217 research outputs found

    Tartarus Colles: A sampling of the Martian highlands

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    Several of the most fundamental issues about the geology of Mars can be addressed using information on composition and structure of the plateau plains ('highlands') that cover approximately half the planet. The units that compose the highlands are interpreted as a mixture of volcanic, fluvial, lacustrine, and impact ejecta deposits. A more precise inventory of differing of igneous and sedimentary lithologies in highland rock units would not only lead to a better understanding of how the plateau plains formed, but would also clarify the nature of the surface environment during the first 800 m.y. of martian history. Structural features including bedforms, joints, and small faults that are unresolved from orbit record a history of the emplacement and deformation of the highlands. In addition, weathering products present in this very ancient terrain represent a mineralogic record of past climate and of the pathways by which bedrock is altered chemically. Their similarity or dissimilarity to bright soils observed spectroscopically and in situ at the Viking Lander sites will be evidence for the relative roles of regional sources and global eolian transport in producing the widespread cover of 'dust.' Unfortunately, these issues are difficult to address in the plateau plains proper, because bedrock is covered by mobile sand and weathering products, which dominate both surface composition and remotely measurable spectral properties. However, the 'Tartarus Colles' site, located at 11.41 deg N, 197.69 deg W at an elevation of -1 km, provides an excellent opportunity to address the highland geology within the mission constraints of Mars Pathfinder. The site is mapped as unit HNu, and consists of knobby remnants of deeply eroded highlands. It contains rolling hills, but lacks steep escarpments and massifs common in most highland remnants, and is free of large channels that would have removed colluvium from eroded upper portions of the stratigraphic column. These characteristics indicate that variety of bedrock types from throughout the Noachian-Hesperian stratigraphic column may remain at the site

    The spectrum of Phobos from Phobos 2 observations at 0.3-2.6 microns: Comparison to previous data and meteorite analogs

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    The surface of Phobos has been proposed to consist of carbonaceous chondrite or optically darkened ordinary chondrite ('black chondrite'). Measurements of Phobos's spectrum are key evidence for testing these hypotheses. Disk-integrated measurements were obtained by the Mariner 9 UV spectrometer, Viking Lander cameras, and groundbased observations. In 1989 disk-resolved measurements of Phobos and Mars were obtained by three instruments on Phobos 2: the KRFM spectrometer, which covered the wavelength range 0.32 - 0.6 microns; the ISM imaging spectrometer, which covered the wavelength range 0.76 - 3.16 microns; and the VSK TV cameras, whose wavelength ranges overlap those of KRFM and ISM. Here we report analysis of the Phobos 2 measurements completed since earlier results were reported. We validated calibration of the Phobos measurements using observations of Mars for reference, and compared them with pre-1989 measurements. We also combined spectra from the three detectors to produce an integrated spectrum of Phobos from 0.3 - 2.6 microns. Phobos 2 results agree well with previous measurements, contrary to some reports. The general shape of the spectrum is consistent with both proposed analogues. However position and depth of the previously unobserved 1 micron absorption are more diagnostic, and indicate the composition of typical surfaces to be more consistent with black chondrite

    Bright soil units on Mars determined from ISM imaging spectrometer data

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    The lithology of bright Martian soil provides evidence for chemical and physical processes that have modified the planet's surface. Data from the ISM imaging spectrometer, which observed much of the equatorial region at a spatial resolution of approximately 22 km, cover the NIR wavelength range critical to ascertaining the presence and abundance of Fe-containing phases, hydroxylated silicates, and H2O in the bright soil. ISM data previously have revealed spatial variations in depth of the 3.0-microns H2O absorption suggesting differences in water content, a weak absorption at 2.2 microns indicative of metal-OH in phyllosilicate, and variations in the 1-micron Fe absorption indicative of differences in Fe mineralogy. This paper summarizes first results of a systematic investigation of spectral heterogeneity in bright soils observed by ISM. At least seven 'units' with distinctive properties were discriminated. Comparison of their spatial distributions with Viking data shows that they generally correspond with previously recognized morphologic, color, and thermal features. These correspondences and the units' spectral attributes provide evidence for lithologic differences between the soils in different geologic settings

    Melas Chasma: A Mars Pathfinder view of Valles Marineris

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    A Mars Pathfinder landing site in Melas Chasma (Valles Marineris) would yield significant science return, but is outside present mission constraints. In Melas Chasma, Mars Pathfinder could investigate minimally altered basaltic material, sedimentary deposits, chemical weathering, tectonic features, the highland crust, equatorial weather, and Valles mists. Critical issues include the following: (1) nature and the origin of the Valles interior layered deposits, important for understanding water as a sedimentary and chemical agent, and for the past existence of of environments favorable for life; (2) compositions of little-altered basaltic sands, important for understanding magma genesis and weathering on Mars, and the martian meteorites; and (3) structure and composition of the highland crust, important for understanding Mars' early history

    Diagenetic Layers in the Upper Walls of Valles Marineris, Mars: Evidence for Drastic Climate Change Since the Mid-Hesperian

