12 research outputs found

    Influence of the viscoelastic media properties on torsional wave propagation in pipe

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    Device and technique of modeled experiment of influence of the viscoelastic media properties on the torsional waves in pipe by echo-pulse method were proposed. The attenuation characteristics of torsional wave amplitude echo-pulses multiple reflected from pipe ends were investigated under loading on various media.Предложены прибор и техника модельного эксперимента влияния свойств контактных вязкоупругих сред на распространение крутильных волн в трубе эхо-импульсным методом. Исследованы зависимости ослабления амплитуд эхо-импульсов крутильных волн, переотражённых от торцов трубы, при нагружении на различные среды.Работа выполнена в рамках проекта № 15-19-00051 Российского научного фонда


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    To determine the structural state of the metal as an informative parameter the structural acoustic noise is proposed. The paper represents the experimental results of the use at acoustical structural noise for the determination at the structural state of carbon pipe steels exposed by heat treatment, corrosion and tensile loads. The effect of grain size, corrosion and tensile loads on the level of structural noise is discussed.Для определения структурного состояния металла в качестве информативного параметра предложены акустические структурные шумы. Представлены экспериментальные результаты использования акустических шумов для структуроскопии углеродистых и трубных сталей, подвергнутых термической обработке, коррозионному воздействию и растягивающим нагрузкам. Рассмотрено влияние размера зерна, наводороживания, растягивающей нагрузки на уровень акустических структурных шумов

    Инфекции и системные васкулиты

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    Infections and systemic vasculitis (SV) are characterized by mutual influence, which increases the risk of occurrence, aggravates the course and outcome of the disease. The review considers the issues related to both the trigger role of infections in the development of SV and comorbid infections (CI) that complicate the course of the disease. Recognition of the infectious etiology of SV is of great importance, since it requires a comprehensive examination and, if necessary, early and complete etiotropic treatment. Since SV per se and the use of both induction and maintenance immunosuppressive therapy are significant risk factors for secondary CIs, special attention should be paid to the prevention of the latter, including vaccination, primarily against influenza and pneumococcal infections.Инфекции и системные васкулиты (СВ) характеризуются взаимным влиянием, что повышает риск возникновения, усугубляет течение и исход заболевания. В обзоре рассматриваются вопросы, касающиеся как триггерной роли инфекций в развитии СВ, так и коморбидных инфекций (КИ), осложняющих течение заболевания. Распознавание инфекционной этиологии СВ имеет большое значение, поскольку требует всестороннего обследования и при необходимости раннего и полноценного этиотропного лечения. Поскольку СВ per se и применение как индукционной, так и поддерживающей иммуносупрессивной терапии являются значимыми факторами риска вторичных КИ, особое внимание необходимо уделять предупреждению последних, включая вакцинопрофилактику, в первую очередь против гриппа и пневмококковой инфекции

    Multiple shadow electromagnetic-acoustic technique of the cylindrical objects testing

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    Implementation method of multiple shadow techniques for testing of cylindrical objects (bars, tubes) using electromagnetic-acoustic transducers of bulk and Rayleigh waves are presented. Approaches to the signal analysis based on spectral, probabilistic and statistical analysis, correlation analysis methods are proposed and informative parameters of the testing are proved. Examples of the technique practical implementation for nondestructive testing of flows and structure analysis and geometry of the spring steel rods.Представлены способы реализации методов многократной тени для контроля цилиндрических объектов (прутков, труб) с использованием электромагнитно-акустических преобразователей объемных и рэлеевских волн. Предложены подходы к анализу сигналов, основанные на методах спектрального, вероятностно-статистического, корреляционного анализа, обоснованы информативные параметры контроля. Приведены примеры практической реализации метода для дефектоскопии, структуроскопии и геометрии прутков из рессорно-пружинной стали.Работа выполнена в рамках проекта № 15-19-00051 Российского научного фонда


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    To determine the structural state of the metal as an informative parameter the structural acoustic noise is proposed. The paper represents the experimental results of the use at acoustical structural noise for the determination at the structural state of carbon pipe steels exposed by heat treatment, corrosion and tensile loads. The effect of grain size, corrosion and tensile loads on the level of structural noise is discussed

    Does the uterine microbiota affect the reproductive outcomes in women with recurrent implantation failures?

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    Abstract Background Inefficiency of in vitro fertilization (IVF) programs can be caused by implantation failures. The uterine microbiota can influence the implantation process. However, it still remains unclear whether opportunistic microorganisms detected in the endometrium have a negative impact on the implantation success. The aim of our study was to evaluate the influence of the uterine microbiota on the embryo implantation success in patients undergoing assisted reproductive technologies. Methods The study included 130 women diagnosed with infertility. The patients were divided into three groups: group I included women with the first IVF attempt (n = 39); group II included patients with recurrent implantation failure following embryo transfer with ovarian stimulation (n = 27); group III consisted of women with recurrent implantation failure following frozen-thawed embryo transfer (n = 64). We performed microbiological examination of the embryo transfer catheter which was removed from the uterine cavity after embryo transfer; cervical discharge of all the patients was studied as well. Thirty patients were selected for metagenomic sequencing. Results The study showed that the uterine cavity is not free of microorganisms. A total of 44 species of microorganisms were detected: 26 species of opportunistic organisms and 18 species of commensals (14 species of lactobacilli and 4 species of bifidobacteria). Obligate anaerobic microorganisms and Gardnerella vaginalis were detected more frequently in group I compared to group III (strict anaerobes—15.4 and 1.6%; G. vaginalis—12.8 and 1.6%, respectively) (p < 0.05). However, this fact did not have a negative influence on the pregnancy rate: it was 51.3% in group I, it was 29.6% and 35.9% in women with recurrent implantation failures, respectively. Conclusion Opportunistic microorganisms which were revealed in low or moderate titers (103–105 CFU/ml) in the uterine cavity and cervical canal did not affect the pregnancy rate in the women in the study groups. The microflora of the uterine cavity and cervical canal differed in qualitative composition in 87.9% of patients, therefore, we can suggest that the uterine cavity may form its own microbiota. The microbiota of the uterine cavity is characterized by fewer species diversity compared to the microbiota of the cervical canal


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    Abstract NICA is a new accelerator complex being under design and construction at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna. The actual design and the main characteristics of superconducting magnets for the NICA booster and collider are given. The magnets are based on a cold window frame iron yoke and a single-layered superconducting winding made from a hollow NbTi composite superconductor cable cooled with the forced two-phase helium flow. The first results of cryogenic tests of the magnets for the NICA project are presented