513 research outputs found

    A Note on Doubly Warped Product Contact CR-Submanifolds in trans-Sasakian Manifolds

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    Warped product CR-submanifolds in Kaehlerian manifolds were intensively studied only since 2001 after the impulse given by B.Y. Chen. Immediately after, another line of research, similar to that concerning Sasakian geometry as the odd dimensional version of Kaehlerian geometry, was developed, namely warped product contact CR-submanifolds in Sasakian manifolds. In this note we proved that there exists no proper doubly warped product contact CR-submanifolds in trans-Sasakian manifolds.Comment: 5 Latex page

    Situaţia cultivării usturoiului în România

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    The paper presents a general picture of on the garlic culture in Romania. The main goal is to evaluate the development possibilities of this crops when the garlic has become a high commercial competition product at national level and world one. The paper contains six distinct sections: (1)recent short history, (2) traditional zones for garlic cultivation, (3)areas and production, (4)garlic asortment, (5) cultivation technology and (6)marketing and selling problems

    фольклорно-етнографічні матеріали на сторінках журналу «Основа»

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    In the article folk and ethnographical materials of the «Osnova» magazine are analyzed. The role of this edition in development of the ethnography is defined

    Current applications of 3d printing in neurosurgery

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    Medical implications of 3-dimensional (3D) printing technology have progressed with increasingly used especially in surgical fields. 3D printing techniques are practical and anatomically accurate methods of producing patient specific models for medical education, surgical planning, training and simulation, and implants production for the assessment and treatment of neurosurgical diseases. This article presents the main directions of 3D printing models application in neurosurgery

    Immediate and short-term effects of short- and long-duration isometric contractions in patellar tendinopathy

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    Objectives: Isometric muscle contractions are used in the management of patellar tendinopathy to manage pain and improve function. Little is known about whether long- or short-duration contractions are optimal to improve pain. This study examined the immediate and short-term (4 weeks) effects of long- and short-duration isometric contraction on patellar tendon pain, and tendon adaptation. Design: Repeated measures within groups. Setting: Clinical primary care. Patients: Participants (n = 16, males) with patellar tendinopathy. Intervention: Short-duration (24 sets of 10 seconds) or long-duration (6 sets of 40 seconds) isometric knee extension loading (85% maximal voluntary contraction), for 4 weeks. Main Outcome Measure: Immediate change in pain with single-leg decline squat (SLDS) and hop, as well as change in pain and tendon adaptation [within-session anterior–posterior (AP) strain] were assessed over 4 weeks. Results: Pain was significantly reduced after isometric loading on both SLDS (P < 0.01) and hop tests (P < 0.01). Pain and quadriceps function improved over the 4 weeks (P < 0.05). There was significant AP strain at each measurement occasion (P < 0.01). Although transverse strain increased across the training period from ∼14% to 22%, this was not significant (P = 0.08). Conclusions: This is the first study to show that short-duration isometric contractions are as effective as longer duration contractions for relieving patellar tendon pain when total time under tension is equalized. This finding provides clinicians with greater options in prescription of isometric loading and may be particularly useful among patients who do not tolerate longer duration contractions. The trend for tendon adaptation over the short 4-week study period warrants further investigation

    Ti-Zr-Si-Nb nanocrystalline alloys and metallic glasses: Assessment on the structure, thermal stability, corrosion and mechanical properties

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    The development of novel Ti-based amorphous or \u3b2-phase nanostructured metallic materials could have significant benefits for implant applications, due to improved corrosion and mechanical characteristics (lower Young's modulus, better wear performance, improved fracture toughness) in comparison to the standardized \u3b1+\u3b2 titanium alloys. Moreover, the devitrification phenomenon, occurring during heating, could contribute to lower input power during additive manufacturing technologies. Ti-based alloy ribbons were obtained by melt-spinning, considering the ultra-fast cooling rates this method can provide. The titanium alloys contain in various proportions Zr, Nb, and Si (Ti60Zr10Si15Nb15, Ti64Zr10Si15Nb11, Ti56Zr10Si15Nb19) in various proportions. These elements were chosen due to their reported biological safety, as in the case of Zr and Nb, and the metallic glass-forming ability and biocompatibility of Si. The morphology and chemical composition were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, while the structural features (crystallinity, phase attribution after devitrification (after heat treatment)) were assessed by X-ray diffraction. Some of the mechanical properties (hardness, Young's modulus) were assessed by instrumented indentation. The thermal stability and crystallization temperatures were measured by differential thermal analysis. High-intensity exothermal peaks were observed during heating of melt-spun ribbons. The corrosion behavior was assessed by electrocorrosion tests. The results show the potential of these alloys to be used as materials for biomedical applications

    Charged exctions in the fractional quantum Hall regime

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    We study the photoluminescence spectrum of a low density (ν<1\nu <1) two-dimensional electron gas at high magnetic fields and low temperatures. We find that the spectrum in the fractional quantum Hall regime can be understood in terms of singlet and triplet charged-excitons. We show that these spectral lines are sensitive probes for the electrons compressibility. We identify the dark triplet charged-exciton and show that it is visible at the spectrum at T<2T<2 K. We find that its binding energy scales like e2/le^{2}/l , where ll is the magnetic length, and it crosses the singlet slightly above 15 T.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Evaluation Model of the Entrepreneurial Character in EU Countries.

