16 research outputs found

    Analysis Of Electromagnetic Field On Transmission Line To Human Using Infinite Element Method

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    The use of high voltage is not only to reduce power losses but also to produce electromagnetic field near the transmission line. This electromagnetic field is harmful to humans near the transmission line. In this paper, analysis of the distribution of electromagnetic field were presented by using simulation based on finite element method (FEM). The basic principle of FEM was to divide the structure, the body, or the observed area to be finite element. The transmission line of 500 kV and its effect to the operators working near the transmission line were simulated to obtain the electromagnetic field distribution

    Hubungan antara Prestasi Belajar, Motivasi dan Etos Kerja dengan Kinerja Praktek Industri Siswa Smk Jurusan Mekanik Otomotif di Samarinda

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    The aims of Prakerin were: (1) in order that SMK students cool learn directly from world of venture/industry, by meant that they can feel the truly work world was; (2) to increase work ability; and (3) to enhance their experiences, to practice their attitude and discipline, so that after graduate, they have readiness to work approriatly with the criteria that needed for the job. It was switable with the purpose of SMK is to work immediately after graduate. The research was conducted for: (1) to know the correlation between academic achievement and Prakerin performance; (2) to know the correlation between work motivation and prakerin performance; (3) to know the correlation between work ethic and performance Prakerin; and (4) to know the correlation between academic achievement, work motivation and work ethic jointly with Prakerin performance of SMK students in Samarinda. The type of this research was Expost Facto. The population were all of the second grade of SMK majoring in automotive mechanics in Samarinda, with the samples were the second grade of SMKN 10 and SMKM 4 students in Samarinda. The data were collected by using performance assessment for Prakerin performance variable (Y), the valve of report book for academic achievement variable (X1), guestionnaire for work motivation variable (X2) and work ethic variable (X3). The data were analyzed by using statistic test of Product Moment and Double Regression. The conclutions of the research were: (1) a significant positive correlation between academic achievement and Prakerin performance; (2) a significant positive correlation between work motivation and Prakerin Performance; (3) a significant positive correlation between work ethic and Prakerin performance; and (4) a significant positive correlation between academic achievement, work motivation and work ethic jointly with Prakerin performance. The research recommended were: (1) education office of Samarinda city support that Prakerin activity of SMK; (2) part of SMK, teachers and venture/industry word as partnersip of vocational education more increase their guidance to the students, so it can be produce local human resource competitively in automotive; and (3) to other researcher, this result could be used as a reference to do the same lund of the lund of the research with another variable, that can influence the performance in Samarinda. Keywords: Performance Industry, Human Reseurce, Achievement, Motivation and Work Ethi

    Pengaruh Media Pembelajaran Interaktif Berbasis Software Macromedia Flash terhadap Hasil Belajar Mesin Konversi Energi di Smk Negeri 1 Balikpapan

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    This study aims : (1) to examine and analyze the differences in energy conversion machine learning outcomes between students who studied with the use of instructional media macromedia flash with students who study with the use of student worksheets; (2) to examine and analyze the differences in energy conversion machine learning outcomes between students who have learning motivation high and low learning motivation; and (3) to examine and analyze the interaction between the use of instructional media by using macromedia flash, worksheets, and motivation toward learning outcomes of energy conversion machines.. This research is an experimental study using a Non-Random Pre-test and Post-test Control Group with the use of factorial design study model of 2x2 design, population of tenth grade students of SMK Negeri 1 TKR in Balikpapan. Data collection techniques with methods of testing for learning outcomes and methods for learning motivation questionnaire. Analysis of the data in SPSS using two-sample t-test and ANOVA, two independent parts, test requirements normality using Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, homogeneity test requirements using the Levene test. The results of the study: (1) the influence of the energy conversion machine learning outcomes between students who learn to use macromedia flash media with students who are learning to use the media student worksheets obtained F value = 0.039 to 0.843 significant. Because significant < 0.05 then H0 is rejected and H1 accepted, so in this study the energy conversion machine learning results in students learning with macromedia flash media is significantly higher than students who studied the learning media LKS; (2) differences in learning outcomes between students\u27 energy conversion machine which has a high learning motivation and low learning motivation obtained results of F = 0.570 obtained results with significant 0,453. Because significant < 0.05 then H0 is rejected and H1 accepted as a result of energy conversion of learning material to students who have a high learning motivation is significantly higher than students who have low motivation; (3) to examine and analyze the interaction between the use of instructional media by using macromedia flash, worksheets, and motivation toward learning outcomes of energy conversion machines. is obtained F value = 0.128 to 0.722 significant . Because significant < 0.05 then Ho is rejected and H1 accepted in this study so there is an interaction between the use of instructional media by using macromedia flash, worksheets, and motivation toward learning outcomes of energy conversion machines. Keywords : Macromedia flash , student worksheets, motivation to learn, and learning outcome

