205 research outputs found

    Is the prognosis the same for periprosthetic joint infections due to Staphylococcus aureus versus coagulase-negative staphylococci? A retrospective study of 101 patients with 2-year minimum follow-up.

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    BACKGROUND: Staphylococcus aureus (SA) and Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) are often responsible for infections of total hip arthroplasty (THA) and total knee arthroplasty (TKA). One of the main differences between these two microorganisms is their virulence, with SA presumed to be more virulent; however, few studies have specifically investigated the impact of this virulence. This inspired us to carry out a retrospective study to evaluate whether the healing rate differed between SA and CoNS infections. HYPOTHESIS: We hypothesised that the healing rate is lower for SA prosthetic joint infections. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a retrospective study of 101 consecutive Staphylococcus infection cases that occurred between 2007 and 2011. There were 56 men and 45 women with an average age of 69 years (range 23-95). The infection was associated with TKA in 38 cases and THA in 63 cases. Thirty-two percent of patients had one or more comorbidities with infectious potential. In our cohort, there were 32 SA infections (31.7 %) and 69 CoNS infections (68.3 %) with 58 of the infections being methicillin-resistant (15 SA and 43 CoNS); there were 27 polymicrobial infections (26.7 %). RESULTS: With a minimum 24-month follow-up after the end of antibiotic treatment, the healing rate was 70.3 % overall (71 patients). The healing rate was 75 % in the SA group (24 patients) versus 68.1 % (47 patients) in the CoNS group (P = 0.42). CONCLUSION: Our hypothesis was not confirmed: the healing rate of SA prosthetic joint infections was not lower than that of CoNS infections. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: III, retrospective case-control study

    Olivier Renaut, Platon, la médiation des émotions : l’éducation du thymos dans les dialogues

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    L’ouvrage d’O. Renaut enquête sur le rôle des émotions dans la pensée platonicienne, prenant pour fil conducteur la notion de θυμός. Cet objet en quelque sorte double permet une traversée à la fois diachronique – des premiers dia­logues dits socratiques jusqu’aux Lois – et synchronique de l’œuvre platonicienne, en en articulant les différents pans (psychologie, éthique, pédagogie, politique). L’intérêt de cette étude tient d’abord dans l’ampleur de la prise de vue qu’elle fournit, non seuleme..

    Biomechanical study of ACL reconstruction grafts

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    There are no published studies describing the strength quadrupled gracilis tendon alone and quadrupled semitendinosus tendon alone in the configuration used for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction. The primary objective was to compare the mechanical properties of grafts used for ACL reconstruction during a tensile failure test. The secondary objective was to evaluate the effect of uniform suturing on graft strength. Fifteen pairs of knees were used. The mechanical properties of five types of ACL grafts were evaluated: patellar tendon (PT), sutured patellar tendon (sPT), both hamstring tendons (GST4), quadrupled semitendinosus (ST4), and quadrupled gracilis (G4). Validated methods were used to perform the tensile tests to failure and to record the results. Student's t-test was used to compare the various samples. The maximum load to failure was 630.8N (± 239.1) for the ST4, 473.5N (± 176.9) for the GST4, 413.3N (± 120.4) for the sPT, and 416.4N (± 187.7) for the G4 construct. Only the ST4 had a significantly higher failure load than the other grafts. The sPT had a higher failure load than the PT. The ST4 construct had the highest maximum load to failure of all the ACL graft types in the testing performed here. Uniform suturing of the grafts improved their ability to withstand tensile loading

    Can the gracilis replace the anterior cruciate ligament in the knee? A biomechanical study

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    Purpose The purpose of this study was to determine whether a four-strand gracilis-only construct possesses the biomechanical properties needed to act as an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction graft. Methods This was a pilot study with 32 cadaver specimens. The biomechanical properties of three types of grafts were determined using validated tensile testing methods: patellar tendon (BTB), both hamstring tendons together (GST4) and gracilis alone (G4). Results The maximum load at failure of the G4 was 416.4 N (±187.7). The GST4 and BTB had a maximum load at failure of 473.5 N (±176.9) and 413.3 N (±120.4), respectively. The three groups had similar mean maximum load and stiffness values. The patellar tendon had significantly less elongation at failure than the other two graft types. Conclusions The biomechanical properties of a four-strand gracilis construct are comparable to the ones of standard grafts. This type of graft would be useful in the reconstruction of the anteromedial bundle in patients with partial ACL ruptures

    Triple osteotomy of the pelvis for Legg-Calve-Perthes disease: a mean fifteen year follow-up.

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    PURPOSE: This study presents the results of a prospective consecutive cohort of patients with Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease (LCPD) operated with triple osteotomy of the pelvis (TOP) between 1989 and 2005. We attempted to determine whether the results of TOP remain stable with time and consequently lower the risk of subsequent osteoarthritis. The primary study aims were to determine the maintenance of head coverage and joint congruity, and functional outcomes of this surgery. METHODS: Forty-five patients with a mean follow-up of 15.2 years (range eight to 24) were included. RESULTS: At latest follow-up, two patients were lost to follow-up, and two required a surgical reoperation. Cumulative maintenance of head coverage and joint congruity rate for all TOP was 84.6 % (95 % CI: 82.3-90.6 %) at 15 years. Factors significantly associated with poor long-term results were the age at diagnosis and Greene index. CONCLUSION: TOP in LCPD provides satisfactory and reproducible long-term clinical results

