1,257 research outputs found

    Non-Inseminated Queens Have Worker-Like Behaviors in Colonies of Fungus-Growing Ants, Mycetomoellerius turrifex Wheeler (Attini, Hymenoptera)

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    In  eusocial  Hymenoptera  such  as  ants,  bees,  and  wasps,  the  queen  numbers  are  fundamentally  important  to  maintain  the  social  systems.  In  Texas,  USA,  a  fungus  growing  ant,  Mycetomoellerius  turrifex  Wheeler  (1903)  (the  genus  name  was  changed from Trachymyrmex to Mycetomoellerius in 2019 (Solomon et al., 2019)) was  observed  to  have  several  non-inseminated  queens  that  wandered  outside  the nest long after the mating season. However, the evolutionary and ecological factors causing the occurrence of such non-inseminated queens are still unclear. Thus,  I  examined  the  worker-like  behaviors  of  non-inseminated  queens  of  M. turrifex in Texas. Fifteen ant colonies were collected over three years, between 1999 and 2001. The frequencies of non-inseminated queens, workers, and broods, as well as the depths of nest chambers, were observed in each collecting year. In Nov. 1999 and May 2000, multiple nests contained queens that did not mate with males within their nests. These nests had a relatively larger colony size than those collected in Oct. 2001. Conversely, the colonies collected in Oct. 2001 were completely monogynous, i.e., there were no non-inseminated queens in the nests. Behavioral observations of each female revealed that the non-inseminated queensbehaved significantly differently from the workers and the inseminated queens. The behaviors that distinguished different female castes were mutualistic fungus garden care, digging of nest floors, guarding, and resting in the nest. These data suggest that queens failed to mate due to severe environmental fluctuations in southern Texas, but were accepted by the colony as a temporary labor force

    Historical development of organizational development of the private university libraries in Japan

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    This paper was subjected to historical considerations about the organizational development of the Japanese private university library. Mainly it was subjected to analysis with a focus on pre-war and post-war early organizational development activities of private universities Library Association. Recently, in the discussion of governance reform of the University, discussion of quality improvement of university staff have become popular. Specifically, the legal reduction and obligation of the SD activities of university staff are discussed. Pioneering figure of SD activities of university staff is in the organization and development activities of the university library. The organizational activity of the university library can also be considered a pioneer of self-inspection and evaluation activities in Japan. Early postwar period, survey of private university libraries have been implemented in more than 15 years ago that the Ministry of Education to practice. To learn the history of the organization and development activities of these pioneering, university library can be expected to obtain a large suggestion to challenges of management and operation of the modern university library

    gwpcorMapper: an interactive mapping tool for exploring geographically weighted correlation and partial correlation in high-dimensional geospatial datasets

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    Exploratory spatial data analysis (ESDA) plays a key role in research that includes geographic data. In ESDA, analysts often want to be able to visualize observations and local relationships on a map. However, software dedicated to visualizing local spatial relations be-tween multiple variables in high dimensional datasets remains undeveloped. This paper introduces gwpcorMapper, a newly developed software application for mapping geographically weighted correlation and partial correlation in large multivariate datasets. gwpcorMap-per facilitates ESDA by giving researchers the ability to interact with map components that describe local correlative relationships. We built gwpcorMapper using the R Shiny framework. The software inherits its core algorithm from GWpcor, an R library for calculating the geographically weighted correlation and partial correlation statistics. We demonstrate the application of gwpcorMapper by using it to explore census data in order to find meaningful relationships that describe the work-life environment in the 23 special wards of Tokyo, Japan. We show that gwpcorMapper is useful in both variable selection and parameter tuning for geographically weighted statistics. gwpcorMapper highlights that there are strong statistically clear local variations in the relationship between the number of commuters and the total number of hours worked when considering the total population in each district across the 23 special wards of Tokyo. Our application demonstrates that the ESDA process with high-dimensional geospatial data using gwpcorMapper has applications across multiple fields.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, 2 table

    大学図書館実態調査に見る大学図書館長の地位の変化 : 大学図書館ガバナンスの観点から

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    本稿では、大学図書館実態調査の「館長の地位」に関する調査項目に着目し、その項目が設置された歴史的背景について『国立大学図書館長会議議事要録』などの一次資料から明らかにした。「館長」の地位は、大学図書館基準をはじめ大学図書館関係法規において早くから重要なものと認識されていたが、各大学の実態は法規とは大きくかけ離れていた。そのため、大学図書館近代化の時期(昭和30年代中期から40年代)に大学図書館界は国立大学図書館長会議を中心に、その実質化に向けて長く議論をおこなってきた。その後、昭和50年代以降に大学図書館界の議論の中心は「機械化-情報化」に置かれるようになり、「館長の地位」などの管理運営的要素は中心的要素から次第に外れていくこととなる。しかし、国立大学法人化等を契機として、現代では大学における管理運営の課題が再認識されている。「館長が自動的に大学の評議員となる」ことをとおして図書館の学内における総体的地位の向上が目指されていた当時の議論を振り返ることは、現代の大学ガバナンスを検討するに際しても、重要な歴史的視点を有しているといえよう。This paper was discussed about the positioning of the university library director. University library director has been established an important position in the laws and regulations. However, in practice it did not become a member of the important institutions of the university. The important institutions, is that of the university council. For this reason, that the university library director is a member of the University Council, it has been a long debate. Discussion of the place is, library directors meeting of the National University was the center. Discussion was carried out through the 1950s. And, the importance of this is that, the Ministry of Education was also recognized. Therefore, the university library survey is started since 1966. University Library Survey is continued approximately 10 years, "director of the position" has risen to the numerically. But, then, the main challenge of the university library, become information technology. Therefore, the issues of "director of the position" is no longer so much consideration. And, currently, governance of the President has become the most important thing. However, in what the modern, for the transition of the governance of the university library length, it is necessary to re-consider

    Winter Activity of Ants in an Urban Area of Western Japan

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    During winter, foraging activity of ants is considered low in temperate regions. Winter activity of ground-dwelling ants was investigated using bait traps and quadrat sampling in an urban area of Fukuoka City, western Japan. Six study sites were grouped into two categories: 4 open land types and 2 forest types. A total of 18 ant species were recorded between the end of January and beginning of March. The foraging activity of ants was generally low, except during relatively warm periods when the surface ground temperature was above 6℃–7℃ or soil temperature was above 4℃–5℃. Tetramorium tsushimae, Messor aciculatus, and Pheidole noda were the most abundant in the open land type, whereas Nylanderia flavipes, P. noda, and Crematogaster osakensis were the most abundant in the forest type. Bait preference varied among the different species, e.g., P. noda preferred tuna over honey, whereas N. flavipes similarly responded to tuna and honey. This is the first detailed study on the relationship between temperature and ant activity in Japanese mainland fauna