5 research outputs found

    Geroprotection in the future. In memoriam of Joseph Knoll

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    In memoriam of Joseph Knoll: the selegiline story continues


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    医療現場の改善のためには,看護師の質の向上が不可欠なものである。わが国における多くの看護師の教育が高等教育になったのは15年余り前からである。現在病院の現場で働いている看護師の多くは看護専門学校出身者であり,看護研究についての教育を受けてはいるものの看護の現場では余り生かされていない。そこで我々は研究指導チームを作り看護研究方法,殊に研究計画,資料の集め方,成果の評価方法,結果の有意差の検定,考察を含めた論文の書き方,学会発表,論文の投稿方法などについて指導している。このような研究指導の経過の中で現場の看護師は研究の意味を見出し,また患者に対する対応も変化してきている。医療の現場では患者は多くの貴重な情報を発信している。看護師はそれを感性鋭く受け止めて看護研究を行うことにより,看護師の質は向上し,それが患者に還元されて,医療現場の改善,医療の質の向上につながると考えられる。In order to improve the field of medical practice, it is vital that progress be made in the quality of nurses. In the past, education of nurses was mostly undertaken at nursing colleges, however, beginning fifteen years ago, education of nurses has partly taken place at institutes of higher education. At present, most of the nurses working at mental hospitals graduated from nursing colleges and have had a very few opportunities to engage in nursing research. It is important to educate nurses to enable them to engage in nursing research and present their paper correctly. For this purpose, we began to educate the nurses in how to conduct nursing research and present a paper. Patients show many important signs which nurses need to recognize and respond to the patients\u27 needs appropriately and also have the ability to present their report scientifically. It is reasonable to assume that as the quality of nurses becomes higher; this will lead to greater patient satisfaction and, consequently, an improvement in the field of medical practice