87 research outputs found


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    This research aims to develop an attitude scale towards preferences of Local Fast- Food (LFF) restaurants. 705 valid questionnaires were used randomly divided into two. At first, Parallel Analysis test and Explanatory Factor Analysis (EFA) were applied to the primary data set (n1=350). 11 items with communalities values less than 0.50 and without factor load were ejected from the scale. The remaining 10 items in the scale were grouped under four factors. The number of dimensions was investigated with the Parallel Analysis method, and the number of dimensions was verified by testing with EFA. These dimensions are “menu”, “service”, “locality” and “portion”. Secondly, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was applied to the secondary data set (n2=355). Because the t value of the variables is greater than ±1.96, it was determined that all factors are explained by the relevant variables. Finally, as for that, to determine the measurement invariance, the models were compared by performing configural, metric-weak, scale, solid, and partial invariance analysis with CFA. Negative items should be reverse coded in the analysis. It can be stated that the factorization of these 10 statements ensures reliability and validity and can be used in future research

    Effects of Water Intake on Biochemical Parameters and Performance During Resistance Exercise

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    The study aims to determine whether water intake during resistance training impacts the amounts of potassium (K+), sodium (Na+), magnesium (Mg), and calcium (Ca) and to identify the effects of the reactions of these minerals on performance. Ten male university students aged between 20 and 23 participated in the study. The participants did five different previously-determined resistance exercises (3 sets of 8RM). During the training program, the participants did the resistance exercises by not consuming water in the first week and consuming water in the second week. (Pre-exercise and exercise days routine food and fluid intake was maintained, fluid intake restriction was applied only during exercise) The participants’ weight, body mass index (BMI), percent body fat, systolic and diastolic pressure, lactate, Borg scale ratings, and K+, Na+, Mg, and Ca were determined before and after the exercises. Training volume was recorded. Performing the exercises without water intake produced a significant increase in K+. During the exercises done with water intake, there was a significant increase in Na+. No statistical differences were determined in the volume of exercise done with and without water intake. The study shows that water intake during high-intensity resistance training does not have any effect on the volume of exercise. In addition, the changes in Na+ and K+ parameters do not affect the volume of exercise. Although loss of minerals is statistically significant in exercise without water, it is understood that the total amount of minerals lost is not enough to induce a physiological change or a performance change in the total resistance training volume. Water, regardless of the volume and intensity of exercise, promotes balance of metabolism and prevents performance degradation that can occur during sport events (Murray et al., 1991). For this reason, water should be consumed not only in sports activities but also in daily activities

    Küreselleşmenin Medya Üzerinde Etkileri: Küresel Medyaya “Sürükleniş” / The Effects of Globalization on Media: "Drifting" into the Global Media

