4 research outputs found

    Determinants of Developmental Milestones among Children 0-23 Months at Kabale Hospital, Uganda

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    Background: Approximately 200 million children globally fail to fulfil their development potential due to malnutrition, poor health, and unstimulating environments. Children in Kabale, Uganda, may be at particularly high risk as the rate of malnutrition in the region is likely to impact development. The study aimed to identify possible determinants influencing developmental milestones of breastfed and non-breastfed children aged 0-23 months.Materials and Methods: The study was conducted at the young child clinic of Kabale hospital, among 250 children aged 0-23 months and their caregivers, for two months. The study adopted a comparative cross-sectional design, and systematic random sampling was used to select the respondents for the study. The socio-demographic characteristics, nutritional status, and feeding practices were assessed using structured pretested questionnaires. Developmental milestones of the children (communication, motor, fine motor, problem-solving, and social skills) were assessed using the modified ages and stages questionnaires. The data collected was tabulated, analysed statistically, and the results interpreted.Results: Developmental scores were not associated with breastfeeding and minimum meal frequency. A milestone achievement of communication skills was associated with caregiver's education, caregiver's age and length-for-age. Gross motor scores were associated with the caregiver's age, weight-for-age, and length for age. Achievement of fine motor skills was associated with caregiver's education, caregiver's age, child's age, length for age, and children who met the minimum dietary diversity score. Problem-solving scores were associated with child's age, weight for age, length for age, and children who met the minimum dietary diversity. Personal social scores were associated with lower caregiver's age and normal weight for ageConclusion: Developmental scores were not associated with breastfeeding and minimum meal frequency. Development in early childhood was mainly associated with caregiver's age, caregiver's education, child's age, weight for age, length for age, and minimum dietary diversity score. Children under the care of younger caregivers and those who attained normal nutrition status had significantly more developed motor and social skills compared to children with older caregivers and undernourished children, respectively. Recommendation: Meeting the minimum meal frequency is commendable; however, caregivers should also strive to meet the minimum dietary diversity, which ultimately contributes to a better nutritional status and hence development in children. Older caregivers should be educated on the importance of developmental milestones and their contribution to optimum development in children

    Mid-term evaluation of Maternal and Child Nutrition Programme (MCNP II) in Kenya

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    Abstract Background Kenya is faced with a triple burden of malnutrition which is multi-faceted with health and socio-economic implications. Huge geographical disparities exist, especially, in the arid and semi-arid lands exacerbated by inadequate resource allocation to the nutrition sector and challenges in multi-sectoral coordination and nutrition governance. UNICEF’s Maternal and Child Nutrition Programme is a four-year (2018–2022) resilience-building, multi-sectoral program focused on pregnant and lactating women, mothers of children under five years and children under five years. The objective of the mid-term evaluation was to establish the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability of the programme. Methods The field evaluation conducted between June and July 2021, adopted a concurrent mixed-methods approach, where qualitative information was gathered through 29 key informant interviews and 18 focus group discussions (6 FGDs per population group; women of reproductive age, adolescent girls and men). Quantitatively, data were obtained through desk review of secondary data from programme reports, budgets, and project outputs where descriptive analysis was undertaken using Excel software. Qualitative information was organized using Nvivo software and analyzed thematically. Results The findings provide evidence of the relevance of the Maternal and Child Nutrition Programme II to the nutrition situation in Kenya and its alignment with the Government of Kenya and donor priorities. Most planned programme targets were achieved despite operating in a COVID-19 pandemic environment. The use of innovative approaches such as family mid-upper arm circumference, integrated management of acute malnutrition surge model, Malezi bora and Logistic Management Information Management System contributed to the realization of effective outputs and outcomes. Stringent financial management strategies contributed toward programme efficiencies; however, optimal utilization of the resources needs further strengthening. The programme adopted strategies for strengthening local capacity and promoting ownership and long-term sustainability. Conclusion The programme is on track across the four evaluation criteria. However, a few suggestions are recommended to improve relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability. A formal transition strategy needs to be developed in consultation with multi-stakeholder groups and implemented in phases. UNICEF Nutrition section should explore a more integrated  programming mode of delivery through joint initiatives with other agencies under the Delivery as One UN agenda, along the more gender transformative approaches with more systematic involvement of males and females in gender-based discussions