3,707 research outputs found

    The trends of labor market in Bangladesh and its determinants

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    In this paper, we have tried to find out specially the features of unemployment-underemployment scenario. As we know, like auction market labor market is not perfectly competitive. For various heterogeneities, it has some distinct features. In Bangladesh, unemployment and underemployment problems arrive due to the lack of effective demand for labor. Hence, in this paper we desire to focus the demand determinants of labor in Bangladesh. In this case, we have emphasized on manufacturing sector, which is the emerging sector of Bangladesh economy both from the employment generation and from economic growth perspectives. To estimate the demand determinants we have used ARDL model where the estimation period is from 1980 to 2002

    Understanding Workplace Adoption of Social Networking Sites: Employers’ perspective

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    Studies on social networking sites (SNSs) rarely touched on the acceptance of SNS use in the workplace. This study, in turn, attempts to fill this gap by explaining the acceptance of SNS use in the workplace by proposing a research model for the acceptance of SNS use, based on the technology acceptance model (TAM) and the theory of planned behavior (TPB), in order to explain the intention of employers to adopt SNS use in the workplace. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to examine the extent to which the perception of employers on the benefits/usefulness, subjective norm, risks, and the ease of use of SNSs affect the intention to adopt the use of SNSs in the workplace. Data was collected from 81 employers in the U.S. The findings show that both perceived usefulness and perceived subjective norm are the main determinants of the intention to adopt social networking site use in the workplace

    A Case Study in the Superiority of the Purposive Approach to Statutory Interpretation: \u3cem\u3e Bruesewitz v. Wyeth \u3c/em\u3e

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    This Article uses the Supreme Court’s 2011 decision in Bruesewitz v. Wyeth to examine the textualist or “plain meaning” approach to statutory interpretation. For more than a quarter-century, Justice Scalia has successfully promoted textualism, usually associated with conservatism, among his colleagues. In Bruesewitz, Scalia, writing for the majority, and his liberal colleague Justice Sotomayer, in dissent, both employed textualism to determine if the plaintiffs, whose child was allegedly harmed by a vaccine, could pursue common-law tort claims or whether their remedies were limited to those available under the no-fault compensation system established by the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. Despite these Justices’ common approach to statutory interpretation, they reached diametrically opposite conclusions in opinions that dissected the statutory language and quarreled over the meaning of “even though” and “if” clauses. In contrast, Justice Breyer employed a purposive or “purposes and objectives” approach to statutory interpretation. Rather than obsessing over the meaning of each and every phrase, Breyer looked at Congress’s goals in passing the Act. He recognized that Scalia’s conclusion was correct, not because of the supposedly “plain” meaning of specific language, but because this interpretation was the only one that enabled the alternative compensation system to function as Congress envisioned. Other scholars have analyzed Bruesewitz as a preemption case, but despite statutory interpretation’s inherently decisive role in express preemption cases, this is the first Article to highlight Bruesewitz as an illustration of the emptiness of textualism

    Kajian Pengeringan Jahe (Zingiber Officinale Rosc) Berdasarkan Perubahan Geometrik Dan Warna Menggunakan Metode Image Analysis

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    Purpose of this study was to determine change in geometric and color during the drying process using image analysis method. Method used in this study was experimental method. Tools and materials used were ginger, image acquisition box, digital cameras, and computers. Measured parameters included temperature, moisture content, mass of material, geometry and color changes. Results from this study showed that the lowest value of material mass was 1.91 gr of the lowest shelf and 3.21 gr of the upper shelf which directly proportional to the reduction of material moisture content at lowest shelf by 5.66%, due to the heating source placed near the shelf, therefore it will directly heat the material. While the highest value was showed by the highest shelf material of 13.93% moisture content. Actual measurement of surface shrinkage showed declining during 8-hour drying and result from image analysis ranged from 37,548 to 17,201 pixels, 27.77 cm2 to 10.07 cm2by using trapezoidal numerical integration of the highest shelf, and 27.3 cm2 to 10.37 cm2 by using Simpson methods. Based on this study, image analysis can be used to measure ginger color changes from yellowish white to brownish yellow and measure surfaces shrinkage. Keywords: geometric and color, ginger, drying &nbsp

