23 research outputs found

    State and Market in Socialist Development: the case of Chinese industrial planning

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    SUMMARY This article examines the capacities and limits of the socialist state as an instrument of industrialisation in China. Chinese experience suggests that state involvement at all stages of socialist industrialisation should become more selective in its scope and more flexible in its managerial forms. It highlights the importance of developing a lively industrial microeconomy and striking a balance between state agencies and industrial enterprises. RESUMEN Estado y mercado en el desarrollo socialista: el caso de la planificación industrial china. Este articulo examina la capacidad y límites del estado socialista como instrumento de industrialización en China. La experiencia de este país sugiere que la participación estatal en todas las etapas de la industrialización socialista, debería ser más selectiva en su campo de acción y más flexible en sus formas administrativas. Subraya la importancia de desarrollar una microeconomía industrial dinámica y de lograr un equilibrio entre las agencias estatales y las empresas industriales. RESUMES Etat et marché dans le développement socialiste: le cas de la planification industrielle en Chine Cet article examine les capacités et les limites de l'état socialiste en tant qu'instrument d'industrialisation en Chine. L'expérience chinoise suggère que l'implication de l'état à tous les niveaux de l'industrialisation socialiste devrait devenir plus sélective dans son but et plus flexible dans ses formes directoriales. Elle souligne l'importance de développer une micróeconomie industrielle bien vivante et d'établir un équilibre entre les agences d'état et les entreprises industrielles

    China's Socialist Economy

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    Several Problems Concerning Prices

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    At about the time the Resolution on the Reform of the Economic System was promulgated by the Third Plenum of the Twelfth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, there was a rumor making the rounds in society that as soon as the enterprises were restored to health the prices of commodities would be raised. Consequently, over a short period of time and in certain cities there was a buying frenzy with regard to a few commodities. There also were a few entrepreneurs who, after their autonomy had been expanded, did not attempt to increase their profits by improving management and business operations but attempted to reap greater profits by increasing the prices of their products. As a consequence, people in general became very concerned about whether or not commodity prices could remain stable, and they became afraid that the increasing of commodity prices would lead to a lowering of the standard of living. In several discussions in which I took part, many comrades have asked me to respond to a number of problems regarding prices. It would appear that there are quite a few comrades who harbor these questions, and maybe some doubts. Therefore, allow me to make a brief reply to these problems on the basis of what I must admit is my own personal understanding of the issues.

    Marketing and the Modernization of China

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