789 research outputs found

    Does the Sun Shrink with Increasing Magnetic Activity?

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    We have analyzed the full set of SOHO/MDI f- and p-mode oscillation frequencies from 1996 to date in a search for evidence of solar radius evolution during the rising phase of the current activity cycle. Like Antia et al. (2000), we find that a significant fraction of the f-mode frequency changes scale with frequency; and that if these are interpreted in terms of a radius change, it implies a shrinking sun. Our inferred rate of shrinkage is about 1.5 km/y, which is somewhat smaller than found by Antia et al. We argue that this rate does not refer to the surface, but rather to a layer extending roughly from 4 to 8 Mm beneath the visible surface. The rate of shrinking may be accounted for by an increasing radial component of the rms random magnetic field at a rate that depends on its radial distribution. If it were uniform, the required field would be ~7 kG. However, if it were inwardly increasing, then a 1 kG field at 8 Mm would suffice. To assess contribution to the solar radius change arising above 4Mm, we analyzed the p-mode data. The evolution of the p-mode frequencies may be explained by a magnetic^M field growing with activity. The implications of the near-surface magnetic field changes depend on the anisotropy of the random magnetic field. If the field change is predominantly radial, then we infer an additional shrinking at a rate between 1.1-1.3 km/y at the photosphere. If on the other hand the increase is isotropic, we find a competing expansion at a rate of 2.3 km/y. In any case, variations in the sun's radius in the activity cycle are at the level of 10^{-5} or less, hence have a negligible contribution to the irradiance variations.Comment: 10 pages (ApJ preprint style), 4 figures; accepted for publication in Ap

    Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Induces Innate Immunity through Toll-Like Receptors and Acquired Immunity via the RSV G Protein: A Dissertation

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    Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) causes a common infection that is associated with a range of respiratory illnesses from common cold-like symptoms to serious lower respiratory tract illnesses such as pneumonia and bronchiolitis. RSV is the single most important cause of serious lower respiratory tract illness in children \u3c 1 year of age. Host innate and acquired immune responses activated following RSV infection have been suspected as contributing to RSV disease. Toll-like receptors (TLRs) activate innate and acquired immunity and are candidates for playing key roles in the host immune response to RSV. Leukocytes express TLRs including TLR2, TLR6, TLR3, TLR4, and TLR7 that can potentially interact with RSV and promote immune responses following infection. Using knockout mice, we have demonstrated that TLR2 and TLR6 signaling in leukocytes can activate innate immunity against RSV by promoting TNF-α, IL-6, CCL2 (MCP-1), and CCL5 (RANTES) production. As previously noted, TLR4 also contributed to cytokine activation (71, 90). Furthermore, we demonstrated that signals generated following TLR2 and TLR6 activation were important for controlling viral replication in vivo. Additionally, TLR2 interactions with RSV promoted neutrophil migration and dendritic cell activation within the lung. Collectively, these studies indicate that TLR2 is involved in RSV recognition and subsequent innate immune activation and may play a role in modulating acquired immune responses through DCs. Despite the fact that RSV is the single most important cause of infant upper respiratory tract disease, there are no licensed vaccines available to prevent RSV disease. We have developed a virus-like particle (VLP) vaccine candidate for RSV. The VLP is composed of the NP and M proteins of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) and a chimera protein containing the cytoplasmic and transmembrane domains of the NDV HN protein and the ectodomain of the human RSV G protein (H/G). BALB/c mice immunized with 10 or 40 μg total VLP-H/G protein by intraperitoneal or intramuscular inoculation stimulated antibody responses to G protein as good as or better than comparable amounts of UV-inactivated RSV. Furthermore, VLP-H/G induced robust CTL responses in vaccinated animals. Immunization with two or even a single dose of these particles resulted in the complete protection of BALB/c mice from RSV replication in the lungs. Upon RSV challenge of VLP-H/G immunized mice, no enhanced pathology in the lungs was observed, although lungs of mice immunized in parallel with formalin-inactivated RSV (FI-RSV) showed the significant pathology that has been previously observed with FI-RSV vaccination. Thus, the VLP-H/G candidate vaccine was immunogenic in BALB/c mice and prevented replication of RSV in murine lungs with no evidence of immunopathology. These data support further development of virus-like particle vaccine candidates for RSV

