17 research outputs found

    Factors Affecting Successful Implementation of Government Funded Projects in Technical Institutions in Garissa County

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    Several government funded projects in tertiary institutions have stalled; others have been completed but not in line with the intended specifications while others exceed the stipulated completion periods. A project which is unsuccessful exceeds its schedule and budget whether it is eventually completed or not. Public institutions are generally afraid of project failure because they make big investments to the project in terms of money, time and manpower. This study sought to determine the factors affecting implementation of public projects funded by the National Government in Technical Training Institutions in Garissa County, Kenya. The objectives of the study were; to determine the influence of government funding on project implementation; to establish the influence of security on project implementation; to find out the influence of monitoring and evaluation in Government funded projects, and to determine the influence of stakeholder

    Task sharing and task shifting: optimizing the primary health care workforce for improved delivery of noncommunicable disease services in Kenya

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    Integration of noncommunicable disease (NCD) care into primary health care (PHC) is crucial in addressing the NCD burden: this could improve health promotion and access to early NCD diagnosis and facilitate continuous management of NCDs at the population level. Successful NCD integration requires both investment in the health system and refocusing of PHC from an infectious disease emphasis to a system approach inclusive of NCD care. Strengthening the health workforce (HWF) is key in reorganizing the PHC system: availability and adequate capacity and distribution of health workers are crucial. Task sharing and task shifting (TSS) is an effective intervention to address HWF challenges: sharing clinical tasks with non-physician health workers (NPHWs) such as nurses and community health workers (CHWs) or shifting some tasks to them could help strengthen HWF to accommodate NCD care at the PHC level. An enabling legal and regulatory framework and adequate training of NPHWs are required to support TSS: the key enablers for successful TSS are training and on-the-job support for NPHWs. The barriers include the lack of a legal and regulatory framework for the new roles NPHWs assume such as prescribing medicines and other health system responsibilities

    Examining the Influence of Budget Execution Processes on the Efficiency of County Health Systems in Kenya.

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    Public Financial Management (PFM) processes are a driver of health system efficiency. PFM happens within the budget cycle which entails budget formulation, execution and accountability. At the budget execution phase, budgets are implemented by spending as planned to generate a desired output or outcome. Understanding how the budget execution processes influence the use of inputs, and the outcomes that result is important for maximizing efficiency. This study sought to explain how the budget execution processes influence the efficiency of health systems, an area that is understudied, using a case study of county health systems in Kenya. We conducted a concurrent mixed methods case study using counties classified as relatively efficient (n=2) and relatively inefficient (n=2). We developed a conceptual framework from a literature review to guide the development of tools and analysis. We collected qualitative data through document reviews, and in-depth interviews (n=70) with actors from health and finance sectors at the national and county level. We collected quantitative data from secondary sources, including budgets and budget reports. We analyzed qualitative data using the thematic approach and carried out descriptive analyses on quantitative data. The budget execution processes within counties in Kenya were characterized by poor budget credibility, cash disbursement delays, limited provider autonomy, and poor procurement practices. These challenges were linked to an inappropriate input mix that compromised the capacity of county health systems to deliver healthcare services, misalignment between county health needs and the use of resources, reduced staff motivation and productivity, procurement inefficiencies, and reduced county accountability for finances and performance. The efficiency of county health systems in Kenya can be enhanced by improving budget credibility, cash disbursement processes, procurement processes, and provider autonomy

    Examining the influence of health sector coordination on the efficiency of county health systems in Kenya.

