, between 2018 and 2020. Methods 2190 suicide attempt notifications from the regional epidemiological surveillance system were analyzed, corresponding to 1781 people, along with 217 reports from the Forensic Medical Service of people who died by suicide. Results The overall suicide rate for the region during that period was 9.79 deaths per 100 000 inhabitants. The 2018 rates were standardized according to available information, with direct methods for the regional rate (9.55 per 100 000 inhabitants) and indirect methods for the communes. Rural communes presented higher rates than urban ones. Women showed a higher risk of attempts (OR 1.28; 95% CI 1.23 to 1.33) and a lower risk of suicide compared to men (0.086; 0.06 to 0.13). Young people had a higher risk of suicide attempts and a lower risk of suicide compared to older people. The increased suicide rates in older people (70 to 79 years) during 2020 are noteworthy. Basic education level is a risk variable for suicide (2.21; from 1.15 to 4.23), compared to having higher education. Previous suicide attempts and psychiatric pathology are risk factors. Conclusions Suicide prevalence and related factors are similar to those reported in other studies and national reports, highlighting rurality and higher risk in older male adults. In contrast to suicides, attempts are more frequent in women and young people. A history of mental health problems, previous attempts, and family violence are risk factors for both outcomes. Knowing the patterns of suicidal behavior in the population is fundamental for its prevention