6 research outputs found

    Spectral laser damage testing of optical materials

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    The spectral laser-induced damage of optical components was measured using a new instrument based on combining a laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) testing procedure with angle-resolved light scattering and using a tunable optical parametric oscillator laser source. Tests on aluminum mirrors revealed a significant drop of the LIDT around 800 nm, which is not predicted by simple scaling laws. For near-infrared edge filters, remarkable changes in the LIDT around the band edge were observed, which are linked to the spectral variation of the field distribution in the interference coating

    3D-glass molds for facile production of complex droplet microfluidic chips

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    In order to leverage the immense potential of droplet microfluidics, it is necessary to simplify the process of chip design and fabrication. While polydimethylsiloxane(PDMS) replica molding has greatly revolutionized the chip-production process, its dependence on 2D-limited photolithography has restricted the design possibilities, as well as further dissemination of microfluidics to non-specialized labs. To break free from these restrictions while keeping fabrication straighforward, we introduce an approach to produce complex multi-height (3D) droplet microfluidic glass molds and subsequent chip production by PDMS replica molding. The glass molds are fabricated with sub-micrometric resolution using femtosecond laser machining technology, which allows directly realizing designs with multiple levels or even continuously changing heights. The presented technique significantly expands the experimental capabilities of the droplet microfluidic chip. It allows direct fabrication of multilevel structures such as droplet traps for prolonged observation and optical fiber integration for fluorescence detection. Furthermore, the fabrication of novel structures based on sloped channels (ramps) enables improved droplet reinjection and picoinjection or even a multi-parallelized drop generator based on gradients of confinement. The fabrication of these and other 3D-features is currently only available at such resolution by the presented strategy. Together with the simplicity of PDMS replica molding, this provides an accessible solution for both specialized and non-specialized labs to customize microfluidic experimentation and expand their possibilities

    Black and white fused silica: modified sol-gel process combined with moth-eye structuring for highly absorbing and diffuse reflecting SiO2 glass

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    Diffuse reflecting (white) and highly absorbing (black) fused silica based materials are presented, which combine volume modified substrates and surfaces equipped with anti-reflective moth-eye-structures. For diffuse reflection, micrometer sized cavities are created in bulk fused silica during a sol-gel process. In contrast, carbon black particles are added to get the highly absorbing material. The moth-eye-structures are prepared by block copolymer micelle nanolithography (BCML), followed by a reactive-ion-etching (RIE) step. The moth-eye-structures drastically reduce the specular reflectance on both diffuse reflecting and highly absorbing samples across a wide spectral range from 250 nm to 2500 nm and for varying incidence angles. The adjustment of the height of the moth-eye-structures allows us to select the spectral position of the specular reflectance minimum, which measures less than 0.1%. Diffuse Lambertian-like scattering and absorbance appear nearly uniform across the selected spectral range, showing a slight decrease with increasing wavelength