    Cadaveric study comparing the biomechanical properties of grafts used for knee anterolateral ligament reconstruction

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    Purpose: To measure the biomechanical properties (maximum load, stiffness, and elongation) of the anterolateral ligament (ALL), gracilis, and iliotibial band (ITB) within the same subject. METHODS: Thirteen unpaired knees were used (7 women, 6 men). The donors had a mean age at death of 54 years (range: 37 to 70 years). The mechanical properties of two types of ALL grafts were evaluated: ITB and two-strand gracilis. The mechanical properties of ALL were also measured. Validated methods were used to perform the tensile tests to failure and to record the results. Student's t-test was used to compare the various samples. RESULTS: The maximum load to failure was 141 N (±40.6) for the ALL, 200.7 N (±48.7) for the gracilis, and 161.1 N (±27.1) for the ITB. Only the gracilis had a significantly higher failure load than ITB and ALL (P = .001 and P = .03). The stiffness was 21 N mm-1 (±8.2) for the ALL, 131.7 N mm-1 (±43.7) for the gracilis, and 39.9 N mm-1 (±6) for the ITB. The elongation at failure was 6.2 mm (±3.2) for the ALL, 19.9 mm (±6.5) for the gracilis, and 20.8 mm (±14.7) for the ITB. CONCLUSIONS: The gracilis had the highest maximum load to failure. The ITB's mechanical properties most closely resemble those of the ALL. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The biomechanical properties of each potential ALL graft can be factored in when deciding which type of graft to use

    Abordajes de la actividad industrial argentina : Procesos, territorios y análisis de casos durante el gobierno de la Alianza Cambiemos

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    Este libro reúne resultados de estudios realizados en el marco del proyecto de investigación “Territorio, actores, redes y cadenas de valor en la actividad industrial”, desarrollado en el Centro de Investigaciones Geográficas (CIG) del Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (IdIHCS-UNLP/Conicet). El proyecto se basó en una perspectiva que integra las relaciones entre industria y espacio a los procesos de acumulación de capital a diferentes escalas, a las políticas públicas y a las transformaciones producidas en la estructura socioeconómica del país, particularmente durante el gobierno de la Alianza Cambiemos (2015-2019). Esta perspectiva incluye el reconocimiento de diferentes actores sociales, sus conflictos e inserciones en los subsistemas constitutivos de una economía mixta como lo es la argentina, y un análisis multidimensional e integrador del territorio entendido como condición, instancia y resultado de los procesos sociales. Estos últimos son analizados tomando como eje las dimensiones política y económica a través de conceptos tales como clases sociales, fracciones de clases, bloques de poder, relaciones de fuerzas corporativas, políticas públicas, autonomía relativa del Estado, hegemonía; por ende, conceptos que permiten contextualizar las dinámicas territoriales y sectoriales de la industria en las principales tendencias del período neoliberal.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Cemento, cenizas y chimenea: la dimensión simbólico-identitaria del desarrollo territorial en Pipinas

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    En este capítulo se presentan los resultados de una investigación que analiza y caracteriza el desarrollo territorial producido en la localidad de Pipinas, provincia de Buenos Aires. La construcción del objeto de estudio parte de la definición que sostiene que desarrollo es toda instancia de acumulación material e inmaterial que se da a partir de las articulaciones entre los actores de la localidad. El espíritu de la propuesta es entender el desarrollo territorial desde una perspectiva integral —para no homologarlo con la idea de crecimiento económico— por lo que se propone concebirlo desde su multidimensionalidad: político-institucional, socioproductiva, simbólico-identitaria y espacial. En este capítulo se toman en cuenta los resultados hallados para la dimensión simbólico-identitaria, puesto que se considera que reflejan oportunamente las dinámicas de desarrollo territorial que surgen alrededor de la actividad industrial que llevaba a cabo la empresa Corcemar, instalada en 1938 en la localidad, comprada en 1991 por Loma Negra, y cerrada definitivamente en el año 2001. La hipótesis con la que se trabaja plantea que alrededor de Corcemar/ Loma Negra se gestaron iniciativas por parte de los actores territoriales que generaron dinámicas de acumulación material e inmaterial, lo que permite hablar de procesos de desarrollo territorial en Pipinas. El trabajo de campo fue realizado en el año 2017 de acuerdo a los parámetros de una investigación cualitativa: se relevó información mediante entrevistas semiestructuradas a informantes calificados y además se recurrió a fuentes secundarias de información (fotografías, imágenes satelitales, periódico local, boletín Corcemar).Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Territorio y estructura productiva del sector hortícola en el cinturón hortícola platense: una mirada desde la utilización de insumos industriales

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    En este capítulo se analiza la relación entre el territorio y la industria en el cinturón hortícola platense (CHP), localizado en el territorio periurbano del Gran La Plata (periurbano platense), a partir de la incorporación de insumos industriales en la producción hortícola. Se indaga acerca del desenvolvimiento de la estructura técnico-productiva como uno de los componentes de la estructura agraria del cinturón, desde sus orígenes hasta la actualidad. Asimismo, se destacan las características territoriales resultantes. El estudio se realizó mediante una estrategia de triangulación metodológica aplicando tres técnicas: el análisis documental de investigaciones sobre la temática, la interpretación de imágenes satelitales y el análisis de datos estadísticos.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació