194 research outputs found

    Spectroscopic and microscopic analyses of Fe3O4/au nanoparticles obtained by laser ablation in water

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    Magneto-plasmonic nanoparticles constituted of gold and iron oxide were obtained in an aqueous environment by laser ablation of iron and gold targets in two successive steps. Gold nanoparticles are embedded in a mucilaginous matrix of iron oxide, which was identified as magnetite by both microscopic and spectroscopic analyses. The plasmonic properties of the obtained colloids, as well as their adsorption capability, were tested by surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) spectroscopy using 2,2′-bipyridine as a probe molecule. DFT calculations allowed for obtaining information on the adsorption of the ligand molecules that strongly interact with positively charged surface active sites of the gold nanoparticles, thus providing efficient SERS enhancement. The presence of iron oxide gives the bimetallic colloid new possibilities of adsorption in addition to those inherent to gold nanoparticles, especially regarding organic pollutants and heavy metals, allowing to remove them from the aqueous environment by applying a magnetic field. Moreover, these nanoparticles, thanks to their low toxicity, are potentially useful not only in the field of sensors, but also for biomedical applications

    Palladium oxide nanoparticles: Preparation, characterization and catalytic activity evaluation

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    Stable palladium oxide nanoparticles were prepared in aqueous suspension with a very simple procedure, by dissolving palladium nitrate in water at a concentration around 10-4 M. UV-visible absorption spectroscopy was adopted to follow the formation of these nanoparticles, which were characterized by TEM microscopy, along with XRD, XPS and Raman measurements. DFT calculations allowed to interpret the Raman data and to clarify the species present at the surface of the nanoparticles. The catalytic activity of the latter was evaluated by monitoring the reduction of p-nitrophenol to p-aminophenol. This investigation paves the way to the use of these colloidal nanoparticles in processes of heterogeneous catalysis, in particular those concerning the catalytic degradation of aromatic derivatives that represent a serious danger for the environment as pollutants, as in the case of p-nitrophenol

    SERS, XPS and DFT study of xanthine adsorbed on citrate-stabilized gold nanoparticles

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    We have studied the adsorption of xanthine, a nucleobase present in human tissue and fluids that is involved in important metabolic processes, on citrate-reduced gold colloidal nanoparticles by means of surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS), absorption, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurements, along with density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The citrate anions stabilize the colloidal suspensions by strongly binding the gold nanoparticles. However, these anions do not impair the adsorption of xanthine on positively-charged active sites present on the metal surface. We have obtained the Fourier transform (FT)-SERS spectra of adsorbed xanthine by laser excitation in the near infrared spectral region, where interference due to fluorescence emission does not usually occur. In fact, the addition of chloride ions to the Au/xanthine colloid induces the aggregation of the gold nanoparticles, whose plasmonic band is shifted to the near infrared region where there is the exciting laser line of the FT\u2013Raman instrument. Hence, this analytical approach is potentially suitable for spectroscopic determination of xanthine directly in body fluids, avoiding fluorescence phenomena induced by visible laser irradiation

    The antioxidant properties of Ce-containing bioactive glass nanoparticles explained by Molecular Dynamics simulations

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    Molecular dynamics simulations of two glass nanoparticles with composition 25Na2O·25CaO 50SiO2 mol% (Ce-K NP) and 46.1SiO2·24.4Na2O·26.9CaO· 2.6P2O5 mol.% (Ce-BG NP) doped with 3.6 mol% of CeO2 have been carried out in order to explain the enhanced antioxidant properties of the former glass with respect to the latter. The present models show that the different catalase mimetic activity of the two NPs is related to the Ce3+/Ce4+ ratio exposed at their surface. In fact, this ratio is about 3.5 and 13 in the bulk and at the surface of the Ce-BG NP, and 1.0 and 2.1 in the bulk and at the surface of the Ce-K NPs, respectively. Since both oxidation states are necessary for the catalysis of the dismutation reaction of hydrogen peroxides, NPs with a very high Ce3+/Ce4+ ratio possess poorer antioxidant properties. Moreover, our simulations reveal that the already low silicate connectivity found in the bulk glasses examined here is further reduced on the nanoparticle surface, whereas the Na+/Ca2+ ratio rapidly increases. Sodium, calcium and cerium sites in proximity of the surface are found to be under-coordinated, prone to quickly react with water present in physiological environments, thus accelerating the glass biodegradatio

    A DFT approach to the surface-enhanced raman scattering of 4-cyanopyridine adsorbed on silver nanoparticles