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    Abstract Globalization affects the lives of individuals by showing themselves in many areas. The notion of globalization, which is particularly influential in the field of economy, politics and culture, has led to change and transformation through important influences both in the media and in the news cycle. In this context, with the globalization of the media, attempts have been made to create a uniform culture all over the world. Movies, TV programs, music video clips, have also changed in support of this argument. The global news cycle, which is in the hands of international agencies, causes an imbalance in the global flow as it is published due to the views of western imperialism of a certain capital. In this context, "news" is only in the hands of certain agencies; the dominance is maintained. In particular, although they are working to correct them on the effects of the global media and on the imbalances in the news cycle, they have not yet reached a sufficient level. Because of the international cycle of communication, the global media environment is in the hands of certain capitalists, imbalances are also felt in the environment. In this study, it will be discussed how the globalization phenomenon, especially the reflection of the media, and as a result, the news and other visual media messages affect the target audience. Following the identification of the situation, this structure will be referred to the work that can be described as "contradictions" and this particular emphasis on local / new media actors that may create alternatives will be addressed. Öz Küreselleşme, pek çok alanda kendini göstererek, bireylerin yaşamlarını etkilemektedir. Özellikle ekonomi, siyaset ve kültür alanında etkili olan küreselleşme kavramı, medyada ve haber döngüsünde de önemli etkileri vasıtasıyla değişim ve dönüşüme yol açmıştır. Buna kapsamda, medyanın küreselleşmesiyle birlikte, tüm dünya üzerinde tek tip bir kültür oluşturulması girişimleri de söz konusu olmuştur. Filmler, tv programları, müzik klipleri de bu savı destekler nitelikte değişimler göstermiştir. Uluslararası ajansların elinde olan küresel haber döngüsü ise belli bir sermayeye ait batı emperyalizmi görüşlerine bağlı olarak yayınlandığı için küresel akışta bir dengesizliğe sebep olmaktadır. Bu kapsamda, “haber” sadece belli ajansların elinde olup; söz konusu hakimiyet sürdürülmektedir. Özellikle, küresel medyanın etkilerinde ve haber döngüsündeki dengesizlikler üzerinde bunları düzeltmeye yönelik çalışmalar olsa da, henüz yeterli düzeye erişilememiştir. İletişimdeki uluslararası döngü, küresel medya ortamı belli sermayelerin elinde olduğu için ortamda dengesizlikler de kendini hissettirmektedir. Bu çalışmada küreselleşme olgusunun özellikle medyaya yansımaları ve bunun sonucunda haberlerin ve diğer görsel medya iletilerinin hedef kitleyi nasıl etkileyip, yönlendirdiği tartışılacak; durum tespiti ardından, bu yapıya “karşı çıkışlar” olarak nitelenebilecek çalışmalara değinilecek ve  alternatif oluşturabilecek yerel/yeni medya aktörlerinin bu husustaki önemi ele alınacaktır

    Aneuploidy Rate, DNA Fragmentation, Tubulin and Centrin Content in Different Groups of Male Infertility

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    In this study, we aimed to compare DNA fragmentation ratios, centrosomal protein concentrations (centrin and tubulin) and numerical chromosomal abnormalities between four groups including asthenozoospermia, teratozoospermia, oligoasthenozoospermia and normozoospermia patients, and to emphasize the necessity of investigating genetic and protein content of the spermatozoa also in patients with a semen analysis within normal reference range. Evaluation of semen analysis of the patients was performed based on WHO 2010 criteria. As a result of the statistical analysis, it was observed that the sperm DNA fragmentation rate in the normozoospermia group (6.50 ± 3.46%) was significantly lower than those in the teratozoospermia (19.69 ± 9.86%) and oligoasthenoteratozoospermia group (32.47± 14.13%) (p<0.001). For centrin and tubulin proteins, highest concentrations were observed in normozospermia group (p<0.05). When incidence of numerical abnormalities were compared between four groups, it was found that there were statistically significant differences between groups in terms of nullisomies X, Y and 13, and  21 (p<0.05). In conclusion, we suggest that abnormalities in semen parameters seem to be associated with chromosomal abnormalities; and sperm aneuploidy rate is also at a considerable level even in normozoospermic patients. Keywords: DNA fragmentation, teratozoospermia, centrin, tubulin DOI: 10.7176/JMPB/68-04 Publication date:September 30th 2020

    Representation of Teachers in Turkish Cinema Between 1940 and 1980

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    The film of the destruction of the Russian monument in 1914 is not only the history of Turkish cinema, but also of a country. The aim of this study is to reveal the representation of teachers in Turkish cinema, which is one of the professions that shape a nation, in films that reflect the effects of the periods spent in all its positive and negative aspects. The reflections of the political and social changes experienced in the historical process on the cinema, the emphasis in the representation of the teacher and the quality of the added value created in the society were analyzed in comparison with the periodical conjuncture. With the purposeful sampling management, the films in which the teacher was represented from 1940 to 1980 were compared with the conditions of the period in which they were shot, and their reflections on the society and the teacher were examined

