169 research outputs found

    Rainbow eulerian multidigraphs and the product of cycles

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    An arc colored eulerian multidigraph with ll colors is rainbow eulerian if there is an eulerian circuit in which a sequence of ll colors repeats. The digraph product that refers the title was introduced by Figueroa-Centeno et al. as follows: let DD be a digraph and let Γ\Gamma be a family of digraphs such that V(F)=VV(F)=V for every F∈ΓF\in \Gamma. Consider any function h:E(D)⟶Γh:E(D)\longrightarrow\Gamma . Then the product D⊗hΓD\otimes_{h} \Gamma is the digraph with vertex set V(D)×VV(D)\times V and ((a,x),(b,y))∈E(D⊗hΓ)((a,x),(b,y))\in E(D\otimes_{h}\Gamma) if and only if (a,b)∈E(D) (a,b)\in E(D) and (x,y)∈E(h(a,b)) (x,y)\in E(h (a,b)). In this paper we use rainbow eulerian multidigraphs and permutations as a way to characterize the ⊗h\otimes_h-product of oriented cycles. We study the behavior of the ⊗h\otimes_h-product when applied to digraphs with unicyclic components. The results obtained allow us to get edge-magic labelings of graphs formed by the union of unicyclic components and with different magic sums.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Langford sequences and a product of digraphs

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    Skolem and Langford sequences and their many generalizations have applications in numerous areas. The ⊗h\otimes_h-product is a generalization of the direct product of digraphs. In this paper we use the ⊗h\otimes_h-product and super edge-magic digraphs to construct an exponential number of Langford sequences with certain order and defect. We also apply this procedure to extended Skolem sequences.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, to appear in European Journal of Combinatoric

    Perfect (super) Edge-Magic Crowns

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    A graph G is called edge-magic if there is a bijective function f from the set of vertices and edges to the set {1,2,…,|V(G)|+|E(G)|} such that the sum f(x)+f(xy)+f(y) for any xy in E(G) is constant. Such a function is called an edge-magic labelling of G and the constant is called the valence. An edge-magic labelling with the extra property that f(V(G))={1,2,…,|V(G)|} is called super edge-magic. A graph is called perfect (super) edge-magic if all theoretical (super) edge-magic valences are possible. In this paper we continue the study of the valences for (super) edge-magic labelings of crowns Cm¿K¯¯¯¯¯n and we prove that the crowns are perfect (super) edge-magic when m=pq where p and q are different odd primes. We also provide a lower bound for the number of different valences of Cm¿K¯¯¯¯¯n, in terms of the prime factors of m.Postprint (updated version
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