6 research outputs found

    Suplementasi Makanan Tambahan Tinggi Protein Hewani, Kalsium Dan Zinc Pada Anak Umur 6-24 Bulan Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Panjang Badan Anak

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    The results of the 2021 Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia that stunting prevalence in five-year-old children is 24.4%. Children who are stunted until the age of 5 years will be difficult to overcome so it will continue into adulthood and can increase the risk of offspring with low birth weight. Stunting will cause long-term impacts, namely impaired physical, mental, intellectual, and cognitive development. This research method used an experimental design by providing food in the form of 50,0 g of nuggets every day for 6 weeks as high supplements in animal protein, calcium,and zinc. The subjects of this research were children aged 6-24 months, the subjects were randomly assigned. The number of samples based on the calculation of the sample size was 30 children. The results showed that before the intervention was given to the treatment subjects, the average height was 79,6 ± 4,8 cm and after the treatment was given, the average height was 80,01±4,9 cm. Based on the results of the paired t-test there was a significant difference in height of 0,41 ± 0,26 cm (p = 0,000). For initial body weight or before being given treatment to the treatment subjects, there was an average body weight of 10,1 ± 1,5 kg and after being given treatment, the average body weight was 10,3±1,5 kg, there was no difference (p = 0,082) of body weight after being given supplementation. As a suggestion, it is necessary to develop a more varied form of food so that all age groups of infants and children can consume high supplements in animal protein, calcium and zinc.   &nbsp

    Pengaruh Penambahan Berbagai Ekstrak Bahan Pewarna Alami terhadap Daya Terima Sosis Ikan Lele (Clarias batrachus)

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    Sosis adalah makanan favorit keluarga, dari anak-anak hingga orang dewasa. Perlu dilakukan inovasi untuk menciptakan produk sosis dengan diversifikasi pangan menggunakan bahan pengganti ikan yang mengandung nilai gizi yang tinggi sebagai sumber protein, mudah dicerna dan rendah kolesterol. Jadi salah satu upaya untuk membuat sosis ikan lele yang menarik dengan menambahkan pewarna alami dari ekstrak sayur wortel, bayam, dan bit untuk menghasilkan sosis berwarna-warni dan sehat. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Juni 2016. Desain penelitian ini Eksperimen dengan completely randomized design (CRD) 4 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada pengaruh penambahan beberapa pewarna alami untuk warna, rasa, tekstur, dan tingkat kesukaan sosis ikan lele (α=0,05). Hasil uji organoleptik, sosis ikan lele yang dipilih oleh penambahan ekstrak bit 12,6%. Untuk tingkat preferensi sosis warna anak sejak dini juga memiliki sama Peringkat sebanyak 80%. Adapun rasa sosis dengan penambahan bit dan ekstrak wortel, 100% dari anak-anak menghabiskan itu. Nilai-nilai pada analisis nutrisi per 100 gram ikan lele sosis terpilih: energi 158 kkal, 12,1% protein, 8,63% lemak, 8.02% karbohidrat

    Uji Organoleptik, Analisis Kandungan Zat Gizi, Dan Skrining Fitokimia Minuman Campuran Daun Katuk (Saorpus androgynus (L.)Merr), Daun Pepaya (Carica papaya L.), Dan Kacang Hijau (Vigna radiata L.) Sebagai Peningkat Produksi ASI

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    Latar Belakang : Pemberian ASI eksklusif masih ditetapkan sebagai salah satu indikator meningkatnya kesehatan ibu dan anak, pembuatan minuman campuran sebagai peningkat produksi ASI dilakukan dengan cara menggunakan bahan pangan lokal. Tujuan : untuk mengetahui formulasi minuman dengan penambahan daun katuk dan daun pepaya terhadap mutu organoleptik, menganalisis kandungan zat gizi dan skrining fitokimia pada formulasi terpilih Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan rancangan  acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan dan 3 pengulangan. Penelitian ini melibatkan 30 panelis konsumen yang merupakan dosen atau pegawai di Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta II dan sudah pernah menyusui terhadap karakteristik warna, aroma, tekstur, rasa, dan tingkat kesukaan. Hasil : Hasil analisis uji statistik non parametrik Friedman dengan tingkat kemaknaan sebesar 95% menunjukkan adanya pengaruh penambahan daun katuk dan daun pepaya terhadap rasa dan tingkat kesukaan minuman campuran. Sedangkan untuk kriteria warna, aroma, dan konsistensi tidak memiliki pengaruh terhadap minuman campuran. Hasil uji mutu kesukaan yang paling disukai adalah minuman daun katuk 100%. Kesimpulan : Ada pengaruh penambahan daun katuk terhadap rasa dan tingkat kesukaan minuman campuran, formula yang terpilih adalah F1 yaitu dengan minuman daun katuk 100%. Kandungan zat gizi minuman campuran terpilih per 100 ml adalah energi 57 kkal, protein 0,87g, Karbohidrat 13,5g, kadar air 85,5 % dan kadar abu 0,29 mg serta mengandung polipenol sebesar 574 mg/kg

