59 research outputs found

    Wild strawberry shows genetic variation in tolerance but not resistance to a generalist herbivore

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    Plants' defenses against herbivores usually include both resistance and tolerance mechanisms. Their deployment has predominantly been studied in either single-plant genotypes or multiple genotypes exposed to single herbivores. In natural situations, however, most plants are attacked by multiple herbivores. Therefore, aims of this study were to assess and compare the effects of single and multiple herbivores on plant resistance and tolerance traits, and the consequences for overall plant performance. For this, we exposed multiple genotypes of wild woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca) to jasmonic acid (JA), to mimic chewing herbivory and induce the plants' defense responses, and then introduced the generalist herbivoreSpodoptera littoralisto feed on them. We found that woodland strawberry consistently showed resistance toS. littoralisherbivory, with no significant genetic variation between the genotypes. By contrast, the studied genotypes showed high variation in tolerance, suggesting evolutionary potential in this trait. Prior JA application did not alter these patterns, although it induced an even higher level of resistance in all tested genotypes. The study provides novel information that may be useful for breeders seeking to exploit tolerance and resistance mechanisms to improve strawberry crops' viability and yields, particularly when multiple herbivores pose significant threats

    Folivory has long-term effects on sexual but not on asexual reproduction in woodland strawberry

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    Plant fitness is often a result of both sexual and asexual reproductive success and, in perennial plants, over several years. Folivory can affect both modes of reproduction. However, little is known about the effects of folivory on resource allocation to the two modes of reproduction simultaneously and across years. In a 2-year common garden experiment, we examined the effects of different levels of folivory by the strawberry leaf beetle, Galerucella tenella, on current growth, as well as current and future sexual and asexual reproduction (runners) of perennial woodland strawberry, Fragaria vesca. In addition, we measured the chlorophyll content in leaves in the year of experimental damage to determine whether there was increased photosynthetic activity, and, thus, a compensatory response to herbivory. Finally, we tested whether the previous year's folivory, as a result of its effect on plant fitness, affected the level of natural herbivory the plant experienced during the subsequent year. In the year of experimental damage, plants that were exposed to moderate and high levels of folivory (25% and 50% leaf area consumed, respectively) increased their photosynthetic activity compared to control plants. However, only plants exposed to high folivory exhibited negative effects, with a lower probability of flowering compared to control plants, indicating that plants exposed to low or moderate folivory were able to compensate for the damage. Negative effects of folivory were carried over to the subsequent year. Plants that were exposed to moderate folivory (25% leaf area consumed) during first year produced fewer flowers and fruits in the subsequent year. Runner production was consistently unaffected by folivory. The effects of experimental folivory on the level of natural herbivory were mediated via its effects on plant fitness. Our results show that the negative effects of folivory only influence sexual reproduction in woodland strawberry. Furthermore, even though woodland strawberry can tolerate moderate amounts of folivory in the short term, the negative effects on fitness appear later; this highlights the importance of studying the effects of herbivory over consecutive years in perennial plants

    Capturing genetic variation in crop wild relatives: An evolutionary approach

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    Crop wild relatives (CWRs) offer novel genetic resources for crop improvement. To assist in the urgent need to collect and conserve CWR germplasm, we advance here the concept of an “evolutionary” approach. Central to this approach is the predictive use of spatial proxies of evolutionary processes (natural selection, gene flow and genetic drift) to locate and capture genetic variation. As a means to help validate this concept, we screened wild‐collected genotypes of woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca) in a common garden. A quantitative genetic approach was then used to test the ability of two such proxies—mesoclimatic variation (a proxy of natural selection) and landscape isolation and geographic distance between populations (proxies of gene flow potential)—to predict spatial genetic variation in three quantitative traits (plant size, early season flower number and flower frost tolerance). Our results indicated a significant but variable effect of mesoclimatic conditions in structuring genetic variation in the wild, in addition to other undetermined regional scale processes. As a proxy of gene flow potential, landscape isolation was also a likely determinant of observed patterns—as opposed to, and regardless of, geographic distance between populations. We conclude that harnessing proxies of adaptive and nonadaptive evolutionary processes could provide a robust and valuable means to identify genetic variation in CWRs. We thus advocate wider use and development of this approach amongst researchers, breeders and practitioners, to expedite the capture and in situ conservation of genetic resources provided by crop wild relatives.</p

