30 research outputs found
RFID-технологии: опыт продвижения от научных библиотек к муниципальным
Promoting global information space means intensive automation of the library and information industry. The traditional technologies of information storage, search, selection and user delivery do not meet library users’ needs, do not match the volume information flow and jeopardize the role of libraries as аn intermediate in the “information — user” cumulative process. Since the late 20th century the computer-aided technologies have been being introduced which can be illustrated with the technology of bar-coding of libraries’ document collections. The authors examine the RFID technology as an option to expand bar-coding functionality. They define the main stages of RFID-technology applications in the libraries and information agencies, e. g. large scientific libraries and university libraries, municipal libraries, etc. The authors discuss the issues of implementing RFID-technologies in community libraries based on the experience of the model library in the town of Blizhniaya Igumenka, Belogorod Region. Today, the automated systems are seen not only as an instrument of technological modernization of the libraries but as one of the important factors of social transformation of community libraries. The authors emphasize that beside the technological innovations, in particular those related to RFID, the significant social effect is observed in building comfortable user environment, efficient time management in library’s educational activities, building the library’s social image of modern hi-tech agency.Развитие глобального информационного пространства предполагает активное внедрение процессов автоматизации в библиотечно-информационной отрасли. Традиционные технологии хранения, поиска, отбора и предоставления информации потребителю не соответствуют ни запросам пользователей библиотек, ни объемам информационного потока и ставят под сомнение роль библиотеки как посредника в кумулятивном процессе «информация – пользователь». Автоматизированные технологии начали внедрять в деятельность библиотек в конце прошлого столетия, что можно проследить, в частности, на примере технологии штрих-кодирования документного фонда библиотеки. В статье рассматривается технология радиочастотной идентификации (Radio Frequency Identification – RFID), которая в настоящее время является одной из альтернативных технологий, расширяющей возможности штрих-кодирования. Сегодня можно говорить об основных этапах развития применения RFID-технологий в работе организаций библиотечно-информационной сферы – как крупнейших научных библиотек и библиотек университетов, так и муниципальных библиотек. Авторы статьи затрагивают вопрос внедрения RFID-технологий в практику поселенческих библиотек на примере модельной библиотеки п. Ближняя Игуменка Белгородской области. Сегодня автоматизированные системы рассматриваются в качестве не только инструмента технологической модернизации библиотек, но и одного из важных факторов социального преобразования пространства поселенческой библиотеки. В статье подчеркнуто, что кроме явных технологических инноваций, связанных, в частности, с технологией RFID, наблюдается и значительный социальный эффект, заключающийся в создании комфортной среды для пользователей, более эффективного использования временных ресурсов для развития просветительской деятельности библиотеки, а также для формирования ее социальной репутации как современной высокотехнологичной организации
Оценка эффективности локальной стероидной терапии у детей с олигоартикулярным вариантом ювенильного артрита: результаты ретроспективного исследования
Background. Despite the progress in diagnosis and treatment of chronic rheumatic diseases in children, the choice of anti-inflammatory drugs in case of the onset of oligoarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) still remains relevant. Till present, pediatric rheumatologists have not reached a consensus on this issue yet.The aim of this study was to search for predictors of early failure of local steroid therapy and assessment of its feasibility in patients with oligoarticular JIA.Materials and methods. In a retrospective study, 92 children aged 11 months – 9 years with chronic oligoarticular JIA without extra-articular manifestations were monitored. The features of the clinical, instrumental and laboratory diagnosis during the disease onset were studied, along with the dynamics of the articular syndrome and the effectiveness of intra-articular administration of corticosteroid drugs.Results and discussion. The data on 92 children with 164 active joints who received 218 local intra-articular injections of triamcinolone acetonide at the onset of the disease were analyzed. Intra-articular injections of triamcinolone acetonide at a dose of 20–40 mg were performed with an interval of 3, 6, and 12 months, depending on the intensity of the disease. In about one third of children with oligoarticular JIA, arthritis became inactive on average after two intra-articular injections of triamcinolone acetonide. The study did not reveal the predictors of early ineffective topical corticosteroid monotherapy in children. No clinical, instrumental, and laboratory signs were identified that would directly indicate the need for early therapy with methotrexate.Conclusion. Triamcinolone acetonide is an effective and safe drug for children with oligoarticular JIA. Despite the widespread use of biological, gene, and other innovative therapies, application of local corticosteroids as the firstline therapy in children with oligoarticular JIA should not be neglected. Актуальность. Несмотря на большой прогресс в диагностике и лечении ревматических заболеваний у детей, все еще остается актуальным вопрос выбора противовоспалительной терапии в случае дебюта хронического олигоартрита. Единого мнения на этот счет у детских ревматологов нет и по настоящий день. Цель. Поиск предикторов ранней неэффективности и оценка целесообразности локальной стероидной монотерапии у пациентов с дебютом олигоартикулярного варианта ювенильного артрита. Материалы и методы. Основу ретроспективного исследования составили 92 ребенка в возрасте от 11 мес до 9 лет с хроническим олигоартритом без экстраартикулярных проявлений (олиго-ЮА). Были изучены особенности клинико-инструментальной и лабораторной диагностики в дебюте заболевания, динамика суставного синдрома и эффективность внутрисуставного введения глюкокортикостероидного препарата.Результаты. Проанализированы данные 92 детей со 164 «активными» суставами, которые получили 218 изолированных внутрисуставных манипуляций по введению стероидного препарата (триамцинолон ацетонид). Триамцинолон ацетонид вводился внутрисуставно в дозе 20–40 мг с интервалом 3, 6, 12 мес в зависимости от активности заболевания. Около одной трети детей с олиго-ЮА достигли неактивной стадии болезни в среднем после двукратного введения данного препарата. Исследование не позволило выявить предикторов ранней неэффективности монотерапии локальными стероидными препаратами у детей. Не выявлено достоверных клинико-инструментальных и лабораторных признаков, которые напрямую указывали бы на необходимость начала ранней терапии препаратом «Метотрексат».Заключение. Триамцинолон ацетонид является эффективным и безопасным препаратом у детей с олигоартикулярным вариантом ювенильного артрита. Несмотря на популяризацию генно-инженерной биологической терапии, не следует пренебрегать лечением локальными стероидными препаратами как первой линией противоревматической терапии у детей.
Surgical treatment of portal hypertension complications in patients with liver cirrhosis
Objective: Improving the results of surgical treatment of portal hypertension complications in patients with liver cirrhosis.Material and methods: The results of medical care for 328 patients with liver cirrhosis, who were treated in the surgical departments of the central district and city hospitals of the Krasnodar Region, were analyzed. The effectiveness of minimally invasive surgical treatment of portal hypertension complications in 832 patients with liver cirrhosis treated at the Regional Clinical Hospital no. 2 of the Ministry of Health of the Krasnodar Region were also evaluated.Results: The mortality rate in patients with liver cirrhosis, admitted in first-level institutions of medical care due to acute bleeding from esophageal varices, reached 26.3%. In conditions of surgical treatment of complications of portal hypertension in a third-level institution of specialized care it did not exceed 4.7%.Conclusion: The optimal approach to the surgical treatment of patients with liver cirrhosis is to stop the bleeding from esophageal varices at the first stage of medical care and to treat portal hypertension complications using minimally invasive technologies in a multidisciplinary clinic involving a multidisciplinary team of doctors
Creation of highly productive forms of winter wheat with complex resistance against diseases and pests on artificial infectious backgrounds of their causative agents
Diseases of field crops substantially reduce the yield and quality of the obtained agricultural products. Underselection of gross grain harvest due to diseases and pests can reach about 25-30% annually. This necessitates the creation of resistant varieties for winter wheat selection. The purpose of this study was to create a new highly productive selection material with complex resistance against the main most harmful diseases for further use in the selection of winter wheat. In the phase of emergence of plants in the tube, winter wheat plants were infected with spores of the causative agent of brown rust according to E.E. Heschele’s method. To create an artificial infectious background of brown rust, a synthetic population of the pathogen (Institute of Plant Protection of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences) was used as a reservoir of infection – a susceptible variety of Myronivska 10. To create an artificial infectious background of powdery mildew, a local population and an infectious reservoir of the American variety Keprock were used. In the F3 hybrid nursery against the provoking background of powdery mildew, combinations highly resistant to the pathogen (up to 5%) were selected, created with sources of resistance: Zdar, Fakon, Pi170911, Bongo – Svitanok Myronivskyi/Zdar, Kolos Myronivshchyny/Fakon, Berehynia Myronivska/Pi170911, Dostatok/Bongo. Resistance against the pathogen (up to 10.0%) was observed in two crossing combinations (Gorlytsia Myronivska/Gloria and Remeslivna/Wervok). Crossing combinations created with sources of resistance were selected on the artificial infectious background of hybrids of the fourth generation for resistance to brown rust: Flex, V 1275, Tobarzo, 203-238. It is worth noting the hybrids: Oberih Myronivskyi/Flex, Smuhlianka/V 1275, Monotyp/Tobarzo, Kolos Myronivshchyna/203-238. The largest number of grains in an ear was obtained from the combination Svitanok Myronivskyi/Zdar (61.5 pieces), and the largest weight of grain from an ear was obtained from the combinations Horlytsia Myronivska/Gloria and Berehynia Myronivska/Pi170911 (2.38 g and 2.37 g, respectively). The Oberih Myronivskyi/Flex combination stood out for its resistance to brown rust and performance elements. The samples selected based on the results of the study are used as valuable raw material to create new winter wheat varieties resistant to diseases in the Forest Steppe of Ukrain
The level of intensity of soft winter wheat varieties infection by Fusarium link pathogens and their identification on grain
In modern conditions, an important task of agricultural production is to increase the yield and improve the quality of agricultural products. A reliable and environmentally beneficial factor for a sustainable increase in yield and improvement of grain quality is the creation of new varieties with group resistance to diseases and a high level of adaptability. The effectiveness of breeding for immunity directly depends on the diversity of donor resistance genes, and the search for new sources of resistance has been and remains a topical issue. The purpose of the study was to establish the level of infection of grain of soft winter wheat varieties with pathogens of Fusarium head blight and their identification. Winter wheat varieties from different breeding institutions of Ukraine were used in the research: V.M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat of NAAS (MIW), Breeding and Genetic Institute – National Centre for Seed Breeding and Variety Research of NAAS (SGI-NCNS), V.Ya. Yuriev Plant Production Institute of NAAS (PPI), Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics of NASU (IPPG), Institute of Plant Protection of NAAS (IPP), Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of NAAS (IA), National Research Centre “Institute of Agriculture” of NAAS (NRC IA). Phytopathological analysis was used to determine the species composition of the Fusarium Link pathogen, and the proportion of species was determined by the ratio of infected wheat grain samples to their total number. A higher (15-18%) level of intensity of Fusarium blight infection was observed in the varieties Doskonala, Turunchuk, Ovidii, Vodohrai, and Myroliubyva. Winter wheat grain in the years of research was colonised by such types of Fusarium head blightas: F. sporotrichiella, F. monilifopme, F. graminearum, F. culmorum, F. avenaceum, F. gibbosum F. sambucinum and F.oxysporium. F. monilifopme and F. oxysporium species dominated the situation, with their prevalence on wheat grainbeing 16.2 and 1.7%, respectively. Winter wheat varieties with the lowest (1.2–4.5%) damage by pathogens of the genusFusarium are recommended for use in wheat breeding for immunity. The use of a stable starting material in practicalbreeding will help contain the increase in infection of pathogens without the use of chemical protective equipmen
Arterial hypertension in pregnancy: mechanisms of formation, prevention and therapeutic approaches
Despite the achieved progress in radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and surgery, head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) still remains the sixth most common cause of death from cancer worldwide. The division of HNSCC into 2 large groups with different survival rates is a significant achievement made during the last decades in cancer research and treatment of head and neck cancer. In 45 % – 90 % of cases, oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma is presumably associated with human papillomavirus (HPV). A recent whole-exome sequencing study on HNSCC helped to develop new principles of treatment that will allow to increase the effectiveness of conventional therapy. The study demonstrated that inactivating mutations in the p53 gene trigger carcinogenesis. The majority of tumors have such mutations that inactivate the p53 tumor suppressor gene. According to the results of sequencing, HPV-positive and HPV-negative tumors have completely different mutation profiles. Intratumoral heterogeneity should be taken into account when implementing new treatment approaches. We present an overview of studies published between 1989 and 2014. Current review briefly describes molecular mechanisms of carcinogenesis in HNSCC in the light of genetic and biochemical features of the tumor, paying particular attention to the most significant scientific achievements in this field. Moreover, we outline the advancements of wholeexome sequencing in HNSCC and give an overview of recent studies devoted to new therapeutic approaches. The process of carcinogenesis in HNSCC is often initiated by tumor suppressors. In this case, the development of target-based drugs is problematic. Target therapy focused on the ways of tumor growth suppression is a much more serious challenge than inhibition of oncogenic signals, because it requires reactivation of tumor suppressors and restoration of their functions, which is more difficult than conventional chemical and biological blockage. Poor survival of patients with HNSCC, which is usually associated with a small size of recurrent tumors, their latent growth, and localization in various anatomical areas, shows that there is an urgent need for developing new therapeutic approaches for the disease. The study was aimed to analyze specific molecular features of head and neck tumors and to explore the opportunities of providing personalized care for these patients
