17 research outputs found
Exclusive pion electroproduction off nucleons and nuclei
We present our results for the exclusive electroproduction of pions off
nucleons and nuclei at high values of . In electroproduction of nuclei
we consider the Color Transparency (CT) effect recently observed
at JLAB. It is shown that the description of production off nucleons is
mandatory for the proof of the CT signal at JLAB. We further develop the models
for exclusive production of off nucleons at JLAB and HERMES. At first we
describe a model based on exclusive-inclusive connection. In the second
approach we combine a Regge pole approach with the residual effect of nucleon
resonances. The nucleon resonances are described using a dual connection
between the exclusive form factors and inclusive deep inelastic structure
functions. We present the results for the beam spin azimuthal asymmetries
measured at JLAB in exclusive electroproduction of charged and neutral pions.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures. Invited talk at the NAPP 2010 - 3rd
International Conference on Nuclear and Particle Physics with CEBAF, October
3rd to 8th 2010, Dubrovnik, Croati
Deep exclusive electroproduction of at HERMES
Deeply virtual electroproduction of pion in exclusive reaction
is studied using a two-component model which includes soft
hadronic and hard partonic reaction mechanisms. The results are compared with
the experimental data measured at HERMES in the deep inelastic region for
values of GeV and GeV. At forward angles the
cross section is longitudinal and is dominated by exchange of Regge poles, with
the dominant trajectory. The off-forward region with GeV is
transverse and shows the dominance of partonic subprocesses. An implication of
present results for the future JLAB facilities are briefly discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure
Deep exclusive charged electroproduction above the resonance region
A description of exclusive charged pion electroproduction
off nucleons at high energies is proposed. The model combines a Regge pole
approach with residual effect of nucleon resonances. The exchanges of
(140), vector and axial-vector and
Regge trajectories are considered. The contribution of nucleon resonances is
described using a dual connection between the exclusive hadronic form factors
and inclusive deep inelastic structure functions. The model describes the
measured longitudinal, transverse and interference cross sections at JLAB and
DESY. The scaling behavior of the cross sections is in agreement with JLAB and
deeply virtual HERMES data. The results for a polarized beam-spin azimuthal
asymmetry in are presented. Model predictions for JLAB
at 12 GeV are given.Comment: 29 page
and in the nuclear medium
Recent studies of the resonance within chiral unitary theory
with coupled channels find the resonance as a dynamically generated state from
the interaction of the decuplet of baryons and the octet of mesons, essentially
a quasibound state of in this case, although the coupling
of the to the and makes this picture
only approximate. The decay channel of the
is forbidden in free space for the nominal mass of the , but
the coupling of the to components in the nuclear medium opens new
decay channels of the in the nucleus and produces a much larger
width. Together with medium modifications of the and
decay channels, the final width of the at nuclear matter
density is more than five times bigger than the free one. We perform the
calculations by dressing simultaneously the and the
resonances, finding moderate changes in the mass but
substantial ones in the width of both resonances.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures; comparison made to data, new references and new
(small) decay channel include
Ekskluzivna elektrotvorba piona na nukleonima i jezgrama
We present our results for the exclusive electroproduction of pions off nucleons and nuclei at high values of Q2 . In electroproduction of nuclei A(e, e′π) we consider the color transparency (CT) effect recently observed at JLAB. It is shown that the description of π production off nucleons is mandatory for the proof of the CT signal at JLAB. We further develop the models for exclusive production of π off nucleons at JLAB and HERMES. We first describe a model based on exclusive-inclusive connection. In the second approach, we combine a Regge pole approach with the residual effect of nucleon resonances. The nucleon resonances are described using a dual connection between the exclusive form factors and inclusive deep inelastic structure functions. We present the results for the beam spin azimuthal asymmetries measured at JLAB in exclusive electroproduction of charged and neutral pions.Izlažemo ishode svojih računa za ekskluzivnu elektrotvorbu piona na nukleonima i jezgrama za visoke vrijednosti Q2 . Razmatramo pojavu prozirnosti (CT) za boje koju su opazili nedavno u JLabu u elektrotvorbi A(e, e′π) na jezgrama. Pokazujemo da je opis tvorbe π obvezatan za dokaz CT podatka iz JLaba. Zatim razvijamo model za ekskluzivnu tvorbu π na nukleonima u JLabu i HERMESu. Prvo opisujemo model zasnovan na spoju ekskluzivno-inkluzivno. U drugom pristupu spajamo metodu Reggeovih polova s učinkom dalekih nukleonskih rezonancija. Nukleonske rezonancije opisujemo rabeći dvojni spoj ekskluzivnih faktora oblika i strukturnih funkcija duboko neelastičnih inkluzivnih procesa. Opisujemo i ishode mjerenja azimutalnih asimetrija spina snopa iz JLaba u ekskluzivnoj elektrotvorbi nabijenih i neutralnih piona
Primakoff production of , and in the Coulomb field of a nucleus
Photoproduction of neutral pseudoscalar mesons and
in the Coulomb field of an atomic nucleus is studied using a model
which describes the Primakoff and nuclear parts of the production amplitude. At
high energies the nuclear background is dominated by the exchange of -parity
odd Regge trajectories. In the coherent production the isospin filtering makes
the a dominant trajectory. The calculations are in agreement with
data from JLAB provided the photon shadowing and final state
interactions of mesons are taken into account. The kinematic conditions which
allow to study the Primakoff effect in and photoproduction off
nuclei are further discussed. We also give predictions for the higher energies
available at the JLAB upgrade.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, discussion added, final version to be published
in Phys. Rev.
Beam spin asymmetry in deeply virtual production
An interpretation of the beam spin azimuthal asymmetries measured at JLAB in
deep exclusive electroproduction of charged and neutral pions is presented. The
model combines a Regge pole approach with the effect of nucleon resonances. The
- and -channel contributions are described using a dual Bloom-Gilman
connection between the exclusive form factors and inclusive deep inelastic
structure functions. The results are in agreement with data provided the
excitations of nucleon resonances are taken into account.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Talk at the 19th International Spin Physics
Symposium (SPIN2010), Sept.27-Oct.2, 2010, Juelich, German