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    BACKGROUND: Health systems are complex, consisting of multiple interacting structures and actors whose effective coordination is paramount to enhancing health system goals. Health sector coordination is a potential source of inefficiency in the health sector. We examined how the coordination of the health sector affects health system efficiency in Kenya. METHODS: We conducted a qualitative cross-sectional study, collecting data at the national level and in two purposely selected counties in Kenya. We collected data using in-depth interviews (n = 37) with national and county-level respondents, and document reviews. We analyzed the data using a thematic approach. RESULTS: The study found that while formal coordination structures exist in the Kenyan health system, duplication, fragmentation, and misalignment of health system functions and actor actions compromise the coordination of the health sector. These challenges were observed in both vertical (coordination within the ministry of health, within the county departments of health, and between the national ministry of health and the county department of health) and horizontal coordination mechanisms (coordination between the ministry of health or the county department of health and non-state partners, and coordination among county governments). These coordination challenges are likely to impact the efficiency of the Kenyan health system by increasing the transaction costs of health system functions. Inadequate coordination also impairs the implementation of health programmes and hence compromises health system performance. CONCLUSION: The efficiency of the Kenyan health system could be enhanced by strengthening the coordination of the Kenyan health sector. This can be achieved by aligning and harmonizing the intergovernmental and health sector-specific coordination mechanisms, strengthening the implementation of the Kenya health sector coordination framework at the county level, and enhancing donor coordination through common funding arrangements and integrating vertical disease programs with the rest of the health system. The ministry of health and county departments of health should also review internal organizational structures to enhance functional and role clarity of organizational units and staff, respectively. Finally, counties should consider initiating health sector coordination mechanisms between counties to reduce the fragmentation of health system functions across neighboring counties

    Management of human resources for health: implications for health systems efficiency in Kenya.

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    BACKGROUND: Human resources for health consume a substantial share of healthcare resources and determine the efficiency and overall performance of health systems. Under Kenya's devolved governance, human resources for health are managed by county governments. The aim of this study was to examine how the management of human resources for health influences the efficiency of county health systems in Kenya. METHODS: We conducted a case study using a mixed methods approach in two purposively selected counties in Kenya. We collected data through in-depth interviews (n = 46) with national and county level HRH stakeholders, and document and secondary data reviews. We analyzed qualitative data using a thematic approach, and quantitative data using descriptive analysis. RESULTS: Human resources for health in the selected counties was inadequately financed and there were an insufficient number of health workers, which compromised the input mix of the health system. The scarcity of medical specialists led to inappropriate task shifting where nonspecialized staff took on the roles of specialists with potential undesired impacts on quality of care and health outcomes. The maldistribution of staff in favor of higher-level facilities led to unnecessary referrals to higher level (referral) hospitals and compromised quality of primary healthcare. Delayed salaries, non-harmonized contractual terms and incentives reduced the motivation of health workers. All of these effects are likely to have negative effects on health system efficiency. CONCLUSIONS: Human resources for health management in counties in Kenya could be reformed with likely positive implications for county health system efficiency by increasing the level of funding, resolving funding flow challenges to address the delay of salaries, addressing skill mix challenges, prioritizing the allocation of health workers to lower-level facilities, harmonizing the contractual terms and incentives of health workers, and strengthening monitoring and supervision

    Budget monitoring, accountability practices and their influence on the efficiency of county health systems in Kenya.

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    Public Finance Management (PFM) practices influence the attainment of health system goals. PFM processes are implemented within the budget cycle which entails the formulation, execution, and monitoring of government budgets. Budget monitoring and accountability actors, structures, and processes are important in improving the efficiency of health systems. This study examined how the budget monitoring and accountability processes influence the efficiency of county health systems in KenyaWe conducted a qualitative case study of four counties in Kenya selected based on their relative technical efficiency. We collected data using in-depth interviews with health and finance stakeholders (n = 70), and document reviews. We analyzed data using a thematic approach, informed by our study conceptual framework. We found that weak budget monitoring and accountability mechanisms compromised county health system efficiency by a) weakening the effective implementation of the budget formulation and execution steps of the budget cycle, b) enabling the misappropriation of public resources, and c) limiting evidence-informed decision-making by weakening feedback that would be provided by effective monitoring and accountability. Devolution meant that accountability actors were closer to implementation actors which promoted timely problem solving and the relevance of solutions. Internal audit practices were supportive and provided useful feedback to health system managers that facilitated improvements in budget formulation and execution. The efficiency of county health systems can be improved by strengthening the budget monitoring and accountability processes. This can be achieved by increasing the population's budget literacy, supporting participatory budgeting, synchronizing performance and financial accountability, implementing the existent budget monitoring and accountability mechanisms, rewarding efficiency, and sanctioning inefficiency

    Political economy analysis of subnational health management in Kenya, Malawi and Uganda

