190 research outputs found

    Defying Marginalization: Emergence of Women’s Organizations and the Resistance Movement in Pakistan: A Historical Overview

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    In the wake of Pakistani dictator General-Zia-ul-Haq’s Islamization process (1977-1988), the country experienced an unprecedented tilt towards religious fundamentalism. This initiated judicial transformations that brought in rigid Islamic Sharia laws that impacted women’s freedoms and participation in the public sphere, and gender-specific curbs and policies on the pretext of implementing a religious identity. This suffocating environment that eroded women’s rights in particular through a recourse to politicization of religion also saw the emergence of equally strong resistance, particularly by women who, for the first time in Pakistan’s history, grouped and mobilized an organized activist women’s movement to challenge Zia’s oppressive laws and authoritarian regime. This movement was to see the emergence of non-governmental women’s organizations (NGOs), feminist writers, activist theatre groups, human rights and legal aid cells, as well as activist documentary filmmakers with a common agenda for social change and justice. Using secondary sources, this paper presents a comprehensive historical overview of the feminist and oppositional developments that began to take shape during Zia’s dictatorship, and have steadily grown to make their mark in contemporary Pakistani society as organs for socio-political change and women’s rights

    Impact of Project Management Success Factors: A Case of Pakistani Private Sector

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    Project Management is considered to be important for any project. Past studies have identified various success factors, which are vital for any project. Moreover, these factors vary on the base of countries, culture, size, sector etc. However, there is absence of literature on work done on the private sector of Pakistan on the other hand a work is done on the public sector in this country. The study purposed to find out the relation in-between project success factors and project success criteria. This study also finds out what project success factors have more impact on project success criteria. To look into this relationship researcher conducted a study between three private sectors, FMCG (Fast-moving consumer goods), Banking, and Telecom of Pakistan. The study was meant to collect the responses from these sector and applied analysis to check which factor has more impact on defined success criteria. The researcher received 297 responses from 1000 survey questionnaire in which 287 responses are fully involved in this research. The main findings of the research carried out were that technical task carried most important factor for private sector of Pakistan. Project management competence was of less importance whereas top management support and financial and technical control had least significance. The rest of the four factors had little or no impact on the success criteria. Keywords: Project success factors, Project success criteria, Pakistan, Private secto

    Impact of Financial Leverage on Dividend Policy of Pakistani Sugar Industries

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    The study aims to analyze the impact of financial leverage on dividend policy of the listed sugar companies on Karachi Stock Exchange. Dividend paid is the foundation of satisfaction toward investors moreover means to increase their confidence on management. The sugar industry in Pakistan is the second largest agriculture-based industry after textile. Dividend Yield, Debt Ratio and Earnings per share are the independent variables for the study, where Dividend per share is the dependent variable. This study uses data from 2011 to 2016, collected from annual reports of companies listed in Karachi Stock Exchange. Moreover, Multiple regression is used to determine the impact. The findings suggest that Only debt ratios has a negative impact whereas Dividend Yield and Change in earnings have a positive impact on Dividend per share

    Defying marginalization: Emergence of women's organizations and the resistance movement in Pakistan: A historical overview

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    In the wake of Pakistani dictator General-Zia-ul-Haq’s Islamization process (1977-1988), the country experienced an unprecedented tilt towards religious fundamentalism. This initiated judicial transformations that brought in rigid Islamic Sharia laws that impacted women’s freedoms and participation in the public sphere, and gender-specific curbs and policies on the pretext of implementing a religious identity. This suffocating environment that eroded women’s rights in particular through a recourse to politicization of religion also saw the emergence of equally strong resistance, particularly by women who, for the first time in Pakistan’s history, grouped and mobilized an organized activist women’s movement to challenge Zia’s oppressive laws and authoritarian regime. This movement was to see the emergence of non-governmental women’s organizations (NGOs), feminist writers, activist theatre groups, human rights and legal aid cells, as well as activist documentary filmmakers with a common agenda for social change and justice. Using secondary sources, this paper presents a comprehensive historical overview of the feminist and oppositional developments that began to take shape during Zia’s dictatorship, and have steadily grown to make their mark in contemporary Pakistani society as organs for socio-political change and women’s rights

