4 research outputs found

    Efecto de la perturbación del bosque en la tasa de visitas de murciélagos polinizadores y sus consecuencias sobre el éxito reproductivo y sistema de apareamiento en árboles de la familia Bombacaceae.

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    La fragmentación y la perturbación del bosque pueden tener efectos deletéreos sobre el éxito reproductivo y el sistema de apareamiento de los árboles tropicales, además de modificar el compartimiento de sus polinizadores. Los objetivos de este capítulo son: (1) evaluar el efecto de la perturbación del bosque sobre la tasa de visita de los murciélagos a cuatro especies de árboles de Bombacaceas; (2) comparar el éxito reproductivo entre árboles en áreas perturbadas y en bosques continuos; (3) determinar las consecuencias de un cambio en la tasa de visitas de los polinizadores sobre el éxito reproductivo de los árboles; y (4) documentar cómo los patrones de visita de los polinizadores pueden afectar el sistema de apareamiento de las plantas que polinizan. Se estudiaron cuatro especies de árboles de la familia Bombacaceae en los bosques tropicales de Jalisco, México, y en las regiones de Guanacaste y la Península de Osa, en Costa Rica. Los murciélagos nectarívoros fueron los únicos polinizadores efectivos para estas cuatro especies. Las flores de Ceiba grandiflora en el bosque recibieron más visitas por parte de Glossophaga soricina; no se observaron diferencias en el número de visitas por parte de Leptonycteris curasoae y Musonycteris harrisoni solo visitó flores dentro del bosque. Ceiba aesculifolia presentó una mayor tasa de visitas en los sitios perturbados, tanto por G.. soricina como por L. curasoae. Ceiba pentandra, en Chamela, no presentó diferencias en la tasa de visitas de G. soricina entre áreas perturbadas y bosque continuo, pero L. curasoae visitó una mayor cantidad de flores en bosque continuo. En Guanacaste, C. pentandra recibió más visitas de Phyllostomus discolor que de G presentó una mayor producción de flores en fragmentos y no hubo diferencias en la proporción de frutos por flor (fruto/flor). Ceiba grandiflora no presentó diferencias en la producción de flores, pero la razón fruto/flor fue mayor en el bosque. Pachira quinata presentó un patrón similar a C. aesculifolia en cuanto a la producción de flores, pero la razón fruto/flor fue mayor en los árboles de bosque continuo. Estas cuatro especies de Bombacaceae son predominantemente autoincompatibles. Los niveles de exocruzamiento fueron independientes del tipo de hábitat para C. aesculifolia, C. grandiflora y C. pentandra en Guanacaste; sin embargo, los árboles C. pentandra, en la Península de Osa, mostraron un sistema de apareamiento mixto. Los efectos de la perturbación del bosque sobre la polinización por murciélagos, la reproducción de plantas y sus patrones de apareamiento varían según la especie de Bombacaceae y su historia de vida.Forest fragmentation and disturbance can have negative effects on the reproductive success and mating systems of tropical trees, in addition to modifying the behavior of the pollinators that pollinate them. The objectives of this study are: (1) to evaluate the effect of forest disturbance on bat pollinator activity for four bombacaceous species; (2) to compare reproductive success between trees found in disturbed habitats and continuous forest; (3) to determine the consequences of a change in bat pollinator activity on plant reproductive success; and (4) to document how bat pollinator activity may affect breeding systems in the plants they pollinate. Four species from the Bombacaceae family were studied in the tropical forests of Jalisco, Mexico, and in the areas of Guanacaste and Peninsula de Osa, in Costa Rica. Nectarivorous bats were the only effective pollinators observed for these four species. Flowers from Ceiba grandiflora in the forest received more visits from Glossophaga soricina. No differences were observed for Leptonycteris curasoae and Musonycteris harrisoni was only observed visiting flowers in the forest. Flowers from C. aesculifolia in fragmented habitats received more visits from both G. soricina and L. curasoae. For C. pentandra in Chamela no differences in visits were observed for G. soricina between disturbed areas and continuous forest, but L. curasoae visited more flowers in continuous forest. In Guanacaste, C. pentandra received more visits from Phyllostoumus discolor than G. soricina, and in Osa no bat visits were observed. Ceiba aesculifolia produced more flowers in disturbed areas but no differences were observed for fruit set. Ceiba grandiflora showed no differences in flower production but fruit set was greater in the forest. Similar to C. grandiflora, Pachira quinata showed no differences in flower production, however, greater fruit set was observed in continuous forest. These four bombacaceous species are predominantly self-incompatible. Out-crossing rates were independent of habitat for C. aesculifolia, C. grandiflora, and C. pentandra en Guanacaste; however, C. pentandra trees from the Osa Peninsula showed a mixed breeding system. Our results show that the effects of forest disturbance on bat pollination, plant reproductive success and breeding system varied depending on the bombacaceous species and its life history characteristics.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ciencias Básicas::Facultad de Ciencias::Escuela de Biologí

    Amenazas al paisaje agrícola tradicional del sur de Yucatán, México: una mirada desde el análisis socioecológico

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    The milpa landscape is a territory where there is a close relationship between the Mayan populations and the forest manifested in agroecosystem management strategies such as: the milpa, the home garden and the secondary vegetation. The milpa landscape faces multiple socio-environmental pressures that require transdisciplinary analytical frameworks that allow its comprehensive understanding. The objective of this work is to analyze through variables that allow us to deepen into the socioecological relationships established by the human and biophysical components of southern Yucatán. The framework of socio-ecological systems was used, for its operationalization secondary information was reviewed and 257 surveys were applied in two municipalities. The results show that socioecological relationships are influenced by aspects of governance and land tenure. The milpa system prevails in livelihoods, but coexists with factors such as the loss of the Mayan language, the low generational change, the market economy, the high prevalence of agrochemicals and weather patterns. It is proposed that efforts based on the revaluation of the milpa, the participatory integration of knowledge and the development of adaptive governance schemes could have positive repercussions on sustainability if this biocultural landscape

    An Early Study on the Synthesis of Lignin-Graft-(Net-Poly(acrylamide-co-N,N′methylenebisacrylamide)), Characterization of the Produced Copolymer, and Evaluation of Its Performance as Adsorbent for Lead Removal from Wastewater Purposes

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    A lignin-graft-(net-poly(acrylamide-co-N,N′methylenebisacrylamide)) copolymer was synthesized by conventional free-radical crosslinking copolymerization using conventional and microwave heating. Grafting of the polymer network onto lignin was confirmed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM)/energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), and elemental analysis. The performance of the modified materials for the removal of lead from water was evaluated. The materials obtained by the two types of heating showed excellent removal efficiencies: sample HLigAM4h, 96%; and sample HLigAMMW5, 86%. The maximum adsorption capacity of HLigAM4h was 209.82 mg g−1. The obtained copolymer (sample HLigAM4h) was characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and SEM/EDS after its evaluation as an adsorbent, which confirm the adsorption of Pb2+. This is the first of a series of studies on the topic, of a preliminary nature, with several other ones coming up in due time