320 research outputs found

    Succinct Representations of Dynamic Strings

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    The rank and select operations over a string of length n from an alphabet of size σ\sigma have been used widely in the design of succinct data structures. In many applications, the string itself need be maintained dynamically, allowing characters of the string to be inserted and deleted. Under the word RAM model with word size w=Ω(lgn)w=\Omega(\lg n), we design a succinct representation of dynamic strings using nH0+o(n)lgσ+O(w)nH_0 + o(n)\lg\sigma + O(w) bits to support rank, select, insert and delete in O(lgnlglgn(lgσlglgn+1))O(\frac{\lg n}{\lg\lg n}(\frac{\lg \sigma}{\lg\lg n}+1)) time. When the alphabet size is small, i.e. when \sigma = O(\polylog (n)), including the case in which the string is a bit vector, these operations are supported in O(lgnlglgn)O(\frac{\lg n}{\lg\lg n}) time. Our data structures are more efficient than previous results on the same problem, and we have applied them to improve results on the design and construction of space-efficient text indexes

    Dynamic Data Structures for Document Collections and Graphs

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    In the dynamic indexing problem, we must maintain a changing collection of text documents so that we can efficiently support insertions, deletions, and pattern matching queries. We are especially interested in developing efficient data structures that store and query the documents in compressed form. All previous compressed solutions to this problem rely on answering rank and select queries on a dynamic sequence of symbols. Because of the lower bound in [Fredman and Saks, 1989], answering rank queries presents a bottleneck in compressed dynamic indexing. In this paper we show how this lower bound can be circumvented using our new framework. We demonstrate that the gap between static and dynamic variants of the indexing problem can be almost closed. Our method is based on a novel framework for adding dynamism to static compressed data structures. Our framework also applies more generally to dynamizing other problems. We show, for example, how our framework can be applied to develop compressed representations of dynamic graphs and binary relations

    The family under the microscope: an experiment testing economic models of household choice.

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    We devise and execute three experiments to test key features of models of household decision-making. Using established couples (married and unmarried) we test income pooling, unanimity and Pareto efficiency. Subjects make choices individually and jointly and are asked to make predictions about their partner’s choices. Unanimity is rejected. Income pooling is not rejected in joint choice but has less explanatory power in individual choice. In direct tests both sexes do not pool income completely, but in econometric tests across all tasks, women place an equal weight on payoffs but men discount their partner’s payoffs by between 15 and 20%. We find that transparency has little impact on deviations from income pooling or indeed on behaviour generally. Many joint choices deviate from the Pareto principle in a systematic manner suggesting that choices made as a couple are more risk averse than individual decisions.experiment; household; unitary; income pooling; Pareto; family

    An O(1) Solution to the Prefix Sum Problem on a Specialized Memory Architecture

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    In this paper we study the Prefix Sum problem introduced by Fredman. We show that it is possible to perform both update and retrieval in O(1) time simultaneously under a memory model in which individual bits may be shared by several words. We also show that two variants (generalizations) of the problem can be solved optimally in Θ(lgN)\Theta(\lg N) time under the comparison based model of computation.Comment: 12 page

    Succinct Representations of Permutations and Functions

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    We investigate the problem of succinctly representing an arbitrary permutation, \pi, on {0,...,n-1} so that \pi^k(i) can be computed quickly for any i and any (positive or negative) integer power k. A representation taking (1+\epsilon) n lg n + O(1) bits suffices to compute arbitrary powers in constant time, for any positive constant \epsilon <= 1. A representation taking the optimal \ceil{\lg n!} + o(n) bits can be used to compute arbitrary powers in O(lg n / lg lg n) time. We then consider the more general problem of succinctly representing an arbitrary function, f: [n] \rightarrow [n] so that f^k(i) can be computed quickly for any i and any integer power k. We give a representation that takes (1+\epsilon) n lg n + O(1) bits, for any positive constant \epsilon <= 1, and computes arbitrary positive powers in constant time. It can also be used to compute f^k(i), for any negative integer k, in optimal O(1+|f^k(i)|) time. We place emphasis on the redundancy, or the space beyond the information-theoretic lower bound that the data structure uses in order to support operations efficiently. A number of lower bounds have recently been shown on the redundancy of data structures. These lower bounds confirm the space-time optimality of some of our solutions. Furthermore, the redundancy of one of our structures "surpasses" a recent lower bound by Golynski [Golynski, SODA 2009], thus demonstrating the limitations of this lower bound.Comment: Preliminary versions of these results have appeared in the Proceedings of ICALP 2003 and 2004. However, all results in this version are improved over the earlier conference versio

    Non-cooperative decision: Making and measures of household surplus

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    Given the evidence against the unitary model of the household, there is a need to understand the predictions of alternative household models within the context of valuation. This paper derives the relationship between household and individual willingness to pay (WTP) for the non-cooperative model of the household. We stress the dependence of WTP on a) the conjectures held by respondents about the behaviour of other members of the household and b) on whether all the members of the household make contributions to household public goods. The results suggest that the relationship between individual WTP and household WTP may be a complex one and that identifying gender-specific environmental preferences may not be possible within standard stated preference exercises