96 research outputs found


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    This paper is purely theoretical, having as starting points both existing information in the literature and their correlations. The text does not have a generalized, but represent personal opinions and conclusions. Critically analyzing the definitions given in the literature the term "strategic human resource management ", we found that most of them referred to the involvement he has it in obtaining competitive advantage of an organization. Also, starting from the study of different approaches to strategic management of human resources, we can see that besides the role that obtain competitive advantage, it supports innovative activity of a company. So we can talk about a link between strategic management of human resources, innovation and achieving competitive advantage. By presenting how strategic human resource management can be implemented in an organization, its high performance practices for human resources, it demonstrates that they support employee creativity through free expression of ideas, involvement in decision making, resulting in the way to innovation and thus to obtain competitive advantage. This work, theoretical, was completed by a presentation that show the interdependencies that exist between the three think elements: strategic human resources management, innovation, competitive advantage


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    The need for effective human resources strategies, which have a strong role in achieving goals has been a subject extensively treated in the literature. Thus, those interested in this field could learn about the stages of development of human resources strategy, the criteria necessary to be considered, features that should have a human resource strategy properly adopted and the modalities for its implementation. However, it has neglected an important aspect essential, namely, who should formulate strategy and human resources of an organization who is responsible for its implementation. In this paper we focused attention on identifying new aspects of the human resources strategy: people involved in adopting and implementing human resources strategy. The present study is one of the fundamental theoretical literature. The facts are not merely generalizing, but is analysis, opinion and personal conclusions. However, they can represent a focal point for business, prompting an awareness among the lead actors in a company, the need straightening attention to the foregoing. The overall conclusion is that it is not enough for an organization to have a human resources strategy. To be fair one, to adopt and implement them have involved those individuals who have the necessary capacity and not the responsibility of everyone. Pawns should be the main human resources manager and senior manager, followed by operational

    A mini-review regarding the carcinogenesis and morphology of serous tumors of the ovary, fallopian tube and peritoneum

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    Similar to the already well-recognized adenoma-carcinoma sequence in colorectal cancer pathogenesis, it has been believed for many decades that the progression of ovarian epithelial tumors occurs from benign serous cystadenomas to borderline tumors, to well-differentiated carcinomas, and ultimately, to poorly differentiated carcinomas. However, it is currently accepted that low-grade serous carcinoma (LGSC) and high-grade serous carcinoma (HGSC) are fundamentally different tumor types and, consequently, different diseases. In fact, whereas the benign-borderline-malignant sequence seems to apply quite well to low-grade serous carcinoma, the sequence of genetic alterations in high-grade serous carcinoma is substantially different. In this mini-review, we included the current consensus regarding the morphological and etiopathogenic results regarding serous tumors of the ovary, fallopian tube and peritoneum. It also briefly describes the history of benign, borderline and malignant serous tumors, discussing multiple types of dichotomies in serous carcinomas of the female genital tract and summarizing the current molecular classification

    Application of Modern Polymeric Composite Materials in Industrial Construction

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    The large variety of modern composite materials and products existing nowadays in the construction market provides multiple and convenient possibilities to use them in both structural and nonstructural industrial construction elements. The main advantages of modern composite materials such as: corrosion resistance, high strength and modulus values compared to their density, acceptable deformability, tailored design and excellent formability enable the fabrication of new elements and the structural rehabilitation of the existing parts made of traditional materials. The high potential of the applicability of polymeric composites in new industrial construction correlated with fabrication procedures as well as the use of composites in modern strengthening solutions are presented in the paper

    Geological and ecological assessment of the exposure degree of the Zăton-Bulba karst system (Mehedinţi Plateau) to anthropogenic hazards: intrinsic vulnerability and biodiversity study

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    The Mehedinţi Plateau represents an area highly marked by the intensity of the karst processes and by the diversity of the exokarst and endokarst features. The analyzed area includes two parallel limestone bars, developed on the Carpathian structures direction (NNE-SSW). The geological and geomorphological research, guided by a working protocol similar to that of the EPIK method, highlighted the role played by the lithology, structure, tectonics, epikarst and protective cover, related to the infiltration conditions, flow parameters and impact area of a potential contamination event; also, we carried on microtectonic studies on the Bulba Valley, Peşterii Hill, Podul Natural Cave and Bulba Cave. In addition to the results obtained following the EPIK method protocol, we bring forward data concerning the water quality, performing hydrogeochemical analyses on water samples collected from the main sources in the region. Our research has been focused on TDS, on cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, NH4+) and on anions (HCO3-, Cl-). We conclude by modelling the cumulative abundance and the species richness of the harvestmen (Opiliones) in the studied area, under different degrees of human impact on habitat

    The Effect of Clay Type on the Physicochemical Properties of New Hydrogel Clay Nanocomposites