    Wild strawberry shows genetic variation in tolerance but not resistance to a generalist herbivore

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    Plants' defenses against herbivores usually include both resistance and tolerance mechanisms. Their deployment has predominantly been studied in either single-plant genotypes or multiple genotypes exposed to single herbivores. In natural situations, however, most plants are attacked by multiple herbivores. Therefore, aims of this study were to assess and compare the effects of single and multiple herbivores on plant resistance and tolerance traits, and the consequences for overall plant performance. For this, we exposed multiple genotypes of wild woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca) to jasmonic acid (JA), to mimic chewing herbivory and induce the plants' defense responses, and then introduced the generalist herbivoreSpodoptera littoralisto feed on them. We found that woodland strawberry consistently showed resistance toS. littoralisherbivory, with no significant genetic variation between the genotypes. By contrast, the studied genotypes showed high variation in tolerance, suggesting evolutionary potential in this trait. Prior JA application did not alter these patterns, although it induced an even higher level of resistance in all tested genotypes. The study provides novel information that may be useful for breeders seeking to exploit tolerance and resistance mechanisms to improve strawberry crops' viability and yields, particularly when multiple herbivores pose significant threats

    Genetic variation in herbivore resistance within a strawberry crop wild relative (Fragaria vesca L.)

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    To decrease the dependency on chemical pesticides, the resistance of cultivated strawberry to pests needs to be increased. While genetic resources within domesticated varieties are limited, wild genotypes are predicted to show high heritable variation in useful resistance traits. We collected 86 wild accessions of Fragaria vesca L. from central Sweden and screened this germplasm for antibiosis (pest survival and performance) and antixenosis (pest preference) traits active against the strawberry leaf beetle (Galerucella tenella L.). First, extensive common garden experiments were used to study antibiosis traits in the sampled plant genotypes. Heritable genetic variation among plant genotypes was found for several antibiosis traits. Second, controlled cafeteria experiments were used to test for plant genetic variation in antixenosis traits. The leaf beetles avoided egg laying on plant genotypes possessing high antibiosis. This indicates a high degree of concordance between antibiosis and antixenosis and that the beetles' egg-laying behavior optimizes the fitness of their offspring. The existence of high genetic variation in key resistance traits suggests that wild woodland strawberry contains untapped resources that are sought to reduce pesticide dependence in cultivated strawberry. Given that only a very small portion of the species' distribution area was sampled, even higher variation may be expected at the continental scale. As a whole, the genetic resources identified in this study serve to strengthen the position of woodland strawberry as a key crop wild relative

    Genetic drift precluded adaptation of an insect seed predator to a novel host plant in a long-term selection experiment

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    Host specialization is considered a primary driver of the enormous diversity of herbivorous insects. Trade-offs in host use are hypothesized to promote this specialization, but they have mostly been studied in generalist herbivores. We conducted a multi-generation selection experiment to examine the adaptation of the specialist seed-feeding bug, Lygaeus equestris, to three novel host plants (Helianthus annuus, Verbascum thapsus and Centaurea phrygia) and to test whether trade-offs promote specialization. During the selection experiment, body size of L. equestris increased more on the novel host plant H. annuus compared to the primary host plant, Vincetoxicum hirundinaria, but this effect was not observed in other fitness related traits. In addition to selection, genetic drift caused variation among the experimental herbivore populations in their ability to exploit the host plants. Microsatellite data indicated that the level of within-population genetic variation decreased and population differentiation increased more in the selection line feeding on H. annuus compared to V. hirundinaria. We found a negative correlation between genetic differentiation and heterozygosity at the end of the experiment, suggesting that differentiation was significantly affected by genetic drift. We did not find fitness trade-offs between L. equestris feeding on the four hosts. Thus, trade-offs do not seem to promote specialization in L. equestris. Our results suggest that this insect herbivore is not likely to adapt to a novel host species in a time-scale of 20 generations despite sufficient genetic variation and that genetic drift disrupted the response to selection