Objective: to examine the relationship between bone mineral density (BMD), the parameters of vascular stiffness and biomarkers of cellular aging in postmenopausal women. Materials and Methods: In a cross-sectional study107 patients were included: women at the age range of 45 to 82 years who were observed outpatient and signed a written informed consent. Assessment of BMD was performed using DXA (Delphi W, Hologic, USA). The intima-media thickness (IMT), the presence and quantity of atherosclerotic plaques (AP), and the degree of carotid stenosis were examined by duplex scanning. The pulse wave velocity (PWV), augmentation index (Aix) were measured by applanation tonometry (SphygmoCor).To determine telomere length (DT) in leukocytes the method of real-time PCR was used. This was done by measuring the relative telomere length in the genomic DNA. Determination of telomerase activity (Aix) was carried out on pure monocyte fraction of isolated blood cells on the basis of telomerase polymerase reaction.Statistical analysis was performed using the software application Statistical Analysis System (USA). Results: With the increase in duration of menopause a gradual increase in the stiffness rate (PWV, AI), IMT and decrease of BMD was noticed in all examined parts of the skeleton. The maximal values of vascular stiffness, minimal values of BMD and the shortest telomeres were found in patients with 10+ years of menopause. The risk of bone mass loss and osteoporosis increased by 3 times in patients with high values of PWV ≥10 m/sec[OP-3,1, 95%CI, 1,13-9,89 (p0,9 mm by 2,45 times in patients with presence of AP in the carotid arteries and with the shortest telomeres [OP-2,45, 95%CI, 1,05-6,08 (p<0,05)]. During multivariate regression analysis after adjusting for age and menopause duration the negative relationship between IA, IMT and BMD remained highly significant, while in relation to PWV, AP presence and telomere length, such a correlation was not confirmed. Conclusion: In postmenopausal women low BMD is associated with high rates of Aix and the thickness of the IMT. The independent relationship of BMD with Aix, rather than with PWV, apparently could be explained by the involvement of small vessels -arterioles. Short telomeres are 2.45 times more frequent in patients with low bone mass, but the relationship has not been confirmed in the regression analysis, which excludes the independent nature of this aging marker with BMD
Association of vessel stiffness parameters and subclinical atherosclerosis and mass of bone tissue in postmenopausal women
Aim. To study relation of vessel wall stiffness parameters and subclinical atherosclerosis with mineral density of bone (MDB) in postmenopausal women.Material and methods. Into a simultaneous study were included 107 patients at the age 45-82 y.o., being monitored in outpatient circumstances and signed informed consent. We did not include patients with any clinical sign of atherosclerosis, malignancies, secondary osteoporosis causing diseases, as those who had been taking drugs influencing calcium metabolism or vessel wall stiffness parameters. The intima-media complex (IMC), presence of absence of atherosclerotic lesions (AL) were studied via duplex scanning. Pulse wave velocity (PWV), augmentation index (AI) were measured by application tonometry (SphygmoCor). MDB of the spine and of proximal femur was measured via double energetic x-ray absorptiometry. Statistics done with the software by Statistical Analysis System (USA).Results. With the increase of menopause duration, there was gradual increase of PWV, AI, IMC and decrease of MDB. Maximal values of vessel stiffness and the highest MDB were found in 10 years after menopause. Osteoporosis was diagnosed in 27 (25%) of patients, osteopenia in 38 (36%), normal MDB in 42 (39%). The risk of bone mass decrease and of osteoporosis development increased 3 times in higher values of PWV (≥10 m/s) (р<0,05), more than 4 times in AI ≥20% (р<0,05) and IMC thickness >9 mm (р=0,02) and in 2,45 times if AL in carotid arteries were found (p=0,03). During multifactor regression analysis, negative relation of AI, IMC thickness and MDB remained, though association with PWV and AL was not proven.Conclusion. With the increase of menopause duration there was increase of vessel rigidity parameters PWV, AL, IMC thickness and bone mass loss. Decrease of MDB in postmenopausal women is associated with high values of PWV, IA, IMC thickness and AL amount, but as independent predictors of low bone mass were only AI and IMC