361 research outputs found

    Cavitation-induced ignition of cryogenic hydrogen-oxygen fluids

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    The Challenger disaster and purposeful experiments with liquid hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (Ox) tanks demonstrated that cryogenic H2/Ox fluids always self-ignite in the process of their mixing. Here we propose a cavitation-induced self-ignition mechanism that may be realized under these conditions. In one possible scenario, self-ignition is caused by the strong shock waves generated by the collapse of pure Ox vapor bubble near the surface of the Ox liquid that may initiate detonation of the gaseous H2/Ox mixture adjacent to the gas-liquid interface. This effect is further enhanced by H2/Ox combustion inside the collapsing bubble in the presence of admixed H2 gas

    Strongly Time-Variable Ultra-Violet Metal Line Emission from the Circum-Galactic Medium of High-Redshift Galaxies

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    We use cosmological simulations from the Feedback In Realistic Environments (FIRE) project, which implement a comprehensive set of stellar feedback processes, to study ultra-violet (UV) metal line emission from the circum-galactic medium of high-redshift (z=2-4) galaxies. Our simulations cover the halo mass range Mh ~ 2x10^11 - 8.5x10^12 Msun at z=2, representative of Lyman break galaxies. Of the transitions we analyze, the low-ionization C III (977 A) and Si III (1207 A) emission lines are the most luminous, with C IV (1548 A) and Si IV (1394 A) also showing interesting spatially-extended structures. The more massive halos are on average more UV-luminous. The UV metal line emission from galactic halos in our simulations arises primarily from collisionally ionized gas and is strongly time variable, with peak-to-trough variations of up to ~2 dex. The peaks of UV metal line luminosity correspond closely to massive and energetic mass outflow events, which follow bursts of star formation and inject sufficient energy into galactic halos to power the metal line emission. The strong time variability implies that even some relatively low-mass halos may be detectable. Conversely, flux-limited samples will be biased toward halos whose central galaxy has recently experienced a strong burst of star formation. Spatially-extended UV metal line emission around high-redshift galaxies should be detectable by current and upcoming integral field spectrographs such as the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) on the Very Large Telescope and Keck Cosmic Web Imager (KCWI).Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Multiplicity of supercritical fronts for reaction-diffusion equations in cylinders

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    We study multiplicity of the supercritical traveling front solutions for scalar reaction-diffusion equations in infinite cylinders which invade a linearly unstable equilibrium. These equations are known to possess traveling wave solutions connecting an unstable equilibrium to the closest stable equilibrium for all speeds exceeding a critical value. We show that these are, in fact, the only traveling front solutions in the considered problems for sufficiently large speeds. In addition, we show that other traveling fronts connecting to the unstable equilibrium may exist in a certain range of the wave speed. These results are obtained with the help of a variational characterization of such solutions

    Self-replication and splitting of domain patterns in reaction-diffusion systems with fast inhibitor

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    An asymptotic equation of motion for the pattern interface in the domain-forming reaction-diffusion systems is derived. The free boundary problem is reduced to the universal equation of non-local contour dynamics in two dimensions in the parameter region where a pattern is not far from the points of the transverse instabilities of its walls. The contour dynamics is studied numerically for the reaction-diffusion system of the FitzHugh-Nagumo type. It is shown that in the asymptotic limit the transverse instability of the localized domains leads to their splitting and formation of the multidomain pattern rather than fingering and formation of the labyrinthine pattern.Comment: 9 pages (ReVTeX), 5 figures (postscript). To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Influence of Structural Features and Physico-chemical Properties of Metal-carbon Nanocomposites with Ferromagnetic Metal Inclusions on Microwave Radiation

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    Metal-carbon nanocomposites on the basis of polyacrylonitrile and compounds of metals (Fe, Ni, Co) synthesized at IR-heating and studied by SEM, X-ray phase analysis, Raman scattering, IR Fourier spec-troscopy are characterized by the carbon nanostructured amorphous graphite matrix with uniformly dis-tributed nanoparticles of metals (10-30 nm), their oxides and compounds – FeNi3 and FeCo, multilayered carbon nanotubes (~ 7-22 nm), and in the composition of Fe-Co / C fullerene-like formations – C60. All nanocomposites feature high absorption of electromagnetic waves in the frequency range 20-40 GHz. Two absorption mechanisms are proposed: dielectric loss in the amorphous carbon matrix and scattering of electric and magnetic components by ferromagnetic inclusions. Absorption was – 8.68 dB for Fe-Ni / C, – 12.93 dB for Fe / C, and – 7.07 dB for Ni / C and for Fe-Co / C was found to be maximum in the whole range studied (more than – 40 dB) with a peak of – 52.83 dB at 24.27 GHz, which is explained probably by both high nanocomposite electric conductivity 2 S / m and high specific magnetization of phase FeCo. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3625

    Direct Evidence of Two Superconducting Gaps in FeSe0.5_{0.5}Te0.5_{0.5}: SnS-Andreev Spectroscopy and Lower Critical Field

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    We present direct measurements of the superconducting order parameter in nearly optimal FeSe0.5_{0.5}Te0.5_{0.5} single crystals with critical temperature TC14T_C \approx 14 K. Using intrinsic multiple Andreev reflection effect (IMARE) spectroscopy and measurements of lower critical field, we directly determined two superconducting gaps, ΔL3.33.4\Delta_L \approx 3.3 - 3.4 meV and ΔS1\Delta_S \approx 1 meV, and their temperature dependences. We show that a two-band model fits well the experimental data. The estimated electron-boson coupling constants indicate a strong intraband and a moderate interband interaction