    Modifikasi Dan Uji Performansi Alat Pengering Hybrid (Surya-biomassa) Tipe Rak

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    This study aimed to modify biomass furnaces source of heat energy from the combustion of biomass, study thermal energy generated from combination of solar and biomass energy, and determine efficiency of furnaces and efficiency of total system of a rack type hybrid (solar-biomass) dryer. Method used in this research was experimental method. Used fuel was coconut shell charcoal and used tools include iron plate, blower, pipe, grinding and welding tools, thermometer, anemometer, lux meter, data logger and analytical balance. Observed parameters were temperature, air humidity, sun radiation, velocity and flow rate of hot air towards the drying chamber, drying period, energy loss and energy produced inside the furnace. Modification made by adding drawer shaped biomass furnace with 0.65 m length, 0.65 m wide and 0.25 m height. The furnace was equipped with a chimney and blower. Results from the test performance showed that this tool yield total heat loss of 18,173.15 KJ at the upright furnace wall. Whereas heat loss at furnace floor was 4380.899 KJ. Energy consumption was 151,602.064 for solar energy and 48,399.4 KJ for biomass energy, with total drying energy generated by solar energy and biomass i.e. 200,001 KJ. Efficiency value of the drying system was 19% with 30% furnace efficiency. Keywords: Hybrid dryer, heat loss, biomass furnace

    Analisis Energi Panas Pada Proses Pengeringan Manisan Pepaya (Carica Papaya L.) Menggunakan Alat Pengering Tipe Rak

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    Conventional drying still has many deficiencies; weather dependence is one of the problems. Therefore, alternative treatment needed to be conducted by using mechanical dryer that use heat and require additional energy for heating the material and vaporized the water, such as a shelf type dryer. This study aims to analyze thermal energy and studying energy balance in candied papaya drying process at shelf-type. This research was conducted at Laboratory of Bioprocess Engineering and Laboratory of Power and Machinery, in Studies Program of Agriculture Engineering, Faculty of Food and Agroindustrial Technology, University of Mataram. This study was performed using experimental design and energy equilibrium approach, with variable of air flowrates which varies at 3.43 m/sec and 4.55 m/sec. Amount of the outcoming energy obtained at 3.43 m/sec was 4477.12 to 4821.52 kJ/h and at 4.55 m/sec was 5437.80 kJ/h to 6797.25 kJ/h. While useful energy at 3.43 m/sec decreasing from 3675.37-1336.83 kJ/h and useful energy at 4.55 m/sec decreasing from 3891.71 kJ/h to 1082.45 kJ/h. The outcoming energy decreasing from 4926.06 kJ/h to 2292.07 kJ/h at3.43 m/sec and 5247.75 kJ/h to 2155.51 kJ/h at 4.55 m/sec. Keywords: candied papaya, energy equilibrium, shelf type dryer &nbsp

    Is This Business or Education? When Education Becomes a Commodity

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    Using the Tylerian objectives-based approach as a reference point, this research paper aims to unravel the links between the ethical evaluations in business compared to that in education. This is made possible through the use of the internationally recognized and listed Canadian standards. For education: the Canadian Evaluation Society, BC Ministry of Education, and Teachers Regulation Branch are referenced. For business, the International Ethics Standards is used when referencing the ethical framework. The convergence between the two fields of business and education is depicted through the international students who are being drawn into the system and placed in English Language Learner (ELL) programs. The use of business schemas and the references to economical benefits in the recruitment process, along with other factors are mentioned to support this as an example of convergence

    Karakteristik Pengeringan Bawang Merah (Alium Ascalonicum. L) Menggunakan Alat Pengering ERK (Greenhouse)

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    Aim of this research was to determine drying rate and moisture content changes on Greenhouse (ERK) Dryer. Result was showed using graphic by analyzing drying rate characteristics of Greenhouse Dryer. Data analysis was performed using mathematical approach that solved using Microsoft Excel. Method used in this research was experimental method. Based on the results, onion drying using ERK showed decreasing rate of weight changes. Sample shrinkage was 25.7% with average moisture content 60.06% for sample weight 0.187 kg. Average humidity (RH) was lower than ambient humidity on the range of 63.4% to 83.0%. Characteristics of onion drying was the decreasing rate of moisture content of 0.17% with equation MR: y = -0,017 + 1,061, R2 is 0,985. Value of Ln MR at first day was y = -0,019x and decreasing rate of moisture content 0,19%. Whereas decreasing rate at second, third and fourth day were 0,008%, 0,11% and 0,002% respectively for 1 hour interval period. Keywords: red onion, Greenhouse effect, drying rate, dryer &nbsp
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