    Impact of Culture on Entrepreneur Intention

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    The main purpose of this study is to identify the role of entrepreneurship in Pakistan. After reviewing the literature, researchers identify those predictors who influence the entrepreneur’s intention with the help of socio cognitive model. National culture of a country influences the entrepreneur’s intention to start new business. Perceived feasibility, perceived desirability and entrepreneurs experience has a direct impact on entrepreneur’s intention. The study finds out the impact of culture on entrepreneur intention, different cultures have different ways to influence the entrepreneur intention and different ways to impact on intentions towards perceived feasibility and perceived desirability .The study helps entrepreneur’s decision making process and also helps out the development of further new business in Pakistan, motivates students to become entrepreneurs and analyzes their feasibility and desirability. Culture varies from country to country, within country different provinces, how different cultures, different traditions, norms and values. So in future, it helps to analyze entrepreneur’s intention in different cultures

    Impact of Inflation and Interest Rate on Economic Growth in Pakistan

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    The aim of this paper is to examine the impact of major economic variables includes inflation rate and interest rate on economic growth of Pakistan. The secondary data has been taken for the years from 2008 to 2017. The results from linear regression model describe that inflation rate spread negative impact on Pakistan’s economic growth while interest rate is found positively significant on the economy. Therefore, all the variables that have been selected show less impact on economic growth of the country as compared to other factors that put a solid impact on Pakistan’s economic conditions. The type of influence of these variables of the economy varies from country to country such as developed economies and developing economies. The developing economies like Pakistan suffering from different problems such as energy & water shortages, political instability, lack of policy implication, continuous increase in inflation, security concerns, burden of foreign debt, and misbalance between import and export payments etc

    Impact of Enterprise Resource Planning (E.R.P) System Implementation A Case Study of FMCG Sector in Pakistan

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    Today’s businesses have very complex information technology & management structure and day by day its complexity is increasing. The combination of IT & Management structure will give us the informative result to run the business effectively. Enterprise Resource Planning systems give ease to businesses to minimize the costs, produce more correct forecasts of demand, speed up manufacture cycles and improve customer service. ERP gives several proficient utilities such as automation and integration of business processes, supports general practices, distributing information among the organization, and gives concurrent approach to the data/information. This research report will cover the chances, challenges, and effects of the implementation of ERP in the best Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) sector in Pakistan. This research will give the understanding of the conversion, limitation, and completion of E.R.P in FMCG and also offer strategy from lessons learned in this view to practicing managers and researchers

    Association of Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio and Platelet to Lymphocyte Ratio with Fatty Liver in Type II Diabetes Mellitus Patients

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    Objective: To find the association between neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio, platelet to lymphocyte ratio and fatty liver in type 2 diabetes.Methodology: This comparative analytical study was conducted at Shifa International Hospital on diabetic patients visiting falahee OPD clinics from June 2018 to June 2019.  Nonprobability convenient sampling was used. Patients were segregated into two groups according to fatty liver status as assessed by ultrasonography. Complete blood count, lipid profile and liver profile were done. Data was analyzed by using statistical package for the social sciences (spss) version 21. Descriptive statistics were calculated for categorical variables. Kolmogorov smirnov test was used to ascertain the normality of the quantitative variables. For normal and dispersed variables, independent student t and Mann Whitney U test were applied, respectively. P Value below 0.05 was considered significant.Results: Out of total 93 patients, 33 (35.4 %) were males and 60(64.5%) were females. Female patients had increased incidence of fatty liver as compared to males. The mean duration of disease was 7.61 ± 5.8 years with 68.8% prevalence of fatty liver. BMI was elevated significantly in patients having fatty liver. There was no significant association between NLR, PLR and fatty liver. ALT, LDL and Triglycerides were increased significantly in patients having fatty liver.Conclusion: Patients having fatty liver have more deranged levels of lipid profile and hematological parameters increasing the risk of cardiovascular and inflammatory diseases

    Impact of Advertisement on Bank's Profitability of Pakistan

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    This study aims to analyse the relation between Advertisement Expenses and Bank’s Profitability by running certain type of tests which is related to statistical findings. Regression analysis, Correlation analysis, and descriptive statistical tests were taken to sort out the effect of Advertisement over Bank’s Profitability of Pakistan. Banking industry is one of the major industries of Pakistan’s Economy. For the growth of the economy, every sector must perform at their best for that purpose Advertisement play a major role in increasing customer knowledge and change the perception of customer towards products. To attract the customers Banks, spend thousands of Rupees on advertisement so they buy the products and, in the result, their revenue increases. This study mainly focusses on impact of advertisement on Bank’s Profitability that how much banks spend on Advertisement and how much they gain from that investment. According to the results Advertising Expenses have a positive impact on ROA, whereas it shows a negative impact on ROE
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