48 research outputs found

    Band Calculations for Ce Compounds with AuCu3_{3}-type Crystal Structure on the basis of Dynamical Mean Field Theory I. CePd3_{3} and CeRh3_{3}

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    Band calculations for Ce compounds with the AuCu3_{3}-type crystal structure were carried out on the basis of dynamical mean field theory (DMFT). The auxiliary impurity problem was solved by a method named NCAf2f^{2}vc (noncrossing approximation including the f2f^{2} state as a vertex correction). The calculations take into account the crystal-field splitting, the spin-orbit interaction, and the correct exchange process of the f1→f0,f2f^{1} \rightarrow f^{0},f^{2} virtual excitation. These are necessary features in the quantitative band theory for Ce compounds and in the calculation of their excitation spectra. The results of applying the calculation to CePd3_{3} and CeRh3_{3} are presented as the first in a series of papers. The experimental results of the photoemission spectrum (PES), the inverse PES, the angle-resolved PES, and the magnetic excitation spectra were reasonably reproduced by the first-principles DMFT band calculation. At low temperatures, the Fermi surface (FS) structure of CePd3_{3} is similar to that of the band obtained by the local density approximation. It gradually changes into a form that is similar to the FS of LaPd3_{3} as the temperature increases, since the 4f4f band shifts to the high-energy side and the lifetime broadening becomes large.}Comment: 12 pasges, 13 figure

    Band Calculation for Ce-compounds on the basis of Dynamical Mean Field Theory

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    The band calculation scheme for ff electron compounds is developed on the basis of the dynamical mean field theory (DMFT) and the LMTO method. The auxiliary impurity problem is solved by a method named as NCAf2f^{2}v', which includes the correct exchange process of the f1→f2f^{1} \to f^{2} virtual excitation as the vertex correction to the non-crossing approximation (NCA) for the f1→f0f^{1} \to f^{0} fluctuation. This method leads to the correct magnitude of the Kondo temperature, TKT_{\rm K}, and makes it possible to carry out quantitative DMFT calculation including the crystalline field (CF) and the spin-orbit (SO) splitting of the self-energy. The magnetic excitation spectra are also calculated to estimate TKT_{\rm K}. It is applied to Ce metal and CeSb at T=300 K as the first step. In Ce metal, the hybridization intensity (HI) just below the Fermi energy is reduced in the DMFT band. The photo-emission spectra (PES) have a conspicuous SO side peak, similar to that of experiments. TKT_{\rm K} is estimated to be about 70 K in γ\gamma-Ce, while to be about 1700 K in α\alpha-Ce. In CeSb, the double-peak-like structure of PES is reproduced. In addition, TKT_{\rm K} which is not so low is obtained because HI is enhanced just at the Fermi energy in the DMFT band.Comment: 30pages, 18 figure

    Magnetic fluctuations in frustrated Laves hydrides R(Mn_{1-x}Al_{x})_{2}H_{y}

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    By neutron scattering, we have studied the spin correlations and spin fluctuations in frustrated Laves hydrides, where magnetic disorder sets in the topologically frustrated Mn lattice. Below the transition towards short range magnetic order, static spin clusters coexist with fluctuating and alsmost uncorrelated spins. The magnetic response shows a complexe lineshape, connected with the presence of the magnetic inhomogeneities. Its analysis shows the existence of two different processes, relaxation and local excitations, for the spin fluctuations below the transition. The paramagnetic fluctuations are discussed in comparison with classical spin glasses, cluster glasses, and non Fermi liquid itinerant magnets

    Electronic structure of the strongly hybridized ferromagnet CeFe2

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    We report on results from high-energy spectroscopic measurements on CeFe2, a system of particular interest due to its anomalous ferromagnetism with an unusually low Curie temperature and small magnetization compared to the other rare earth-iron Laves phase compounds. Our experimental results indicate very strong hybridization of the Ce 4f states with the delocalized band states, mainly the Fe 3d states. In the interpretation and analysis of our measured spectra, we have made use of two different theoretical approaches: The first one is based on the Anderson impurity model, with surface contributions explicitly taken into account. The second method consists of band-structure calculations for bulk CeFe2. The analysis based on the Anderson impurity model gives calculated spectra in good agreement with the whole range of measured spectra, and reveals that the Ce 4f -- Fe 3d hybridization is considerably reduced at the surface, resulting in even stronger hybridization in the bulk than previously thought. The band-structure calculations are ab initio full-potential linear muffin-tin orbital calculations within the local-spin-density approximation of the density functional. The Ce 4f electrons were treated as itinerant band electrons. Interestingly, the Ce 4f partial density of states obtained from the band-structure calculations also agree well with the experimental spectra concerning both the 4f peak position and the 4f bandwidth, if the surface effects are properly taken into account. In addition, results, notably the partial spin magnetic moments, from the band-structure calculations are discussed in some detail and compared to experimental findings and earlier calculations.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. B in December 200

    Unconventional ferromagnetic and spin-glass states of the reentrant spin glass Fe0.7Al0.3