    Transverse oscillations of two coronal loops

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    We study transverse fast magnetohydrodynamic waves in a system of two coronal loops modeled as smoothed, dense plasma cylinders in a uniform magnetic field. The collective oscillatory properties of the system due to the interaction between the individual loops are investigated from two points of view. Firstly, the frequency and spatial structure of the normal modes are studied. The system supports four trapped normal modes in which the loops move rigidly in the transverse direction. The direction of the motions is either parallel or perpendicular to the plane containing the axes of the loops. Two of these modes correspond to oscillations of the loops in phase, while in the other two they move in antiphase. Thus, these solutions are the generalization of the kink mode of a single cylinder to the double cylinder case. Secondly, we analyze the time-dependent problem of the excitation of the pair of tubes. We find that depending on the shape and location of the initial disturbance, different normal modes can be excited. The frequencies of normal modes are accurately recovered from the numerical simulations. In some cases, because of the simultaneous excitation of several eigenmodes, the system shows beating and the phase lag between the loops is π/2\pi/2.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Numerical Simulations of Mass Loading in the Solar Wind Interaction with Venus

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    Numerical simulations are performed in the framework of nonlinear two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics to investigate the influence of mass loading on the solar wind interaction with Venus. The principal physical features of the interaction of the solar wind with the atmosphere of Venus are presented. The formation of the bow shock, the magnetic barrier, and the magnetotail are some typical features of the interaction. The deceleration of the solar wind due to the mass loading near Venus is an additional feature. The effect of the mass loading is to push the shock farther outward from the planet. The influence of different values of the magnetic field strength on plasma evolution is considered

    Transverse oscillations of systems of coronal loops

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    We study the collective kinklike normal modes of a system of several cylindrical loops using the T-matrix theory. Loops that have similar kink frequencies oscillate collectively with a frequency which is slightly different from that of the individual kink mode. On the other hand, if the kink frequency of a loop is different from that of the others, it oscillates individually with its own frequency. Since the individual kink frequency depends on the loop density but not on its radius for typical 1 MK coronal loops, a coupling between kink oscillations of neighboring loops take place when they have similar densities. The relevance of these results in the interpretation of the oscillations studied by \citet{schrijver2000} and \citet{verwichte2004}, in which transverse collective loop oscillations seem to be detected, is discussed. In the first case, two loops oscillating in antiphase are observed; interpreting this motion as a collective kink mode suggests that their densities are roughly equal. In the second case, there are almost three groups of tubes that oscillate with similar periods and therefore their dynamics can be collective, which again seems to indicate that the loops of each group share a similar density. All the other loops seem to oscillate individually and their densities can be different from the rest

    Transverse oscillations of a multi-stranded loop

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    We investigate the transverse oscillations of a line-tied multi-stranded coronal loop composed of several parallel cylindrical strands. First, the collective fast normal modes of the loop are found with the T-matrix theory. There is a huge quantity of normal modes with very different frequencies and a complex structure of the associated magnetic pressure perturbation and velocity field. The modes can be classified as bottom, middle, and top according to their frequencies and spatial structure. Second, the temporal evolution of the velocity and magnetic pressure perturbation after an initial disturbance are analyzed. We find complex motions of the strands. The frequency analysis reveals that these motions are a combination of low and high frequency modes. The complexity of the strand motions produces a strong modulation of the whole tube movement. We conclude that the presumed internal fine structure of a loop influences its transverse oscillations and so its transverse dynamics cannot be properly described by those of an equivalent monolithic loop.Comment: Accepted in Ap

    Regional variability in the trophic requirements of shelf sea fisheries in the Northeast Atlantic, 1973-2000

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    Hydrographic, plankton, benthos, fisheries landings, and fish diet data from shelf sea areas in the Northeast Atlantic have been combined into an analysis of the foodweb structure and secondary production requirements of regional fisheries. Fish landings from the Baltic and North Sea are shown to be taken from a lower trophic level and are shown to be overall more planktivorous than those from shelf edge regions. The secondary production required per unit of landed fish from the North Sea was approximately half that for landings from the southwest approaches to the UK, referred to as the Celtic Seas, where zooplankton production accounted for only a small fraction of the secondary production demands of the fisheries. In the North Sea, variability in zooplankton production seems to have exerted a bottom-up effect on fish production, which in turn has exerted a top-down effect on the benthos. Conversely, Celtic Seas benthos production has been a bottom-up driver of fish production, which seems to have been independent of variability in plankton production.Thus, climate and fishing pressures can be expected to influence these regional fisheries in very different ways. Overall, the results indicate very strong spatial patterns in the fish foodweb structure and function, which will be important considerations in the establishment of regional management plans for fisheries

    DEQ:Equivalence Checker for Deterministic Register Automata

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    Register automata are one of the most studied automata models over infinite alphabets with applications in learning, systems modelling and program verification. We present an equivalence checker for deterministic register automata, called DEQ, based on a recent polynomial-time algorithm that employs group-theoretic techniques to achieve succinct representations of the search space. We compare the performance of our tool to other available implementations, notably in the learning library RALib and nominal frameworks LOIS and NLambda