    Trainer Distance Sensor and Color Sensor As Learning Media

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    The advances in technology is developing rapidly.Entire household appliances and industries will use the technology with the principles of automation.Sensor as one important component in the automation function to sense any changes in the environment around.According to Accelerate the achievement of the learning process needed a media that simplify and accelerate the understanding of the learning process.Surabaya State University has a course of Electrical Engineering Education.One of the subjects that there are Electronic Components, who learn about the various sensors. Trainer of proximity sensor and color sensor as instructional media have two sensors namely infrared sensor of GP2Y0A21 and TCS230 color sensor. The results of the sensor output is read by the microcontroller ATmega16 which then converted into centimeters and frequency of colors to be displayed on the LCD 16x2.This study was conducted to determine the feasibility of the trainer along with experiment sheet and subsequently tested on 30 samples.Each student is given a sheet experiment to experiment. Assessment of experiment sheet readability is done by observing students doing experiments.Feasibility trainer#39s proximity sensor, and the color of 89.16%, while the feasibility of the experiment sheet amounted to 89.69%, which means fit for use as a media nbspof learning.Results of testing the readability of students to experiment sheet obtained by 93.12%, which means that learning media eligible for use in teaching and learning

    Pengaruh Media Pembelajaran (E-learning Moodle, Lks) dan Motivasi terhadap Hasil Belajar Pengoperasian Perangkat Lunak Lembar Sebar di SMKN 1 Mojokerto

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) menguji perbedaan hasil belajar pengoperasian perangkat lunak lembar sebar antara siswa yang dibelajarkan menggunakan e-learning moodle dan yang dibelajarkan menggunakan LKS; 2) menguji perbedaan hasil belajar pengoperasian perangkat lunak lembar sebar antara siswa yang mempunyai motivasi belajar rendah, dan motivasi belajar tinggi; dan 3) menguji pengaruh interaksi antara penggunaan media pembelajaran dan motivasi belajar terhadap hasil belajar pengoperasian perangkat lunak lembar sebar.Metode penelitian menggunakan eksperimen semu dengan desain faktorial 2 X 2 yaitu membandingkan dua kelompok, terdiri dari pembelajaran menggunakan media e-learning moodle dan media LKS dengan membedakan motivasi belajar siswa tinggi atau rendah. Kedua kelompok diberi pretes dan postest. Data diperoleh dari angket dan tes. Untuk pengolahan data menggunakan Anava dua jalur dengan SPSS. Dari hasil uji hipotesis dengan teknik Anava pada uji hipotesis pertama diperoleh Fhitung = 7,923 dengan signifikansi 0,007. Pada uji hipotesis kedua diperoleh Fhitung untuk motivasi adalah 108,142 dengan signifikansi 0,000. dan pada uji hipotesis ke tiga diperoleh Fhitung = 8,369 dengan signifikansi 0,005. Dan dapat disimpulkan: 1) Penggunaan media e-learning moodle terbukti menyebabkan hasil belajar siswa yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan penggunaan media LKS; 2) Siswa yang mempunyai motivasi belajar tinggi hasil belajarnya lebih baik dari pada siswa yang bermotivasi belajar rendah; dan 3) Interaksi penggunaan media e-learning moodle pada siswa bermotivasi tinggi memberikan hasil belajar yang terbaik dibandingkan dengan interaksi antara media pembelajaran dengan faktor motivasi lainnya