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    Spin excitations of single crystal Fe0.7Al0.3 were investigated over a wide range in energy and reciprocal space with inelastic neutron scattering. In the ferromagnetic phase, propagating spin wave modes become paramagnon-like diffusive modes beyond a critical wave vector q0, indicating substantial disorder in the long-range ordered state. In the spin glass phase, spin dynamics is strongly q-dependent, suggesting remnant short-range spin correlations. Quantitative model for S(energy,q) in the ``ferromagnetic'' phase is determined.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Suppression of the γ−α\gamma-\alpha structural phase transition in Ce0.8La0.1Th0.1Ce_{0.8} La_{0.1} Th_{0.1} by large magnetic fields

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    The γ−α\gamma-\alpha transition in Ce0.8_{0.8}La0.1_{0.1}Th0.1_{0.1} is measured as a function of applied magnetic field using both resistivity and magnetization. The γ−α\gamma - \alpha transition temperature decreases with increasing magnetic field, reaching zero temperature at around 56 T. The magnetic-field dependence of the transition temperature may be fitted using a model that invokes the field and temperature dependence of the entropy of the 4f4f-electron moments of the γ\gamma phase, suggesting that the volume collapse in Ce and its alloys is primarily driven by entropic considerations

    Microwave studies of the fractional Josephson effect in HgTe-based Josephson junctions

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    The rise of topological phases of matter is strongly connected to their potential to host Majorana bound states, a powerful ingredient in the search for a robust, topologically protected, quantum information processing. In order to produce such states, a method of choice is to induce superconductivity in topological insulators. The engineering of the interplay between superconductivity and the electronic properties of a topological insulator is a challenging task and it is consequently very important to understand the physics of simple superconducting devices such as Josephson junctions, in which new topological properties are expected to emerge. In this article, we review recent experiments investigating topological superconductivity in topological insulators, using microwave excitation and detection techniques. More precisely, we have fabricated and studied topological Josephson junctions made of HgTe weak links in contact with two Al or Nb contacts. In such devices, we have observed two signatures of the fractional Josephson effect, which is expected to emerge from topologically-protected gapless Andreev bound states. We first recall the theoretical background on topological Josephson junctions, then move to the experimental observations. Then, we assess the topological origin of the observed features and conclude with an outlook towards more advanced microwave spectroscopy experiments, currently under development.Comment: Lectures given at the San Sebastian Topological Matter School 2017, published in "Topological Matter. Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences, vol 190. Springer

    A Gestational High Protein Diet Affects the Abundance of Muscle Transcripts Related to Cell Cycle Regulation throughout Development in Porcine Progeny

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    BACKGROUND: In various animal models pregnancy diets have been shown to affect offspring phenotype. Indeed, the underlying programming of development is associated with modulations in birth weight, body composition, and continual diet-dependent modifications of offspring metabolism until adulthood, producing the hypothesis that the offspring's transcriptome is permanently altered depending on maternal diet. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To assess alterations of the offspring's transcriptome due to gestational protein supply, German Landrace sows were fed isoenergetic diets containing protein levels of either 30% (high protein--HP) or 12% (adequate protein--AP) throughout their pregnancy. Offspring muscle tissue (M. longissimus dorsi) was collected at 94 days post conception (dpc), and 1, 28, and 188 days post natum (dpn) for use with Affymetrix GeneChip Porcine Genome Arrays and subsequent statistical and Ingenuity pathway analyses. Numerous transcripts were found to have altered abundance at 94 dpc and 1 dpn; at 28 dpn no transcripts were altered, and at 188 dpn only a few transcripts showed a different abundance between diet groups. However, when assessing transcriptional changes across developmental time points, marked differences were obvious among the dietary groups. Depending on the gestational dietary exposure, short- and long-term effects were observed for mRNA expression of genes related to cell cycle regulation, energy metabolism, growth factor signaling pathways, and nucleic acid metabolism. In particular, the abundance of transcripts related to cell cycle remained divergent among the groups during development. CONCLUSION: Expression analysis indicates that maternal protein supply induced programming of the offspring's genome; early postnatal compensation of the slight growth retardation obvious at birth in HP piglets resulted, as did a permanently different developmental alteration and responsiveness to the common environment of the transcriptome. The transcriptome modulations are interpreted as the molecular equivalent of developmental plasticity of the offspring that necessitates adaptation and maintenance of the organismal phenotype

    The spectral and magnetic properties of α\alpha- and γ\gamma-Ce from the Dynamical Mean-Field Theory and Local Density Approximation

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    We have calculated ground state properties and excitation spectra for Ce metal with the {\it ab initio} computational scheme combining local density approximation and dynamical mean-field theory (LDA+DMFT). We considered all electronic states, i.e. correlated f-states and non-correlated s-, p- and d-states. The strong local correlations (Coulomb interaction) among the f-states lead to typical many-body resonances in the partial f-density, such as lower and upper Hubbard band. Additionally the well known Kondo resonance is observed. The s-, p- and d-densities show small to mediate renormalization effects due to hybridization. We observe different Kondo temperatures for α\alpha- and γ\gamma-Ce (TK,α≈1000KT_{K,\alpha}\approx 1000 K and TK,γ≈30KT_{K,\gamma}\approx 30 K), due to strong volume dependence of the effective hybridization strength for the localized f-electrons. Finally we compare our results with a variety of experimental data, i.e. from photoemission spectroscopy (PES), inverse photoemission spectroscopy (BIS), resonant inverse photoemission spectroscopy (RIPES) and magnetic susceptibility measurements.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure