112 research outputs found


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    This paper discusses the theoretical aspect of the phenomenon of lag in the application of the measures of monetary policy. Monetary and fiscal policy faces the phenomenon of lag. One of the controversial and pressing questions of monetary policy is the nature and length of lag between the application of the measures of monetary policy and the effects on macroeconomic aggregates. While the monetary strategy points to several possible reasons for the lag, there is no general agreement on the length of the lag. The study of the phenomenon of lag imposes two questions: what does the lag of the application of monetary processes and policy imply and why are the asset holders not capable of immediately adjusting their portfolios at the time of disbalance? There are two categories of lag known in economic literature: the inside lag (which encompasses the recognition of the problem and the implementation of measures) and the outside lag (which encompasses the reaction of macroeconomic aggregates to the applied measures of monetary policy). The paper descriptively notes the different identifications of time lag and provides schematic representations of the effects of the observed phenomenon.Ovaj rad se bavi teorijskim aspektom fenomena vremenskog kašnjenja u djelovanju mjera monetarne politike. Monetarna i fiskalna politika suočavaju se s fenomenom kašnjenja. Jedno od kontroverznih i opterećujućih pitanja monetarne politike jest priroda i duljina kašnjenja između izvršenja monetarnih mjera i efekata na makroekonomske agregate. Dok monetarna strategija ukazuje na nekoliko mogućih razloga kašnjenja ne postoji opća suglasnost u vezi duljine kašnjenja. Proučavanje fenomena kašnjenja nameće dva pitanja: šta implicira kašnjenje u odvijanju monetarnih procesa i monetarne politike i zbog čega u uvjetima neravnoteže vlasnici aktiva nisu sposobni prilagoditi svoje portfolije neposredno? U ekonomskoj literaturi poznate su dvije kategorije kašnjenja: unutarnje kašnjenje (koje obuhvaća prepoznavanje problema i provedbu mjera) i vanjsko kašnjenje (koje obuhvaća reakciju makroekonomskih agregata na provedene mjere monetarne politike). U radu su deskriptivno navedene različite identifikacije vremenskog kašnjenja a dati su i shematski prikazi djelovanja promatranog fenomena

    Quantifying How Hateful Communities Radicalize Online Users

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    While online social media offers a way for ignored or stifled voices to be heard, it also allows users a platform to spread hateful speech. Such speech usually originates in fringe communities, yet it can spill over into mainstream channels. In this paper, we measure the impact of joining fringe hateful communities in terms of hate speech propagated to the rest of the social network. We leverage data from Reddit to assess the effect of joining one type of echo chamber: a digital community of like-minded users exhibiting hateful behavior. We measure members' usage of hate speech outside the studied community before and after they become active participants. Using Interrupted Time Series (ITS) analysis as a causal inference method, we gauge the spillover effect, in which hateful language from within a certain community can spread outside that community by using the level of out-of-community hate word usage as a proxy for learned hate. We investigate four different Reddit sub-communities (subreddits) covering three areas of hate speech: racism, misogyny and fat-shaming. In all three cases we find an increase in hate speech outside the originating community, implying that joining such community leads to a spread of hate speech throughout the platform. Moreover, users are found to pick up this new hateful speech for months after initially joining the community. We show that the harmful speech does not remain contained within the community. Our results provide new evidence of the harmful effects of echo chambers and the potential benefit of moderating them to reduce adoption of hateful speech

    Can Activity Worthwhileness Explain OCB-I Change? The Mediating Role of Positive Emotions

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    The competitiveness of today's markets requires employees to do more than is formally expected from them by collaborating with others to benefit the organization (e.g., organizational citizenship behavior focused on individuals, OCB-I). Based on the idea that eudaimonic wellbeing positively influences OCB-I, and considering that positive emotions lead to optimal functioning and important work outcomes, this study analyzes the mediating role of positive emotions in the relationship between activity worthwhileness and OCB-I. Results of hierarchical regressions in a two-wave longitudinal study with a sample of 108 white collar employees show that activity worthwhileness indirectly (but not directly) explains change in OCB-I through positive emotions. Therefore, when it comes to improving performance in the workplace, investment in both hedonic and eudaimonic wellbeing contributes to more effectively benefitting both employees and organizations

    No Love Among Haters: Negative Interactions Reduce Hate Community Engagement

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    While online hate groups pose significant risks to the health of online platforms and safety of marginalized groups, little is known about what causes users to become active in hate groups and the effect of social interactions on furthering their engagement. We address this gap by first developing tools to find hate communities within Reddit, and then augment 11 subreddits extracted with 14 known hateful subreddits (25 in total). Using causal inference methods, we evaluate the effect of replies on engagement in hateful subreddits by comparing users who receive replies to their first comment (the treatment) to equivalent control users who do not. We find users who receive replies are less likely to become engaged in hateful subreddits than users who do not, while the opposite effect is observed for a matched sample of similar-sized non-hateful subreddits. Using the Google Perspective API and VADER, we discover that hateful community first-repliers are more toxic, negative, and attack the posters more often than non-hateful first-repliers. In addition, we uncover a negative correlation between engagement and attacks or toxicity of first-repliers. We simulate the cumulative engagement of hateful and non-hateful subreddits under the contra-positive scenario of friendly first-replies, finding that attacks dramatically reduce engagement in hateful subreddits. These results counter-intuitively imply that, although under-moderated communities allow hate to fester, the resulting environment is such that direct social interaction does not encourage further participation, thus endogenously constraining the harmful role that these communities could play as recruitment venues for antisocial beliefs.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, 2 table

    Auditing Elon Musk's Impact on Hate Speech and Bots

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    On October 27th, 2022, Elon Musk purchased Twitter, becoming its new CEO and firing many top executives in the process. Musk listed fewer restrictions on content moderation and removal of spam bots among his goals for the platform. Given findings of prior research on moderation and hate speech in online communities, the promise of less strict content moderation poses the concern that hate will rise on Twitter. We examine the levels of hate speech and prevalence of bots before and after Musk's acquisition of the platform. We find that hate speech rose dramatically upon Musk purchasing Twitter and the prevalence of most types of bots increased, while the prevalence of astroturf bots decreased.Comment: 3 figures, 1 tabl