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    Pendekatan, strategi, metode, dan teknik pembelajaran pada hakikatnya dapat dibedakan tetapi tidak dapat dipisahkan. Keempat istilah tersebut merupakan satu kesatuan dalam pembelajaran. Pendekatan, strategi, metode, dan teknik pembelajaran yang akan dan/atau sedang digunakan dapat diketahui dari langkah-langkah pembelajaran yang telah tersusun dan/atau sedang terjadi. Pendekatan pembelajaran adalah cara umum dalam memandang pembelajaran. Sedangkan strategi pembelajaran adalah ilmu dan kiat di dalam memanfaatkan segala sumber belajar yang dimiliki dan/atau yang dapat dikerahkan untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran yang telah ditetapkan. Metode mengajar adalah berbagai cara kerja yang bersifat relatif umum yang sesuai untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran tertentu dan teknik pembelajaran adalah ragam khas penerapan suatu metode sesuai dengan latar penerapan tertentu. Teknik pembelajaran mengambarkan langkah-langkah penggunaan metode mengajar yang sifatnya lebih operasional. Faktor-faktor yang perlu diperhatikan dalam penentuan teknik pembelajaran di antaranya adalah kemampuan dan kebiasaan guru, ketersedian sarana dan waktu, serta kesiapan siswa. Faktor-faktor yang perlu dipertimbangkan dalam memilih strategi pembelajaran ialah tujuan pembelajaran, jenis dan tingkat kesulitan materi pelajaran, sarana, waktu yang tersedia, siswa, dan guru


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    Pendekatan, strategi, metode, dan teknik pembelajaran pada hakikatnya dapat dibedakan tetapi tidak dapat dipisahkan. Keempat istilah tersebut merupakan satu kesatuan dalam pembelajaran. Pendekatan, strategi, metode, dan teknik pembelajaran yang akan dan/atau sedang digunakan dapat diketahui dari langkah-langkah pembelajaran yang telah tersusun dan/atau sedang terjadi. Pendekatan pembelajaran adalah cara umum dalam memandang pembelajaran. Sedangkan strategi pembelajaran adalah ilmu dan kiat di dalam memanfaatkan segala sumber belajar yang dimiliki dan/atau yang dapat dikerahkan untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran yang telah ditetapkan. Metode mengajar adalah berbagai cara kerja yang bersifat relatif umum yang sesuai untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran tertentu dan teknik pembelajaran adalah ragam khas penerapan suatu metode sesuai dengan latar penerapan tertentu. Teknik pembelajaran mengambarkan langkah-langkah penggunaan metode mengajar yang sifatnya lebih operasional. Faktor-faktor yang perlu diperhatikan dalam penentuan teknik pembelajaran di antaranya adalah kemampuan dan kebiasaan guru, ketersedian sarana dan waktu, serta kesiapan siswa. Faktor-faktor yang perlu dipertimbangkan dalam memilih strategi pembelajaran ialah tujuan pembelajaran, jenis dan tingkat kesulitan materi pelajaran, sarana, waktu yang tersedia, siswa, dan guru

    Grow Up Entrepreneurial Interest for Cadets in Politeknik Penerbangan Surabaya Using CTL with Demonstration Methods

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    In the current COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, the Indonesian nation is faced with various problems from health problems to economic problems. In this economic problem, a lot of companies have to lay off their employees. Also, in 2020 or during the COVID-19 pandemic era, many college graduates must be faced with reduced job vacancies, as well as competition from employees who have been dismissed. Therefore, it needs a serious handler from the government to employ or create decent and productive jobs through entrepreneurship education. The entrepreneurial field has deep freedom working to create economic independence to create jobs for others. Based on the results and discussion of the research described above, it can be taken the conclusion is that applying the CTL approach with demonstration methods can help generate interest in entrepreneurship cadet at a significance level of 0.05

    Analysis of the Effect of Knowledge on Entrepreneurship Readiness Using Random Forest Classification Machine Learning

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    Entrepreneurship is a phenomenon that has an important influence on the progress and welfare of the world, so that entrepreneurship is used as the base of economic development. Psychologically, entrepreneurs are people who have a strong internal drive as an effort to achieve certain goals so that they have a tendency to experiment in showing a character that is free from the control of others. Entrepreneurship can be seen from various points of view. The angle and context in question are views from several fields, namely according to economists, management, business people, psychologists and investors. The main requirement that an entrepreneur must have is entrepreneurial knowledge. entrepreneurial readiness is determined by the knowledge possessed and experience in conducting a business (Kurniawati, 2019). In the midst of the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology today. Not many people know that artificial intelligence consists of several branches, one of which is machine learning. This machine learning (ML) technology is one of the branches of AI that is very interesting. The sample population in this study was obtained from the air transportation school consisting of 7 populations. Data analysis is done by using . The research location is an air transportation school with Machine Learning Random Forest Classification with a population of cadets, lecturers and the general publi