    Improving Outcomes for Solid-Organ Transplant Recipients At Risk from Cytomegalovirus Infection: Late-Onset Disease and Indirect Consequences

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    Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is one of the most important pathogens following solid-organ transplantation, and effective prevention of CMV infection is a priority. The long-term control of CMV infection is dependent, in part, on the development of CMV-specific T cells, and controversy exists regarding whether CMV prophylaxis may prevent this. Although preemptive therapy is beneficial for the prevention of CMV disease, monitoring of viral levels in the blood does not always reflect what is occurring in tissues. Persistent low-level CMV infection has been associated with indirect consequences, such as transplant-associated vasculopathy, posttransplantation diabetes, an increased risk of opportunistic infection, and graft rejection. The issues surrounding preventive strategies for CMV disease following solid-organ transplantation are reviewed. We argue that prophylaxis is more effective than preemptive therapy; extending the duration of prophylaxis to the period of less intense immunosuppression could protect patients from late-onset disease, as well as from the indirect effects of CMV infectio

    Karaparanın aklanmasının önlenmesinde muhasebe düzeninin araç olarak kullanılması üzerine bir inceleme

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    Anahtar Kelimeler : Karaparanın Aklanması, Adli Muhasebe, Muhasebe Hileleri Ve Denetimi KARAPARANIN AKLANMASININ ÖNLENMESİNDE MUHASEBE DÜZENİNİN ARAÇ OLARAK KULLANILMASI ÜZERİNE BİR İNCELEME Suç gelirinin aklanmasının önlenmesinde mücadele süreci dikkatle incelendiğinde; muhasebe, muhasebe mesleği ve suçtan kaynaklanan mal varlığı değerini (karapara) aklamayı önlemede muhasebenin yerinin önemi bu çalışmada ön plana çıkarılmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu amaçla hazırlanmış altı bölümün birincisinde suç geliri - karapara, kayıtdışı ekonomi kavramları, ilişkisi boyutları ve nedenleri üzerinde durularak kavramsal bir çerçeve oluşturulmuştur. İkinci bölümde, suçtan kaynaklanan malvarlığı değerlerini (karapara) aklama, aşamaları, yöntemleri ve etkileri değerlendirilerek aklama süreci boyunca karşılaşılan durumlar incelenmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde, suçtan kaynaklanan mal varlığı gelirinin aklanmasının önlenmesinde uluslararası çalışmalar ve uluslararası işbirlikleri üzerinde durulmuş, dünya çapındaki mücadeleler incelenmiştir. Dördüncü bölümde, Türkiye’de suçtan kaynaklanan malvarlığı değerini aklama suçu, uluslar arası mücadeledeki yeri ve anlaşmaları araştırılmıştır. Hukuki düzenlemeler ve karapara aklanması ile ilgili faaliyet gösteren kuruluşlar değerlendirilmiştir. Beşinci bölümde ise, muhasebe, muhasebe mesleği ve suçtan kaynaklanan mal varlığı değerini aklamayı önlemede muhasebenin yeri değerlendirilmiştir. Muhasebe, muhasebe mesleği ve aklamayı önlemede muhasebenin yeri anlatılmış, bu anlamda muhasebede yapılan hileler ve hile denetçiliği, işletmelerde yapılan hilelerin önlenmesine yönelik uygulamalara değinilmiş ve hilelerin ortaya çıkarılmasında kullanılan yöntemler anlatılmıştır. Son bölümde ise suçtan kaynaklanan mal varlığı değerini (karapara) aklamada muhasebe düzeninin etkisi ve denetimi ile suç gelirinin aklanmasının önlenmesinde muhasebe düzenin ne tür bir araç olarak kullanıldığı ve meslek mensuplarının görev ve sorumluluklarına değinilmiş, sonuçta çözüm önerileri sunulmuştur. Keywords : Money Laundering, Forensic Accounting, Fraud Auditing ABSTRACT AN ANALYSIS OF THE USE OF OCCOUNTING ORGANIZATION AS A TOOL ON THE PREVENTION OF MONEY LAUNDERING A careful examination of the process of fighting crime in the prevention of laundering income accounting, the accounting profession and the value of assets resulting from crime (money), accounting laundering prevention to the fore in this study tried to be the importance of the place. For this purpose, the department prepared the first of six criminal income - money, the concepts of the informal economy, with emphasis on the causes of relationship dimensions and established a conceptual framework. The second section, the values of assets derived from crime (money) laundering, its stages, situations encountered during the process of laundering methods and assessment of their effects are investigated. In the third chapter, caused offense in international studies and international cooperation in the prevention of laundering income assets, focuses on the struggles around the world are examined. The fourth section, the value of the laundering of assets derived from criminal offense in Turkey, and place of the fight against international agreements, investigated. Legal arrangements and organizations were active in relation to money laundering. In the fifth chapter, accounting, the accounting profession and the value of assets resulting from crime , accounting, where the prevention of laundering were evaluated. Accounting, the accounting profession and accounting, where the prevention of laundering is described, in this sense, accounting tricks and gimmicks auditor, for the prevention of fraud in business applications are mentioned and described in the methods used in detecting fraud. In the last section the value of assets due to crime (money), accounting laundering scheme revenue laundering and crime prevention and control of the effect of accounting is used as a tool in order, and what kind of duties and responsibilities of the profession are addressed, the resulting solutions are presented

