17 research outputs found

    British and American English: a Comparative Study in Relation to Teaching English at Stain Purwokerto

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    Materi dan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di Indonesia pada umumnya tidak terlalu memperhatikan perbedaan antara bahasaInggris model British dan America, bahkan ia merupakan campuran antara keduanya. Memang kedua bahasa tersebut pada umumnyahampir sama, namun beberapa hal yang agak prinsip, perbedaan yang ada antara lain terletak pada sedikit tata bahasa, ucapan, dan yangpaling banyak pada kosa kata. Dengan adanya perbedaan tersebut diharapkan bagi para pengajar di perguruan tinggi (STAIN) dapatmemberikan penjelasan secukupnya kepada mahasiswa terhadap perbedaan tersebut sehingga dapat mengurangi kebingungan mereka

    Sistem Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan Di Madrasah

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    Quality insurance management in education is one of the keys of success of educationinstitution. MII Sambas is one of Islamic elementary school that can achieve high academicand non academic achievement since the application of quality-based management. Thisresearch was aimed at describing the system of quality education insurance being applied byMII Sambas. The focuses of this research were: a) how the process of quality educationinsurance was applied; b) how the human resources were managed; c) what the productsachieved; d) the obstacles in applying the management.This research used qualitative approach and applied observation as the main methodin collecting data. It was also supported with interviews and documentation.Based on the approach, the subject of this research were: headmaster, teachers andstaff, and heads of sections. The data were analyzed using qualitative analysis, whichincluded data collection, data reduction, display of data, and conclusion.Research findings are: a) the preparation stages of quality management in MII Sambasconsists of planning, organizing, supporting, supervising, advising, and evaluating. Thisstages were applied by buttom-up method; b) job description was made to support optimalperformance of each position; c) education service was focused on the process; d) theposition of leaders were based on performance rather than seniority; e) the salary received byteachers and staff refers to the system of civil servant salary; f) some achievements of thisinstitution are: second rank of Healthy School Championship, third rank of national qualityschool, ISO 9001 sertificate in 2008 on management, and other sertificates as a qualifiededucation institution from Religious Affairs Ministry.Besides the progress that have been achieved, there are still some differences inunderstanding wholistically the concept of quality insurance of education. It may resultedfrom the fact that not all teachers have education background. Moreover, MII Sambas will bea greater institution when it has acceptedstudents with special needs, which has not beenrealize

    Internalisasi Nilai-nilai Budi Pekerti Pada Anak

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    The value education plays an important role to form children's attitude. But it will be fruitless if it is just taught to the children by speech methode. Some experts claim that the appearing of negative conducts performed by teenagers is caused by the failure of using methode in the education of value. Moral is something practiced in our life, and not just be memorized, because it belongs to affective domain. Therefore, our schools just allocate a little and limited time to internalize it. The result is that the education of value turns to cognitive domain. So, we can see that there are many students with good remark but they act bad deed. Internal ization is regaded as the best way to plant that value

    Islamic Tradition and Religious Culture in Halal Tourism: Empirical Evidence from Indonesia

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    Indonesia as a country with the largest Muslim population in the world, Indonesia also has a lot of cultural and traditional potential that can be elaborated in halal tourism attractions. This study aims to describe Islamic tradition and religious culture in halal tourism in terms of empirical evidence from Indonesia. This research is a qualitative study using the literature (literature) from previous studies. The library research procedure in this research begins in detail with the selection of topics, then explores information, determines the focus of research, collects data sources, reads data sources, makes research notes, processes research notes, and ends with drawing conclusions. Data collection techniques in this study used editing, organizing, and finding. Data analysis in this study used deductive and interpretative methods. The results show that Islamic tradition and religious culture in the halal tourism industry has a very important role in the halal tourism industry. These two elements are the main attraction in the attraction of halal tourism destinations in In- donesia. Tourists can learn and feel about Islamic tradition and religious culture in halal tourism packages that have religious and kindness values. The integration of Islamic tradition and religious culture in halal tourism is allowed in Islam as long as it does not conflict with Islamic law

    Analisa Perbandingan Kerusakan Jalan Antar Lajur Akibat Pengaruh Beban Kendaraan pada Jalan Bedono – Jambu Kabupaten Semarang

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    Bedono – Jambu road is an inter-city roads connecting Semarang to Magelang, which is crossed by trucks with loads exceed the allowable limit, causing damage to the road. If each lane compared visually, it appears that lane road to Semarang suffered more damages than toward Magelang. Estimated composition of traffic and heavy vehicle loads affect the occurrence of these differences. In this study was conducted to compare the inter-lane road damage is on the way Magelang – Semarang and lane direction Semarang –Magelang due to traffic volume and vehicle load. Traffic composition can be determined through surveys of traffic daily average obtained by counting the number of each class of vehicle traffic that passes through the observation post within the time duration every 10 minutes. Meanwhile, the damage visually reviewed by point review every 100 m (Km 46 +000 to Km 49 +500). Both of these data will be used to examine the relationship between the weight of the vehicle with the damage, the types of vehicles that have a big impact damage and calculation of the cumulative number of equivalent axle load of vehicles is calculated using the standard load and overload using the method of Bina Marga is Pd. T-05-2005-B. Influence the types of vehicles against damage analyzed with regression methods. From the analysis the magnitude of damage in the direction toward Magelang is about 28.995%, meanwhile the extent of damage on the way to Semarang is about 51.064%. Meanwhile, the percentage of traffic volume to the direction towards Semarang is the 51.1% motorcycles, 14.5% of heavy vehicles and the remainder for other vehicle classes. It is also indicated in the direction toward Magelang with 54.35% motorcycle, 13.81% heavy vehicles and the remainder divided into groups of other vehicles. Individually, in the direction toward Magelang by the two axes truck and 3 axes truck in a state filled have a significant effect on the damage, with the regression model Y = 1,968 + 0,001X3 + 0,001X6 + 0,001X8 + 0,001X9 + 0,003X10 + 0,001X11 + 0,001X13 and in the direction toward Semarang, the cause of the damage is dominated two axes truck in an air filled, with the regression model Y = 2,967 + 0,001X5 + 0,001X8 – 0,001X13. The value of the accumulated equivalent standard axle load for directions to Semarang amounted to 697,846.789 and for directions to Magelang amounted to 451,325.327. Accumulated equivalent overload for both the direction of the row is equal to 1,520,870.778 to move towards Semarang and 810,615.090 for movement toward Magelang