    Pengaruh pemberian minuman campuran daun katuk, daun pepaya, dan kacang hijau terhadap produksi ASI dan berat badan bayi mencit

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    Foodstuffs rich in lactogogum are very useful in increasing milk production, especially in postpartum mothers. This study studied the effect of a mixed drink of katuk leaves, papaya leaves, and green beans on increasing breast milk production and weight growth of baby mice. This type of research is an experimental RAL with four treatments and three repetitions on female mice of the DDY strain aged 2,5–3 months, a total of 32 mice with six mice each. Mice were divided into four groups, two treatment groups and two control groups. Its treatment for 12 days postpartum. Data analysis used ANOVA and continued with the Duncan test at a 5% confidence interval. The study results found that there was a significant difference in the average milk production of the mother mice in the four groups (p= 0,003); there was no difference in the average total weight gain of mice during the four groups (p= 0,187). In conclusion, giving a functional drink a mixture of katuk leaves, papaya leaves, and green beans has the same potential as commercial katuk leaf extract but has not increased breast milk production in mice. Suggestion, further research is needed to measure prolactin hormone levels and milk qualit

    Modifikasi Minuman Fungsional ‘Keloja’ Berbasis Bahan Pangan Lokal sebagai Makanan Tambahan pada Anak Usia 24-59 Bulan

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    One solution to overcome the problem of malnutrition in Indonesia is to provide nutritional interventions by adding micronutrient supplementation to food or beverages. This study aims to develop functional drinks from local food (Moringa leaves, tolo beans, and corn) as additional food ingredients for children aged 2-5 years. The first stage of the research carried out tolo bean germination, while in the second stage the study determined the formulation of a local food-based functional drink with four levels of treatment, namely 0% (T1), 5% (T2), 7.5% (T3), 10% (T4). ) Moringa leaves to total formula drinks. Organoleptic tests were carried out by 30 somewhat trained panelists from level 2 students of the DIII and DIV Nutrition study programs. Formulations that were acceptable to the panelists were the T2 formulation with a composition of 50% corn, 50% tolo beans, 5% Moringa leaves, 5% powdered milk, and 10% granulated sugar. The nutritional value of the tolo bean-based functional drink (T2) is 245,95kcal of energy, 8,57gr of protein, 5,25gr of fat, and 41,1 gr of carbohydrates, and 458,71ppm of phenol content per 250ml. With the addition of 5%, Moringa leaves it produces color, aroma, taste, consistency, and acceptance that is most liked by panelists and resembles a drink without the addition of Moringa leaves. It is necessary to carry out further studies related to microbiological tests on functional drinks made from local food so that they can meet the applicable SNI

    Pendampingan Keluarga pada Ibu Hamil, Ibu Menyusui, dan Anak Usia di Bawah Dua Tahun (Baduta) di Wilayah Puskesmas Cipadu Kota Tangerang: Family Assistance for Pregnant Women, Breastfeeding Mothers, and Children Under Two Years Old (Baduta) in the Cipadu Community Health Center, Tangerang City

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    Nutrition is one of the factors that play a role in the rate of growth and development of infants as a superior generation in the future. Family mentoring activities are a form of community empowerment by studying existing problems and efforts to overcome them so that families can be free from nutritional problems. This mentoring program aims to help families improve knowledge, feeding practices, and nutritional status before and after family mentoring for pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and children under two years old. This activity was carried out using lecture and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) methods, then continued with assistance in feeding practices. Eight respondents comprised three pregnant women, three breastfeeding mothers, and two children under two years old. The implementation began with strengthening cadres regarding child and maternal feeding practices and how to conduct monitoring and evaluation. The mentoring was carried out for two months with weekly monitoring and evaluation. Based on the mentoring results, there was an increase in knowledge among mothers of toddlers, pregnant women, and breastfeeding mothers. In addition, feeding practices also improved, and the weight of children, pregnant women, and breastfeeding mothers also increased. It can be concluded that mentoring focused on feeding practices can improve the nutritional conditions of children and pregnant/breastfeeding mothers who are malnourished