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    This study focuses on the investigation of clay type effect on the final properties of semi-interpenetrated Salecan/poly(methacrylic acid)/clay hydrogel nanocomposites. Previous studies have indicated that the presence of clay in polymer composites leads to better swelling capacity and mechanical properties as functions of clay type. On the other hand, Salecan, which is a water soluble extracellular polysaccharide, was proved to assure greater flexibility to hydrogels. These properties recommend clay and Salecan for semi-interpenetrated hydrogels preparation with specific application in biomedicine. The purpose was to determine the most suitable type of clay as well as Salecan influence for developing the desired water retention/delivery ability and mechanically enhanced semi-interpenetrating polymer network (SIPN) nanocomposites. For our investigations, we have chosen commercially available montmorillonite (ClNa) and different commercial organomodified clay (Cl30B, Cl20A and Cl15A). Several analyses results (FTIR, TGA, DMA, XRD, microscopy and swelling studies) demonstrated that not only the presence of Salecan but also the clay type influenced the structure and properties of the final nanocomposites

    Tuberculosis impacts multiple aspects in quality of life in a Romanian cohort of drug‐susceptible and drug resistant patients: A patient‐reported outcome measures study

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    Background: Tuberculosis (TB), and especially its drug resistant forms, is responsible for not only significant mortality, but also considerable morbidity, still under‐quantified. This study used four Patient‐Reported Outcome Measures (PROMS) to assess the status of persons affected by drug‐susceptible and drug‐resistant TB during their TB treatment or after treatment completion, in Romania, the highest TB burden country in the EU. Methods: People affected by TB in two different regions in Romania were included during and after treatment, following a cross‐sectional design. PROMs used were SF‐36, EQ‐5D‐5L, WPAI and the app‐based audiometry screening tool ‘uHear.’ Descriptive statistics and relevant statistical tests were used to compare groups between themselves and with the general Romanian population. Results: Both patients with drug‐susceptible and drug‐resistant TB experience, with drug‐resistant patients experiencing statistically significantly more pain and hearing loss. PROMs show some improvement in the after‐treatment group; however, compared with the general Romanian population for which data were available, all groups scored lower on all outcome measures. Conclusion: PROMs offer the possibility of obtaining a more comprehensive view of patients' status, by involving them directly in the medical process and could guide a rehabilitation strategy

    Particularities regarding Clinical-biological and Evolutive Parameters of Immune-mediated Rheumatic Diseases in Patients with COVID-19 – systematic literature review

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    Background: Since its outbreak in 2019, Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)/Severe Acu-te Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) was a serious medical threat and was declared Global Pandemic, triggering fear, panic and uncertainty for people around the Globe. Among those individuals, there is a specific category of patients – the ones with immune-mediated rheumatic diseases (IMIDs) – whose mantra from the diagnosis was to avoid infections at all costs because of the additional negative impact on the immune sys-tem and overall reactivity. Objective: Considering the aforementioned, our objective is to understand the in-depth relation of the immune system of patients with IMIDs in the set-ting of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), and the real bur-den of the disease and vaccination against COVID-19. Materials and Methods: In this res-pect, we have conducted a thoroughly systematic literature review according to the “Prefer-red Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA)” concept. Following its five-steps algorithm, we first selected 745 articles that were published in re-putable international medical databases, ISI-indexed, for the period 1 January, 2021–31 December, 2022. After consequent elimination of duplicates, of articles that were not En-glish-written and “open access” and then applying PEDro classification/scoring-inspired, only 58 articles were selected for in-depth full qualitative reading. In the last stage,20 arti-cles were “excluded with reasons”, because they didn’t offer significant information. The-refore, in our systematic literature review, 38 articles were included.Results: In the data gathered in this review we described the molecular pathways of activation of the immune system triggered by COVID-19, with significance on the clinical and paraclinical aspects of IMID patients infected with the new Coronavirus. Patients with IMIDs are at higher risk for hospitalization if diagnosed with SARS-CoV2 and more prone to severe outcomes and death. Risk factors associated with severe outcomes and death are: age, comorbidities, un-derlying disease activity, therapies used (“the good” being anti-tumor necrosis factor α, “the bad” – Methotrexate, Sulfasalazine, Azathioprine and “the ugly” – anti CD20 mono-clonal antibodies). There were several reports of flares and new-onset of IMIDs after CO-VID-19 and after vaccination against this disease, but data from larger studies and registri-es do not confirm higher incidence of flare-ups or new-onset IMIDs. Regarding vaccination, of mounting importance is the timing between immunomodulatory and immunosuppres-sive agents and the administration of the vaccine. And last but not the least, we discussed about Long COVID and the role of artificial intelligence in the pandemic and related-drug development. Discussion and Conclusion: The data in our systematic literature review is consistent with the expertise from our clinical practice. This article is the first part of the doctoral study that is centralized on the same topics, with the current objective of deepe-ning the knowledge about the intersection of COVID-19/SARS-CoV2 and immune-mediated rheumatic diseases and a future objective: to compare information we have synthetized here with our database of almost 170 Romanian patients with a IMID and COVID-19/SARS-CoV2. The next objective is to extend the study to a multicenter control one
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