91 research outputs found

    An Artificial Intelligence Application in Health Developed on Covid-19 Documents

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    With the developments in computer science, the concept of artificial intelligence has appeared more frequently in recent years. The concept of artificial intelligence, which is basically defined as computers (machines) thinking like people and making decisions, has become very popular today. Artificial intelligence is used in many fields, especially computer science, education, law, trade, tourism and economy. The health sector is one of these areas. The importance of the applications developed in health sciences has emerged once again, especially during the pandemic process. The development of systems that help reduce the workload of healthcare professionals and make decisions by processing medical data is also an important and real problem that can be solved with artificial intelligence. In this study, natural language processing which is one of the main study subjects of artificial intelligence, has been developed a system that automatically determines the concepts such as disease, medication and treatment on medical data with artificial intelligence by the system. During the experimental studies, it was observed that 91% accurate estimation was made with the model developed. For this study, a Turkish dataset was created by scanning medical articles and studies related to Covid-19 disease.Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Turkish natural language processing, Name entity recognition, Covid-19DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/75-0

    Czy adiponektyna stanowi czynnik ryzyka występowania napadów przemijającego niedokrwienia mógu/przemijającego niedokrwienia mózgu?

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      Adiponectin is an adipocytokine, and it plays a role in atherosclerosis. The role of adiponectin in the development of ischaemic stroke is controversial. Up to now, adiponectin was not evaluated in transient ischaemic stroke. In this study, we investigated the relationship between adiponectin and transient ischaemic attack. Forty patients with transient ischaemic attack were included into the study. In all patients, traditional risk factors of ischaemic stroke and intima-media thickness of carotid arteries were determined. Also, the relationship between these parameters and adiponectin levels were examined. No difference was found in terms of adiponectin levels between patients and healthy subjects. In addition, there was no association between adiponectin levels and traditional risk factors. Our results suggest that adiponectin may not be a predictive risk factor of transient ischaemic attack. (Endokrynol Pol 2015; 66 (3): 214–218)    Adiponektyna jest adipocytokiną i odgrywa ważną rolę w przebiegu miażdżycy. Jej rola w rozwoju udaru niedokrwiennego budzi kontrowersje. Aż do dziś nie oceniono działania adiponektyny w przemijających udarach niedokrwiennych. W niniejszym badaniu prześledzono związek adiponektyny z przemijającymi atakami niedokrwiennymi. Do badania włączono 40 pacjentów cierpiących na przemijające niedokrwienie mózgu. U wszystkich pacjentów wykryto typowe czynniki ryzyka udaru niedokrwiennego oraz zmiany w błonie środkowej i wewnętrznej tętnicy szyjnej. Zbadano także związek między tymi parametrami i stężeniem adiponektyny. Nie znaleziono różnic w poziomie adiponektyny między pacjentami oraz osobami zdrowymi. Dodatkowo, nie wykryto związku między stężeniem adiponektyny i typowymi czynnikami ryzyka. Wyniki badania sugerują, że adiponektyna może nie być czynnikiem ryzyka wystąpienia przemijającego ataku niedokrwiennego. (Endokrynol Pol 2015; 66 (3): 214–218)

    Bone height measurement of maxillary and mandibular bones in panoramic radiographs of edentulous patients

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    Objectives. The purpose of this in vitro study were to determine variation in maxillary and mandibular vertical measurements and to assess vertical bone loss made from panoramic radiographs in edentulous measurements. Study Design. In this descriptive study, a total of 600 panoramic radiograph’s of edentulous patient were examined. The mean ages of edentulous patients were 31 and 87 years respectively. Measurements were made from reference lines drawn from anatomic landmarks on standardized panoramic rediographs. All radiographs were made using a standardized manner by the same technician. Twelve sites were measured on every panoramic radiograph whenever possible, five sites in the maxilla and seven sites in the mandible. Results. In the maxilla all vertical measurements distance were significantly greater in the edentulous men than in the edentulous women (p<0,05). In the mandible all vertical measurements distance were significantly greater in the edentulous men than in the edentulous women (p<0,05). Conclusion. The results of this study may guide clinicians to make primer decision of implant insertion area for implant supported prosthesis in edentulous patient

    Retrospective analysis of impacted first and second permanent molars in the turkish population : a multicenter study

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    Objectives: The purpose of the present study was to retrospectively analyze 170 case series of patients with 200 impacted first and second permanent molars. Study Design: Records of 104.408 patients were retrospectively screened in this multicenter study. The chosen study population consists of 170 patients who presented with impacted or retained first and second permanent molar. All patients with impacted first or second permanent molar had undergone clinical and radiographic examinations. The following factors were analyzed: age and gender, frequency, distribution, location, position, the number of impacted tooth, primary and secondary retention, degree of infraocclusion, associated pathologic conditions and treatment method. Results: There were a total of 170 patients (male: 91, female: 79, mean ages 22.69±8.99 years ranging from 13 to 66 years of age) with 200 retained or impacted permanent molars in 104.408 patients. In this study, 200 impacted teeth which were analyzed were 125 molars (62.5%) vertical position, 17 (8.5%) horizontal, 38 (19%) mesioangular, 12 (6%) distoangular, and 7 (3.5%) buccolingual inclination. There were 52 primarily retained (26%) and 32 secondarily retained (16%) molars. 137 (68.5%) molars were asymptomatic. Cystic formation was present in 13 (6.5%) cases. Conclusions: Although the impactions of first and second permanent molars do not occur frequently, it is important to make an early diagnosis in order to start treatment at the optimal time. © Medicina Oral S.L

    Characteristics of 351 supernumerary molar teeth In Turkish population

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    Objective: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the demographic profile of supernumerary molar (SM) teeth in people in various regions of Turkey. Study Design: A retrospective analysis was carried out on an initial sample of 104,902 subjects drawn from the ortopantographics files from 10 clinics in 7 Turkish cities with documentation of demographic data, the presence of SM teeth, their location, eruption, morphology, and position within the arch. In one region associated patho­logies and treatments were also evaluated. Results: Three hundred fifty-one SMs were detected in 288 patients, constituting 0.33% of the study subjects, with a greater frequency in females (56.4%). SMs were found more frequently in the maxilla (87.7%) than in the mandible, and distomolars (62.9%) were more common than paramolars. The SMs encountered were mostly of conical shape (45.7%), impacted (81.1%), and in a vertical position (52.1). The 33% of SM teeth were related to impacted molar teeth. Conclusion: The most common complication involving these teeth was soft tissue irritation. Demographic data from such specific extensive studies are crucial for improved diagnosis of SM teeth. Early detection allows for measures against complications and more successful therapy