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    Abstract The evidence of entrepreneurship development as a factor of sustainable growth at national and regional level frequently calls for the interest of theorists and practitioners on identifying and outlining the best conditions and economic essential prerequisites for supporting the entrepreneurial initiatives on the long term. In this context, the objective of the present research is to analyse and measure the entrepreneurial character of the European Union member countries in an integrated manner, by developing an innovative model for proposing specific action lines and objectively evaluating the entrepreneurship development in the investigated states. Our model is based on a synthesis variable of the entrepreneurial national character, which was developed by sequential application of principal component analysis, while the initial variables are from secondary sources with good conceptual representativeness. Depending on the objective relevance of the three model components (cultural, economic and administrative, and entrepreneurial education components), the achieved results confirm the importance of a favourable cultural and economic and administrative background for entrepreneurship development and they reiterate the inefficiency of isolated entrepreneurial education unless supported by good entrepreneurial culture or adequate economic and administrative infrastructure. The case of Romania, in relation with the European Union member countries, is presented in detail

    Giant retroperitoneal schwannoma

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    Spit. CF 2, Al XI-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova și cea de-a XXXIII-a Reuniune a Chirurgilor din Moldova „Iacomi-Răzeșu” 27-30 septembrie 2011OBIECTIVUL STUDIULUI: Se prezintă cazul unei tumori retroperitoneale de schwannom gigant. Schwannoamele sunt tumori neurogene, non epiteliale ce se dezvoltă din tecile nervilor periferici (redenumite recent-PNST). Localizarea retroperitoneală a acestor tumori este foarte rar intalnită în practica clinică (0,3-0,5 %). Lucrarea prezintă cazul unui bolnavi în varsta de 52 de ani, de profesie inginer, fără alte antecedente patologice sau formațiuni tegumentare de neurofibromatoza care a fost spitalizat pentru dureri abdominale, marirea de volum a abdomenului și creșterea cu 9 kg. Explorările imagistice și biologice care arată o tumoră retroperitoneală gigantă, banuita benignă, nu au putut preciza originea tumorii. Se practică laparotomie mediană xifo-pubiană cu abord transperitoneal. Intraoperator se constată o tumoră retroperitoneală gigantă de aspect lipomatos. S-a efectuat ablația completă a tumorii fără sacrificii de organe. Dimensiunile foarte mari ale tumorii, greutatea de 8000 gr. și aspectul macroscopic sugerează benignitatea. Examenul histopatologic al tumorii este de schwannom benign, confirmat și de examenul imunohistochimic. Evoluție favorabilă în 14 zile postoperator. CONCLUZII: Spațiul retroperitoneal este foarte generos pentru dezvoltarea unor mase tumorale foarte mari. Incidența schwannoamelor este foarte mică. Prezentarea clinică a acestor tumori este nespecifică, cu dificultați de diagnostic preoperator. Absența invaziei capsulare și a metastazelor, confirmă natura benignă a acestor tumori.THE OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY: Case report of the tumor retroperitoneal of the giant schwannoma. The schwannomas are neorogenic tumors non epithelial which develope of the peripheral nerve sheats. (renamed recently-PNST). Retroperitoneal localization of this tumor is low in clinical practice (0,3-0,5%). Case report-an 52-year- old male patient, by engineer profession, without pathological records and without neurofibromatosis type tegumentary lisions, was hospitalized for abdominal pains, a change of the aspect of the abdomen and taken in weight 9 kilograms. Imaging and biologic tests wich establish a giant retroperitoneal tumor, possibly benign, couldn’t define the exact origin. In xifo-pubian laparotomy and transperitoneal abord we found a giant retroperitoneal tumor of fatty aspect. Tumor excision was performed without viscus sacrifice. The very big size of the tumor, weight-8000gr., the macroscopic aspect suggests benign tumor. Histological examination of neurogenic tumor showed a benign schwannoma, confirmed also of the immunohistochemical test. Postoperative course was favorable in 14 days. CONCLUSIONS: The retroperitoneal space is greatly for the growth of the big tumors. The incidence of the schwannomas is low. The clinical presentation of these tumors is non specific, with difficulties for the correct diagnosis in preoperative period. The absence of the capsule invasion and of the metastasis confirm benign origin of these tumors