    Australia's Role in Supporting Kiribati's Migration with Dignity Policy Dealing with Sea Level Rise in the South Pacific

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    This study aims to describe Kiribati's adaptation efforts through the "Migration with Dignity" policy that the government made to deal with the sea level rise problem and to describe Australia's role in supporting Kiribati in carrying out this policy. The research method used in this research is a descriptive analytical research type that describes the cause and effect of a certain phenomenon, in this case, climate change, by describing data, facts, and arguments relevant to the discussion. The results of this study indicate that through migration policy as an adaptation strategy, the Kiribati government builds its capacity to respond to human security threats arising from sea level rise and fulfills the responsibility to ensure the survival of the population through education and skills development programs. In this regard, Australia plays a role as the dominant regional actor by providing assistance through AusAID. Australia's foreign aid as a donor country is used to meet the needs of Kiribati as a recipient country to support the "Migration with Dignity" policy

    Assessing effects on dendritic arborization using novel Sholl analyses

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    Determining the shape of cell-specific dendritic arbors is a tightly regulated process that occurs during development. When this regulation is aberrant, which occurs during disease or injury, alterations in dendritic shape result in changes to neural circuitry. There has been significant progress on characterizing extracellular and intrinsic factors that regulate dendrite number by our laboratory and others. Generally, changes to the dendritic arbor are assessed by Sholl analysis or simple dendrite counting. However, we have found that this general method often overlooks local changes to the arbor. Previously, we developed a program (titled Bonfire) to facilitate digitization of neurite morphology and subsequent Sholl analysis and to assess changes to root, intermediate, and terminal neurites. Here, we apply these different Sholl analyses, and a novel Sholl analysis, to uncover previously unknown changes to the dendritic arbor when we overexpress an important regulator of dendrite branching, cytosolic PSD-95 interactor (cypin) at two developmental time points. Our results suggest that standard Sholl analysis and simple dendrite counting are not sufficient for uncovering local changes to the dendritic arbor

    Hernia del disco lumbar recidivada: Resultados del tratamiento quirúrgico en pacientes sometidos a compensación

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    Recurrent lumbar disc herniation is the main cause of radicular pain after lumbar discectomy, with a reported incidence between 5 and 12.5%. Objectives: Evaluate the results of surgical treatment for recurrent lumbar disc herniation in patients subject to a workers' Compensation program. Methods: We reviewed the medical records of the 663 patients subject to workers compensation, treated with discectomy for a lumbar disc herniation by the Spine Unit of the 'Hospital del Trabajador' between January 1996 and June 2006. We then selected our study group, the subset of these patients who underwent spine surgery for the first recurrence of their lumbar disc herniation during the described period of time. We used chi2 to analyze non parametric variables and T-test to analyze parametric variables, accepting statically significance with a p value less than 0.05. Results: Eight hundred one patients required a second spine surgery for the first recurrence of a lumbar disc herniation, with a mean follow-up of 75 months (14-137). The mean time off work rest after surgery was 69.3 days. 14.8% of the patients received compensation with a median 25% of loss of work capacity. Surgery related complications were observed in 2.4% of the patients (one incidental durotomy and one surgical wound infection). Conclusion: Spine surgery for the first recurrence of a lumbar disc herniation, in patients subject to a workers' compensation program has equivalent results to the primary surgery, as regarded to length of work rest, secondary incapacity and complications

    Hernia del disco lumbar recidivada: Resultados del tratamiento quirúrgico en pacientes sometidos a compensación

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    Recurrent lumbar disc herniation is the main cause of radicular pain after lumbar discectomy, with a reported incidence between 5 and 12.5%. Objectives: Evaluate the results of surgical treatment for recurrent lumbar disc herniation in patients subject to a workers' Compensation program. Methods: We reviewed the medical records of the 663 patients subject to workers compensation, treated with discectomy for a lumbar disc herniation by the Spine Unit of the 'Hospital del Trabajador' between January 1996 and June 2006. We then selected our study group, the subset of these patients who underwent spine surgery for the first recurrence of their lumbar disc herniation during the described period of time. We used chi2 to analyze non parametric variables and T-test to analyze parametric variables, accepting statically significance with a p value less than 0.05. Results: Eight hundred one patients required a second spine surgery for the first recurrence of a lumbar disc herniation, with a mean follow-up of 75 months (14-137). The mean time off work rest after surgery was 69.3 days. 14.8% of the patients received compensation with a median 25% of loss of work capacity. Surgery related complications were observed in 2.4% of the patients (one incidental durotomy and one surgical wound infection). Conclusion: Spine surgery for the first recurrence of a lumbar disc herniation, in patients subject to a workers' compensation program has equivalent results to the primary surgery, as regarded to length of work rest, secondary incapacity and complications