4 research outputs found
Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berbicara Bahasa Arab Siswa dengan Menggunakan Metode Audiolingual
This research is motivated by students who still have difficulty learning to speak, especially when using the dialogue model. The aim of this research is to find out how the application of the audiolingual approach in Arabic language learning improves the speaking skills of 38 class IX students at Ibnu Sina Middle School, Purwakarta. This research was carried out from May to June 2023, the type of research was Classroom Action Research (PTK) which was carried out cyclically. The research data sources are teacher and student observations and evaluation of student abilities. Data collection techniques are observation and evaluation. Data analysis techniques determine individual completion, classical completion, and average scores. The results show that the audiolingual approach can improve student learning achievement in Arabic speaking skills. Growing student involvement in the learning process shows the effectiveness of the method, and the growing importance of learning outcomes reveals that the students' speaking skills in Cycle I was 77.96 (Fairly Good) and Cycle II was 80.59 (good), indicating the effectiveness of the results. Engagement rates ranged from 83.8% (good) in Cycle 1 to 89.1% (excellent) in Cycle 2
Barriers to diagnosis and management of CNS infections in Indonesia
Little is known about the management and outcome of CNS infections in Indonesia (population: approximately 261 million), and the burden of CNS infections is increasing as result of a rapidly growing HIV epidemic. Indeed, in a recent study in Jakarta,1 54% of patients with a CNS infection were HIV-infected, vs 25% in a similar study conducted in Bandung, the second largest city on Java.2 Establishing the etiology of CNS infections is important for clinical management and outcome, but anecdotal evidence suggests that there are major gaps in clinical management, including a failure to recognize CNS infections, perform appropriate diagnostics, or initiate necessary drug treatment. In this study, we address some of these barriers by interviewing a group of Indonesian neurologists
This research is motivated by the large number of students who think that learning Arabic tends to be boring. Thus, the role of learning media is needed by educators and students so that a teaching and learning process can be carried out more easily to understand the material, and foster students' learning interest. The use of songs in simple language in learning Arabic will help students understand the material easily. This study aims to determine and identify the effect of using song media in learning Arabic at SDS IT Al-Azhar Plered. The method used in this research is qualitative by way of observation, interviews. Data was collected through observation techniques, interviews with Arabic subject teachers and also with students. The results showed that Arabic learning activities using songs in Arabic learning at SDS IT Al-Azhar Plered had a big impact on students, namely making it easier for students to understand by singing while learning
Pelatihan Digital Library Maktabah Syamilah sebagai Referensi dalam Memahami Al-Qur’an
Akses terhadap informasi tentang ilmu keislaman memiliki peranan penting di Indonesia, yang mayoritas penduduknya adalah Muslim. Namun, di daerah pinggiran, akses terhadap informasi keislaman masih sulit karena berbagai faktor, salah satunya adalah keterbatasan referensi kitab tafsir yang tersedia. Keterbatasan ini seringkali mengakibatkan materi dakwah yang disampaikan tidak berdasarkan referensi yang valid, sehingga berpotensi menyesatkan umat. Tujuan dari proyek pengabdian ini adalah melatih Ustadz muda dalam memanfaatkan Maktabah Syamilah sebagai referensi yang valid dalam memahami ayat-ayat al-Qur'an. Metode pelaksanaan proyek ini melalui beberapa tahapan diantaranya koordinasi dan sosialisasi, pelatihan penggunaan Software Maktabah Syamilah, sesi tanya jawab interaktif, pemberian tugas individu, dan evaluasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar peserta (90%) mampu menginstal Bahasa Arab pada Komputer dan menginstal Software Maktabah Syamilah versi 4.0, meskipun beberapa peserta masih membutuhkan bantuan langsung. Seluruh peserta (100%) memiliki pengetahuan tentang menu dan fitur dalam Maktabah Syamilah serta dapat mencari ayat-ayat atau kata dalam al-Qur'an beserta tafsirnya. Proyek ini menyimpulkan bahwa peserta telah mencapai tingkat keberhasilan yang tinggi dalam memanfaatkan Maktabah Syamilah, namun upaya lebih lanjut diperlukan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman terhadap materi tafsir dengan meningkatkan keterampilan bahasa Arab