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    A Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) spectrum of 4-cyanopyridine (4CNPy) was recorded on silver plasmonic nanoparticles and analyzed by using Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations. Two simple molecular models of the metal\u20134CNPy surface complex with a single silver cation or with a neutral dimer (Ag+ \u20134CNPy, Ag2 \u20134CNPy), linked through the two possible interacting sites of 4CNPy (aromatic nitrogen, N, and nitrile group, CN), were considered. The calculated vibrational wavenumbers and intensities of the adsorbate and the isolated species are compared with the experimental Raman and SERS results. The analysis of the DFT predictions and the experimental data indicates that 4CNPy adsorbs preferentially on neutral/charged active sites of the silver nanoparticles through the nitrogen atom of the aromatic ring with a perpendicular orientation

    Iron nuclearity in mineral fibres: Unravelling the catalytic activity for predictive modelling of toxicity

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    : Chronic inflammation induced in vivo by mineral fibres, such as asbestos, is sustained by the cyclic formation of cytotoxic/genotoxic oxidant species that are catalysed by iron. High catalytic activity is observed when iron atoms are isolated in the crystal lattice (nuclearity=1), whereas the catalytic activity is expected to be reduced or null when iron forms clusters of higher nuclearity. This study presents a novel approach for systematically measuring iron nuclearity across a large range of iron-containing standards and mineral fibres of social and economic importance, and for quantitatively assessing the relation between nuclearity and toxicity. The multivariate curve resolution (MCR) empirical approach and density functional theory (DFT) calculations were applied to the analysis of UV-Vis spectra to obtain information on the nature of iron and nuclearity. This approach led to the determination of the nuclearity of selected mineral fibres which was subsequently used to calculate a toxicity-related index. High nuclearity-related toxicity was estimated for chrysotile samples, fibrous glaucophane, asbestos tremolite, and fibrous wollastonite. Intermediate values of toxicity, corresponding to a mean nuclearity of 2, were assigned to actinolite asbestos, amosite, and crocidolite. Finally, a low nuclearity-related toxicity parameter, corresponding to an iron-cluster with a lower catalytic power to produce oxidants, was assigned to asbestos anthophyllite

    Aggregation effects on pigment coatings: Pigment red 179 as a case study

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    Here, we have studied, with a combined experimental and computational approach, the effect of the crystal environment and aggregation on the electronic properties of Pigment Red 179, which affect both its color and optical energy gap. Spectra acquired in the near-infrared and visible range of energies suggest that this molecule is indeed a "cool" dye, which can be employed as a red pigment that provides effective color coverage to different substrates without contributing to their heating during light irradiation. Spectra acquired on different polymer mixtures at different pigment concentrations (i.e., 2.5-10 wt %) suggest that absorption features depend on chromophoric arrangements promoted by the strong intermolecular I -\u3c0interactions. Calculations, performed at the time-dependent density functional theory level, allowed to both attribute the nature of the electronic transitions causing the observed spectra involved and understand the effect of the environment. Indeed, the visible spectra of the pigment is dominated by two localized transitions, with negligible charge transfer for both a dye monomer and dimer either in vacuum or acetonitrile solution. Instead, models including the crystal environment of the pigment show the presence of a high-wavelength S1 \ue2 S0 charge transfer transition between two adjacent molecules, in quantitative agreement with the experimental absorption energy of the crystal pigment

    Glutathione-Induced Release of Zeatin From Functionalized Gold Nanovectors

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    The paper shows our preliminary results on the different spectroscopic behavior of three types of gold nanoparticles (obtained respectively by chemical synthesis, laser ablation in pure water and laser ablation in a citrate solution) modified with trans-zeatin, a plant growth regulator, in presence of glutathione. The reaction of ligand substitution of the adsorbed zeatin with glutathione is studied through surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy and is revealed to occur only when citrate-laser ablated gold nanoparticles are employed, making these particles potentially good candidates as vehicles of zeatin inside plant cells for future agricultural applications

    Capture Velocity for a Magneto-Optical Trap in a Broad Range of Light Intensity

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    In a recent paper, we have used the dark-spot Zeeman tuned slowing technique [Phys. Rev. A 62, 013404-1, (2000)] to measure the capture velocity as a function of laser intensity for a sodium magneto optical trap. Due to technical limitation we explored only the low light intensity regime, from 0 to 27 mW/cm^2. Now we complement that work measuring the capture velocity in a broader range of light intensities (from 0 to 400 mW/cm^2). New features, observed in this range, are important to understant the escape velocity behavior, which has been intensively used in the interpretation of cold collisions. In particular, we show in this brief report that the capture velocity has a maximum as function of the trap laser intensity, which would imply a minimum in the trap loss rates.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figure