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    The need to bolster primary health care (PHC) to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) targets for health is well recognized. In Eastern and Southern Africa, where governments have progressively decentralized health decision-making, health management is critical to PHC performance. While investments in health management capacity are important, so is improving the environment in which managers operate. Governance arrangements, management systems and power dynamics of actors can have a significant influence on health managers' ability to improve PHC access and quality. We conducted a problem-driven political economy analysis (PEA) in Kenya, Malawi and Uganda to explore local decision-making environments and how they affect management and governance practices for health. This PEA used document review and key informant interviews (N = 112) with government actors, development partners and civil societies in three districts or counties in each country (N = 9). We found that while decentralization should improve PHC by supporting better decisions in line with local priorities from community input, it has been accompanied by thick bureaucracy, path-dependent and underfunded budgets that result in trade-offs and unfulfilled plans, management support systems that are less aligned to local priorities, weak accountability between local government and development partners, uneven community engagement and insufficient public administration capacity to negotiate these challenges. Emergent findings suggest that coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) not only resulted in greater pressures on health teams and budgets but also improved relations with central government related to better communication and flexible funding, offering some lessons. Without addressing the disconnection between the vision for decentralization and the reality of health managers mired in unhelpful processes and politics, delivering on PHC and universal health coverage goals and the SDG agenda will remain out of reach

    Integrated Management of Root-Knot Nematode (Meloidogyne Spp.) Using Fresh Organic Manure and Crotalaria brevidens Intercrop for Improved Growth and Yield of Tomato

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    Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is one of the most important vegetables worldwide. Tomato productivity is limited by, among other factors, biotic constraints including root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne species) which lower both quality and quantity of the crop. Two trials were conducted at the Horticulture Research and Teaching Field, Egerton University, Kenya, to evaluate effects of fresh organic manure and slender leaf (Crotalaria brevidens var. brevidens Benth.) intercrop on management of root-knot nematode during tomato production as well as establish their effect on tomato growth and yield. Variables measured were nematode infestation, plant height,  stem collar diameter, number of internodes and branches, number of fruits, and fresh fruit weight. Use of fresh organic manure and slender leaf intercrop suppressed the nematode population by 27.8% to 53.5% reduction and significantly increased tomato fruit numbers by 22.2% to 49.7% and fresh fruit weight by 24.5% to 80.4% when used alone or in combinations compared to the control treatment. The combination of fresh goat dung and slender leaf intercrop resulted in the highest reduction in nematode population of 53.5%  and highest increase in total number of fruits of 49.7% and fresh fruit weight of  80.4%

    Examining the absorption of post-internship medical officers into the public sector at county-level in devolved Kenya: a qualitative case study

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    Abstract Background After Kenya’s decentralization and constitutional changes in 2013, 47 devolved county governments are responsible for workforce planning and recruitment including for doctors/medical officers (MO). Data from the Ministry of Health suggested that less than half of these MOs are being absorbed by the public sector between 2015 and 2018. We aimed to examine how post-internship MOs are absorbed into the public sector at the county-level, as part of a broader project focusing on Kenya’s human resources for health. Methods We employed a qualitative case study design informed by a simplified health labour market framework. Data included interviews with 30 MOs who finished their internship after 2018, 10 consultants who have supervised MOs, and 51 county/sub-county-level managers who are involved in MOs’ planning and recruitment. A thematic analysis approach was used to examine recruitment processes, outcomes as well as perceived demand and supply. Results We found that Kenya has a large mismatch between supply and demand for MOs. An increasing number of medical schools are offering training in medicine while the demand for MOs in the county-level public sector has not been increasing at the same pace due to fiscal resource constraints and preference for other workforce cadres. The local Department of Health put in requests and participate in interviews but do not lead the recruitment process and respondents suggested that it can be subject to political interference and corruption. The imbalance of supply and demand is leading to unemployment, underemployment and migration of post-internship MOs with further impacts on MOs’ wages and contract conditions, especially in the private sector. Conclusion The mismatched supply and demand of MO accompanied by problematic recruitment processes led to many MOs not being absorbed by the public sector and subsequent unemployment and underemployment. Although Kenya has ambitious workforce norms, it may need to take a more pragmatic approach and initiate constructive policy dialogue with stakeholders spanning the education, public and private health sectors to better align MO training, recruitment and management