    Özel güvenlik şirketlerinin kooperatifleştirilmesi

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    İnsanoğlu tarihin ilk çağlarından günümüze kadar güvenlik içinde yaşama ihtiyacı hissetmiştir. Tarihi gelişim içinde Devletin yapılanmasıyla birlikte güvenlik işlevi Devlet tarafından yapılmaya başlanmıştır. Güvenlik; her gün gelişen, şekillenen bir olgu olup kişi ve kuruluşlara daha etkin güvenlik sağlanabilmesi amacıyla, asıl görevi kamu güvenliğini sağlamak olan genel kolluğa destek sağlayabilmek için Özel Güvenlik Teşkilatının kurulmasına ihtiyaç duyulmuştur. Henüz yeni ve hızlı gelişen bir sektör olan Özel Güvenliğin alt yapısı, sektör kadar hızlı gelişememekte, bu da çeşitli problemlere yol açmaktadır. Özel Güvenlik işletmelerinin kooperatif örgütlenme modeline geçmesiyle; ortakların bilgi ve tecrübelerini birleştireceği, vergi muafiyetinden faydalanacağı, iç denetimin daha sağlıklı işleyeceği, teçhizat ve eğitimli personel temininin kolaylaşacağı düşünülmektedir. Bunların sonucunda da; rasyonelliğin ve verimliliğin artacağı, tekelci ve spekülatif amaçlı karların ortadan kalkacağı, maliyet azalacağından hizmetin daha kaliteli ve verimli olacağı, toplumdaki sosyal adalet ve gelişmeye katkıda bulunulacağı öngörülmektedir.From primitive ages up to now, man has felt a need to live in security. Throughout historical development process, the function of security has started to be carried out by the state. Security is a fact which is improving and reforming day by day and therefore in order to provide people and institutions with better and more effective security and support the general security unit, there has been a need to establish the private security institution. The substructure of the private security, which is just new and rapidly developing sector, has not been developing as rapidly as the sector itself, and consequently, this situation causes certain problems. On moving to cooperatively organizing model it is supposed that the partners combine their knowledge and experience, benefit from tax exemption, interior control work more effectively and also it will be easier to supply equipment and educated staff. As a result of these all, it is expected that rationality and productivity will increase, monopolist and speculative–aimed profit will disappear, the service will have a better quality and productivity as the cost will decrease, and it will contribute to the common justice and development in society