13,790 research outputs found

    Study of the single body yawed-wing aircraft concept

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    Areas relating to the development and improvement of the single-fuselage, yawed-wing transonic transport concept were investigated. These included: (1) developing an alternate configuration with a simplified engine installation;(2) determining a structural design speed placard that would allow the engine-airframe match for optimum airplane performance; and (3) conducting an aeroelastic stability and control analysis of the yawed-wing configuration with a flexible wing. A two-engine, single-fuselage, yawed-wing configuration was developed that achieved the Mach 1.2 design mission at 5560 km (3000 nmi) and payload of 18,140 kg (40,000 lb) with a gross weight of 217,700 kg (480,000 lb). This airplane was slightly heavier than the aft-integrated four-engine configuration that had been developed in a previous study. A modified structural design speed placard, which was determined, resulted in a 6% to 8% reduction in the gross weight of the yawed-wing configurations. The dynamic stability characteristics of the single-fuselage yawed-wing configuration were found to be very dependent on the magnitude of the pitch/roll coupling, the static longitudinal stability, and the dihedral effect

    UV and X-ray Spectral Lines of FeXXIII Ion for Plasma Diagnostics

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    We have calculated X-ray and UV spectra of Be-like Fe (FeXXIII) ion in collisional-radiative model including all fine-structure transitions among the 2s^2, 2s2p, 2p^2, 2snl, and 2pnl levels where n=3 and 4, adopting data for the collision strengths by Zhang & Sampson (1992) and by Sampson, Goett, & Clark (1984). Some line intensity ratios can be used for the temperature diagnostics. We show 5 ratios in UV region and 9 ratios in X-ray region as a function of electron temperature and density at 0.3keV < T_e < 10keV and ne=11025cm3n_e = 1 - 10^{25} cm^{-3}. The effect of cascade in these line ratios and in the level population densities are discussed.Comment: LaTeX, 18 pages, 10 Postscript figures. To appear in Physica Script

    Giant Intrinsic Spin and Orbital Hall Effects in Sr2MO4 (M=Ru,Rh,Mo)

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    We investigate the intrinsic spin Hall conductivity (SHC) and the d-orbital Hall conductivity (OHC) in metallic d-electron systems, by focusing on the t_{2g}-orbital tight-binding model for Sr2MO4 (M=Ru,Rh,Mo). The conductivities obtained are one or two orders of magnitude larger than predicted values for p-type semiconductors with 5% hole doping. The origin of these giant Hall effects is the ``effective Aharonov-Bohm phase'' that is induced by the d-atomic angular momentum in connection with the spin-orbit interaction and the inter-orbital hopping integrals. The huge SHC and OHC generated by this mechanism are expected to be ubiquitous in multiorbital transition metal complexes, which pens the possibility of realizing spintronics as well as orbitronics devices.Comment: 5 pages, accepted for publication in PR

    Suzaku Reveals Helium-burning Products in the X-ray Emitting Planetary Nebula BD+303639

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    BD+303639, the brightest planetary nebula at X-ray energies, was observed with Suzaku, an X-ray observatory launched on 2005 July 10. Using the X-ray Imaging Spectrometer, the K-lines from C VI, O VII, and O VIII were resolved for the first time, and C/O, N/O, and Ne/O abundance ratios determined. The C/O and Ne/O abundance ratios exceed the solar value by a factor of at least 30 and 5, respectively. These results indicate that the X-rays are emitted mainly by helium shell-burning products.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Mott gap excitations in twin-free YBa2Cu3O7-d (Tc = 93 K) studied by RIXS

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    Mott gap excitations in the high-Tc superconductor of the optimal doped YBa2Cu3O7-d (Tc = 93 K) have been studied by the resonant inelastic x-ray scattering method. Anisotropic spectra in the ab-plane are observed in a twin-free crystal. The excitation from the one-dimensional CuO chain is enhanced at 2 eV near the zone boundary of the b* direction, while the excitation from the CuO2 plane is broad at 1.5-4 eV and almost independent of the momentum transfer. Theoretical calculation based on the one-dimensional and two-dimensional Hubbard model reproduces the observed spectra by taking the different parameters of the on-site Coulomb energy. The fact of the Mott gap of the CuO chain site is much smaller than that of CuO2 plane site is observed for the first time

    Momentum Dependence of Charge Excitations in the Electron-Doped Superconductor Nd1.85Ce0.15CuO4: a RIXS Study

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    We report a resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) study of charge excitations in the electron-doped high-Tc superconductor Nd1.85Ce0.15CuO4. The intraband and interband excitations across the Fermi energy are separated for the first time by tuning the experimental conditions properly to measure charge excitations at low energy. A dispersion relation with q-dependent width emerges clearly in the intraband excitation, while the intensity of the interband excitation is concentrated around 2 eV near the zone center. The experimental results are consistent with theoretical calculation of the RIXS spectra based on the Hubbard model

    Transport properties of anyons in random topological environments

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    The quasi one-dimensional transport of Abelian and non-Abelian anyons is studied in the presence of a random topological background. In particular, we consider the quantum walk of an anyon that braids around islands of randomly filled static anyons of the same type. Two distinct behaviours are identified. We analytically demonstrate that all types of Abelian anyons localise purely due to the statistical phases induced by their random anyonic environment. In contrast, we numerically show that non-Abelian Ising anyons do not localise. This is due to their entanglement with the anyonic environment that effectively induces dephasing. Our study demonstrates that localisation properties strongly depend on non-local topological interactions and it provides a clear distinction in the transport properties of Abelian and non-Abelian statistics.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure