27 research outputs found

    Influence of modified natural zeolite on the thermal stability of epoxy based composites

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    The effect of modified natural zeolite of the Shivyrtuysky deposits on the thermal behavior of epoxy composites at the heating was studied. The modification of the zeolite particles with aluminum oxyhydroxide (AlOOH) nanofibers was made. AlOOH nanofibers were obtained at the heating and oxidation of aluminum powder by water. The parameters of thermal-oxidative and thermal destruction of the samples with a filler concentration of 1, 2, 5, and 10 wt. % were determined. The limiting oxygen index was determined by the calculation method

    Soil-landscape model helps predict potassium supply in vineyards

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    The Lodi Winegrape District is one of the largest in California and encompasses a wide diversity of wine-grape varieties, production systems and soils, which complicates grape nutrient management To identify regions within this district that have similar nutrient-management needs, we are developing a soil-landscape model based on soil survey information. Our current model identifies five regions within the Lodi district with presumed relationships between soil properties and potassium-supplying ability. Region 1 has weakly developed, clay-rich soils in basin alluvium; region 2 has weakly developed, coarser-textured soils on recent alluvial fans, flood plains and stream terraces; region 3 has moderately developed soils on low terraces derived from granitic alluvium; region 4 has highly developed soils on high terraces derived from mixed alluvium; and region 5 has weakly developed soils formed on undulating volcanic terrain. Field and lab studies of soils in these regions show that our model is reasonable in concept, but that it must be fine-tuned to account for differing degrees of soil variability within each region in order to make realistic nutrient-management predictions

    Echinococcal Cyst Blockade — the Rare Cause of Acute Pancreatitis and Obstructive Jaundice

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    Aim: demonstrate an algorithm for the diagnosis and treatment of acute pancreatitis and obstructive jaundice caused by obstruction of the terminal part of the common bile duct by daughter echinococcal cyst.Key points. The article presents a clinical case of acute echinococcal obstruction of the terminal part of the common bile duct in a patient with a complicated course of liver echinococcosis. A 33-year-old man was hospitalized with epigastrium and right hypochondrium pains and jaundice. In 2019 the patient underwent the removal of a cyst in the 7th liver segment and cholecystectomy for liver and gallbladder echinococcal lesions. Laboratory research revealed leukocytosis, hyperbilirubinemia and an increase in the transaminases level. Transabdominal ultrasound showed signs of dilatation throughout bile ducts. Duodenoscopy revealed a fixed yellowish-white oval formation with transluent capsule, completely blocking bile and pancreatic juice outflow at the major duodenal papilla. After non-annulation endoscopic papillotomy, migration of the substrate (echinococcal cyst) into the duodenum was noted, active flow of bile and pancreatic secretions was restored. Oral transpapillary cholangioscopy was performed for a detailed bile ducts examination. It revealed no echinococcal cysts, residual parasitic structures or biliary tree lesions. The treatment was completed with pancreatic stenting. After complex treatment in the intensive care and surgery unit with complete condition stabilization, the patient was discharged with recommendations for further treatment in a specialized clinic.Conclusion. Migration of a daughter cyst from the echinococcal liver focus can cause acute blockade of the terminal part of the common bile duct and acute obstructive pancreatitis. The combination of clinical, radiological and endoscopic methods allows to diagnose and eliminate this rare complication of liver echinococcosis with subsequent successful treatment

    Codon-optimization in gene therapy: promises, prospects and challenges

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    Codon optimization has evolved to enhance protein expression efficiency by exploiting the genetic code’s redundancy, allowing for multiple codon options for a single amino acid. Initially observed in E. coli, optimal codon usage correlates with high gene expression, which has propelled applications expanding from basic research to biopharmaceuticals and vaccine development. The method is especially valuable for adjusting immune responses in gene therapies and has the potenial to create tissue-specific therapies. However, challenges persist, such as the risk of unintended effects on protein function and the complexity of evaluating optimization effectiveness. Despite these issues, codon optimization is crucial in advancing gene therapeutics. This study provides a comprehensive review of the current metrics for codon-optimization, and its practical usage in research and clinical applications, in the context of gene therapy

    Considering Soil Potassium Pools with Dissimilar Plant Availability

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    Soil potassium (K) has traditionally been portrayed as residing in four functional pools: solution K, exchangeable K, interlayer (sometimes referred to as “fixed” or “nonexchangeable”) K, and structural K in primary minerals. However, this four-pool model and associated terminology have created confusion in understanding the dynamics of K supply to plants and the fate of K returned to the soil in fertilizers, residues, or waste products. This chapter presents an alternative framework to depict soil K pools. The framework distinguishes between micas and feldspars as K-bearing primary minerals, based on the presence of K in interlayer positions or three-dimensional framework structures, respectively; identifies a pool of K in neoformed secondary minerals that can include fertilizer reaction products; and replaces the “exchangeable” K pool with a pool defined as “surface-adsorbed” K, identifying where the K is located and the mechanism by which it is held rather than identification based on particular soil testing procedures. In this chapter, we discuss these K pools and their behavior in relation to plant K acquisition and soil K dynamics

