48 research outputs found

    Bdnf impact on biological markers of depression—role of physical exercise and training

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    Depression is the most common and devastating psychiatric disorder in the world. Its symptoms, especially during the pandemic, are observed in all age groups. Exercise training (ET) is well known as a non-pharmacological strategy to alleviate clinical depression. The brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is one of the biological factors whose expression and secretion are intensified in response to ET. BDNF is also secreted by contracted skeletal muscle that likely exerts para-, auto-and endocrine effects, supporting the crosstalk between skeletal muscle and other distant organs/tissues, such as the nervous system. This finding suggests that they communicate and work together to induce improvements on mood, cognition, and learning processes as BDNF is the main player in the neurogenesis, growth, and survival of neurons. Therefore, BDNF has been recognized as a therapeutic factor in clinical depression, especially in response to ET. The underlying mechanisms through which ET impacts depression are varied. The aim of this review was to provide information of the biological markers of depression such as monoamines, tryptophan, endocannabinoids, markers of inflammatory processes (oxidative stress and cytokines) stress and sex hormones and their relationship to BDNF. In addition, we reviewed the effects of ET on BNDF expression and how it impacts depression as well as the potential mechanisms mediating this process, providing a better understanding of underlying ET-related mechanisms in depression.Internal grant of University School of Physical Education. Project No. 503 62/05 Effectiveness of various therapeutic forms and their influence on nervous, muscular and vascular plasticity in patients after ischemic stroke”

    an overview of the fasting state

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    The Ramadan fasting period (RFP) means abstaining from consuming food and/or bever ages during certain hours of the day—from sunrise to sunset. Engaging in exercise and sports during the RFP leads to the lipolysis of adipose tissue and an increase in the breakdown of peripheral fat, leading to an increase in fat consumption. The effects of the RFP on functional, hematological, and metabolic parameters needs further study as existing studies have reported contradictory results. The differences in the results of various studies are due to the geographical characteristics of Muslim athletes, their specific diets, and their genetics, which explain these variations. In recent years, the attention of medical and sports researchers on the effects of the RFP and energy restrictions on bodily functions and athletic performance has increased significantly. Therefore, this brief article examines the effects of the RFP on the immune system, body composition, hematology, and the functionality of athletes during and after the RFP. We found that most sporting activities were performed during any time of the day without being affected by Ramadan fasting. Athletes were able to participate in their physical activities during fasting periods and saw few effects on their performance. Sleep and nutritional factors should be adjusted so that athletic performance is not impaired.9E1A-F9DD-3EB8 | Filipe Manuel ClementeN/

    Fundamental Motor Skills Mediate the Relationship Between Physical Fitness and Soccer-Specific Motor Skills in Young Soccer Players

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    Fundamental motor skills (FMS) are the basic elements of more complex sport-specific skills and should be mastered at the end of early childhood; however, the relationship between FMS and sport-specific skills has not yet been verified in prepubertal soccer players. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the role of FMS in the process of acquiring soccer-specific motor skills (measured using speed dribbling) with regard to physical fitness and biological maturation. Forty male soccer players (11.5 ± 0.3 years of age) at the highest performance level participated in the study. The test of Gross Motor Development – second edition and Unifittest 6–60 were used to assess FMS and physical fitness, respectively. The role of FMS in a complex theoretical model with the relationships between physical fitness, biological maturation and speed dribbling was analyzed by multiple regression path analyses (MRPA). Moderate to strong correlations were found between FMS, physical fitness, and speed dribbling (r = 0.56–0.66). Biological maturation did not appear to be a significant predictor of physical fitness or speed dribbling. The MRPA model using FMS as mediator variable between physical fitness and speed dribbling showed a significant indirect effect (standard estimation = −0.31, p = 0.001; R2 = 0.25). However, the direct correlation between physical fitness and speed dribbling was non-significant. Our results showed that FMS significantly strengthened the influence of physical fitness on the performance of speed dribbling, a soccer-specific motor skill, and thus play an important role in the process of acquiring sport-specific motor skills in prepubertal soccer players. When considering the long-term training process, especially during childhood and before puberty, a wide range of FMS activities should be applied for better and possibly faster acquisition of soccer-specific motor skills

    Oxidative stress and S-100B protein in children with bacterial meningitis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Bacterial meningitis is often associated with cerebral compromise which may be responsible for neurological sequelae in nearly half of the survivors. Little is known about the mechanisms of CNS involvement in bacterial meningitis. Several studies have provided substantial evidence for the key role of nitric oxide (NO) and reactive oxygen species in the complex pathophysiology of bacterial meningitis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In the present study, serum and CSF levels of NO, lipid peroxide (LPO) (mediators for oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation); total thiol, superoxide dismutase (SOD) (antioxidant mediators) and S-100B protein (mediator of astrocytes activation and injury), were investigated in children with bacterial meningitis (n = 40). Albumin ratio (CSF/serum) is a marker of blood-CSF barriers integrity, while mediator index (mediator ratio/albumin ratio) is indicative of intrathecal synthesis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Compared to normal children (n = 20), patients had lower serum albumin but higher NO, LPO, total thiol, SOD and S-100B. The ratios and indices of NO and LPO indicate blood-CSF barriers dysfunction, while the ratio of S-100B indicates intrathecal synthesis. Changes were marked among patients with positive culture and those with neurological complications. Positive correlation was found between NO index with CSF WBCs (r = 0.319, p < 0.05); CSF-LPO with CSF-protein (r = 0.423, p < 0.01); total thiol with LPO indices (r = 0.725, p < 0.0001); S-100B and Pediatric Glasow Coma Scores (0.608, p < 0.0001); CSF-LPO with CSF-S-100B (r = 0.482, p < 0.002); serum-total thiol with serum S-100B (r = 0.423, p < 0.01).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study suggests that loss of integrity of brain-CSF barriers, oxidative stress and S-100B may contribute to the severity and neurological complications of bacterial meningitis.</p