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    A packet of relatively resistant layers, totaling approx. 400 m thickness, is present at the tops of the chasma walls throughout Valles Marineris. The packet consists of an upper dark layer (approx. 50 m thick), a central bright layer (approx. 250 m thick), and a lower dark layer (approx. 100 m thick). The packet appears continuous and of nearly constant thickness and depth below ground surface over the whole Valles system (4000 km E-W, 800 km N-S), independent of elevation (3-10 km) and age of plateau surface (Noachian through upper Hesperian). The packet continues undisturbed beneath the boundary between surface units of Noachian and Hesperian ages, and continues undisturbed beneath impact craters transected by chasma walls. These attributes are not consistent with layer formation by volcanic or sedimentary deposition, and are consistent with layer formation in situ, i.e., by diagenesis, during or after upper Hesperian time. Diagenesis seems to require the action of aqueous solutions in the near subsurface, which are not now stable in the Valles Marineris area. To permit the stability of aqueous solutions, Mars must have had a fairly dense atmosphere, greater than or equal to 1 bar CO2, when the layers formed. Obliquity variations appear to be incapable of producing such a massive atmosphere so late in Mars' history

    Variations in the Fe mineralogy of bright Martian soil

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    Bright regions on Mars are interpreted as 'soil' derived by chemical alteration of crustal rocks, whose main pigmentary component is ferric oxide or oxyhydroxide. The mineralogy and mineralogic variability of ferric iron are important evidence for the evolution of Martian soil: mineralogy of ferric phases is sensitive to chemical conditions in their genetic environments, and the spatial distributions of different ferric phases would record a history of both chemical environments and physical mixing. Reflectance spectroscopic studies provide several types of evidence that discriminate possible pigmentary phases, including the position of a crystal field absorption near 0.9 microns and position and strengths of absorptions in the UV-visible wavelength region. Recent telescopic spectra and laboratory measurements of Mars soil analogs suggest that spectral features of bright soil can be explained based on a single pigmentary phase, hematite (alpha-Fe2O3), occurring in both 'nanophase' and more crystalline forms. Here we report on a systematic investigation of Martian bright regions using ISM imaging spectrometer data, in which we examined spatial variations in the position and shape of the approximately 0.9 microns absorption. We found both local and regional heterogeneities that indicate differences in Fe mineralogy. These results demonstrate that bright soils do not represent a single lithology that has been homogenized by eolian mixing, and suggest that weathering of soils in different geologic settings has followed different physical and chemical pathways

    Disk-resolved spectral reflectance properties of Phobos from 0.3-3.2 micron: Preliminary integrated results from Phobos 2

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    The Phobos 2 mission provided multispectral observations of Phobos over a large wavelength range and with relatively high spectral resolution. Here, researchers integrate results from three multispectral detectors by determining the ultraviolet-visible near infrared spectral properties of color and brightness features recognized in VSK TV images. Researchers present evidence that there are two fundamental spectral units within the region of overlapping coverage by the detectors. They describe the units' spectral and reflectance properties and discuss the implications of these results for the composition of Phobos

    Vertical Distribution of Dust and Water Ice Aerosols from CRISM Limb-geometry Observations

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    [1] Near-infrared spectra taken in a limb-viewing geometry by the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM) on board the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter provide a useful tool for probing atmospheric structure. Specifically, the observed radiance as a function of wavelength and height above the limb enables the vertical distribution of both dust and water ice aerosols to be retrieved. More than a dozen sets of CRISM limb observations have been taken so far providing pole-to-pole cross sections, spanning more than a full Martian year. Radiative transfer modeling is used to model the observations taking into account multiple scattering from aerosols and the spherical geometry of the limb observations. Both dust and water ice vertical profiles often show a significant vertical structure for nearly all seasons and latitudes that is not consistent with the well-mixed or Conrath-v assumptions that have often been used in the past for describing aerosol vertical profiles for retrieval and modeling purposes. Significant variations are seen in the retrieved vertical profiles of dust and water ice aerosol as a function of season. Dust typically extends to higher altitudes (approx. 40-50km) during the perihelion season than during the aphelion season (<20km), and the Hellas region consistently shows more dust mixed to higher altitudes than other locations. Detached water ice clouds are common, and water ice aerosols are observed to cap the dust layer in all seasons

    Spectrally distinct ejecta in Syrtis Major, Mars: Evidence for environmental change at the Hesperian-Amazonian boundary

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    Analysis of visible and near-infrared (VNIR) imaging spectrometer data of the Syrtis Major volcanic complex on Mars shows spectrally distinct ejecta (SDE) around a subset of the region's impact craters. We explore the nature of this spectral difference with the intention of constraining the physical cause of the distinction and the significance of their near random spatial distribution. Crater counting performed by Baratoux et al. (2007) indicated that the craters with SDE are systematically younger than craters without SDE. Extensive crater counts of the craters with SDE show that they fit a consistent Hartmann (2005) isochron indicting that they represent temporally continuous population. This population was dated near 2 Ga, consistent with the counts of Baratoux et al. (2007). This modeled age corresponds to just after the Hesperian-Amazonian boundary, indicating that it may be related to a global event. We explore possible explanations for the lack of SDE around older craters, including atmospheric changes, significant but brief regional emplacement of materials, and volcanic activity. We conclude that the preferred explanation is that the SDE represent the true composition of the Syrtis Major volcanics and that surfaces older than 2 Ga were altered by interactions with water vapor or volcanic gases under different Hesperian climatic and atmospheric conditions leading to all craters formed after this alteration event to display SDE
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