    Вариант вируса гриппа в, адаптированный к мышам, для изучения лечебной и профилактической эффективности противовирусных препаратов in vitro и in vivo

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    Objective: to develop a new antigenic relevance influenza B virus suitable for modeling influenza infection in mice to assess of in vivo and in vitro therapeutic and preventive efficacy of antiviral drugs.Materials and methods: was carried out an adaptation of influenza B virus in BALB/c mice. Was performed, comparative assessment of in vivo and in vitro pathogenicity of the parenta! virus and. adapted, influenza B virus. Was assessed, inhibition of neuraminidase with antiviral drugs (oseltamivir ethoxyacrylate and. Tamiflu) in relation to the adapted, influenza B virus.Results: adapted  influenza B virus (B/Novosibirsk/40/2017-MA strain) models non-lethal influenza infection with pronounced, clinical signs of the disease in experimental animals. Were described the destructive changes in lungs and. brain that increases during infection. Analysis of internal organs (lungs, brain, liver, heart, kidneys, spleen) were revealed viral load only in the lungs. Were evaluated, in vivo and in vitro efficacy of antiviral drugs (oseltamivir ethoxysuccinate and Tamiflu®) on the model of influenza infection. Were proved, the high, efficiency of the innovative drug — oseltamivir ethoxysuccinate.Conclusion: the antigen-relevant adapted, influenza B virus (B/Novosibirsk/40/2017-MA strain) can be used, to assess the drug effectiveness against influenza, as well as an additional tool for predicting the effectiveness of the vaccine against drifting strains.Цель: разработка нового, обладающего антигенной актуальностью, штамма вируса гриппа типа В, пригодного для моделирования гриппозной инфекции у экспериментальных мышей для оценки лечебной и профилактической эффективности противовирусных препаратов in vivo и in vitro.Mатериалы и методы: была проведена адаптация вируса гриппа В на мышах линии BALB/c. Выполнена сравнительная оценка патогенности родительского и адаптированного вариантов вируса гриппа В в экспериментах in vivo и in vitro. Используя адаптированный вариант вируса гриппа В, проведена оценка ингибирования нейраминидазы с помощью противовирусных лекарственных средств (осельтамивира этоксисукцинат, и Тамифлю®).Результаты: полученный адаптированный вариант, вируса гриппа В штамм. В/Novosibirsk/40/2017-MA моделирует у экспериментальных животных нелетальную гриппозную инфекцию с выраженными клиническими признаками заболевания. Описаны, деструктивные изменения в лёгких и головном, мозге, нарастающие в ходе инфекции. Вирусологический анализ внутренних органов (лёгкие, головной мозг, печень, сердце, почки, селезёнка) выявил репликацию вируса гриппа только в лёгких. На данной модели гриппозной инфекции проведена оценка эффективности противовирусных лекарственных средств (осель-тамивира этоксисукцинат, и Тамифлю®) in vivo и in vitro. Доказана высокая эффективность инновационного лекарственного средства осельтамивира этоксисукцинат..Заключение: полученный антигенно актуальный вирус гриппа В штамм В/Novosibirsk/40/2017-MA может, быть использован, для оценки эффективности противогриппозных препаратов, а также в качестве дополнительного инструмента прогнозирования эффективности вакцины, против дрейфующих штаммов

    Тhe study of electronic generation effect on statical aperiodic stability of electrical power system

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    One of the key aspects in the development of power engineering all over the world is the use of distributed small-scale generation. This is both based on fuel carbon resources with a synchronized connection between sources when they are connected to the electric power grids and renewable energy sources operated in the electrical grid via frequency converters (electronic generation). The latter brings an inevitable broad use of inverters in available AC power systems. The objectives of this paper are numerous. First is the desire to study the effect of electronic generation on modes and stability of current electrical grids and electrical power systems. Another objective is to establish requirements for electronic generation control that lets us minimize actions on relay protection coordination and automation upon the integration of electronic generation in power grids. A final objective is to increase the reliability of general electrical modes. This article shows the outcomes of the study on the statical aperiodic stability of the electrical power system upon the integration of electronic generation, requirements for its statical characteristics, and the control when operated within the electrical power system