    Pollinators and herbivores interactively shape selection on strawberry defence and attraction

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    Tripartite interactions between plants, herbivores, and pollinators hold fitness consequences for most angiosperms. However, little is known on how plants evolve in response-and in particular what the net selective outcomes are for traits of shared relevance to pollinators and herbivores. In this study, we manipulated herbivory ("presence" and "absence" treatments) and pollination ("open" and "hand pollination" treatments) in a full factorial common-garden experiment with woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca L.). This design allowed us to quantify the relative importance and interactive effects of herbivore- and pollinator-mediated selection on nine traits related to plant defence and attraction. Our results showed that pollinators imposed stronger selection than herbivores on traits related to both direct and indirect (i.e., tritrophic) defence. However, conflicting selection was imposed on inflorescence density: a trait that appears to be shared by herbivores and pollinators as a host plant signal. However, in all cases, selection imposed by one agent depended largely on the presence or ecological effect of the other, suggesting that dynamic patterns of selection could be a common outcome of these interactions in natural populations. As a whole, our findings highlight the significance of plant-herbivore-pollinator interactions as potential drivers of evolutionary change, and reveal that pollinators likely play an underappreciated role as selective agents on direct and in direct plant defence.</p

    Plant resistance does not compromise parasitoid-based biocontrol of a strawberry pest

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    Plant nutritional  quality can influence interactions between herbivores and their parasitoids. While most previous work has focused on a limited set of secondary plant metabolites, the tri-trophic effects of overall phenotypic resistance have been understudied. Furthermore, the joint effects of secondary and primary metabolites on parasitoids are almost unexplored. In this study, we compared the performance and survival of the parasitoid species Asecodes parviclava Thompson on wild woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca L.) genotypes showing variation in resistance against the parasitoid’s host, the strawberry leaf beetle (Galerucella tenella L.). Additionally, we related the metabolic profiles of these plant genotypes to the tritrophic outcomes in order to identify primary and secondary metabolites involved in regulating plant potential to facilitate parasitism. We found that parasitoid performance was strongly affected by plant genotype, but those differences in plant resistance to the herbivore were not reflected in parasitoid survival. These findings could be explained in particular by a significant link between parasitoid survival and foliar carbohydrate levels, which appeared to be the most important compounds for parasitism success. The fact that plant quality strongly affects parasitism should be further explored and utilized in plant breeding programs for a synergistic application in sustainable pest management.</p

    Evolutionary Ecology of Plant-Arthropod Interactions in Light of the “Omics” Sciences : A Broad Guide

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    Funding Information: The project is funded by the European Commission as well as the following national/regional bodies: Formas—the Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development (grant no: 2020–02376), Academy of Finland (grant no. 344726), Research Foundation—Flanders (grant no. FWO ERANET G0H6520N), and Agencia Estatal de InvestigaciĂłn (grant no. PCI2020-120719-2). Publisher Copyright: Copyright © 2022 De-la-Cruz, Batsleer, Bonte, Diller, Hytönen, Muola, Osorio, PosĂ©, Vandegehuchte and Stenberg.Aboveground plant-arthropod interactions are typically complex, involving herbivores, predators, pollinators, and various other guilds that can strongly affect plant fitness, directly or indirectly, and individually, synergistically, or antagonistically. However, little is known about how ongoing natural selection by these interacting guilds shapes the evolution of plants, i.e., how they affect the differential survival and reproduction of genotypes due to differences in phenotypes in an environment. Recent technological advances, including next-generation sequencing, metabolomics, and gene-editing technologies along with traditional experimental approaches (e.g., quantitative genetics experiments), have enabled far more comprehensive exploration of the genes and traits involved in complex ecological interactions. Connecting different levels of biological organization (genes to communities) will enhance the understanding of evolutionary interactions in complex communities, but this requires a multidisciplinary approach. Here, we review traditional and modern methods and concepts, then highlight future avenues for studying the evolution of plant-arthropod interactions (e.g., plant-herbivore-pollinator interactions). Besides promoting a fundamental understanding of plant-associated arthropod communities’ genetic background and evolution, such knowledge can also help address many current global environmental challenges.Peer reviewe
