40 research outputs found
Effect of Superchilling (Hyo-On) Aging on the Total Bacterial Count and Concentration of Taste Components of Pork Loin
氷温を利用した肉類の長期熟成処理の有用性を評価するために、従来の熟成処理温度である4℃および氷温である−1℃で豚ロース肉の熟成処理を行い、一般生菌数、イノシン酸および遊離アミノ酸濃度に及ぼす影響を評価した。−1℃熟成処理の一般生菌数は、4℃熟成処理と比較して、熟成処理7、14および21日で有意に低下した。さらに−1℃熟成処理42日後でも、肉類が腐敗したと判断する一般生菌数である108コロニー形成単位/gには達していなかった。一方、−1℃熟成処理のイノシン酸濃度は、4℃熟成処理と比較して、緩やかな減少がみられた。腐敗の指標の1 つである一般生菌数が同等であった4℃熟成処理14日および−1℃熟成処理42日について遊離アミノ酸濃度の測定および官能評価を実施した。その結果、豚ロース肉の−1℃熟成処理42日は、4℃熟成処理14日と比較して、うま味に関わるグルタミン酸濃度の有意な上昇と嗜好型官能評価において総合的に好ましいと評価された。これらの結果より豚ロース肉の−1℃熟成処理は、4℃熟成処理よりも、一般生菌数の増殖抑制と食味性を向上させることで付加価値の向上に寄与できると考えられる。To evaluate the effects of long-term meat aging at superchilling, the total bacterial count, concentration of taste components, and palatability of pork loin were compared for samples aged at 4 °C and −1 °C. At 7, 14, and 21 days of aging, the total bacterial count of pork aged at −1℃ had significantly decreased compared to that of the sample aged at 4 ℃. Even after aging pork at −1 °C for 42 days, the total bacterial count did not reach 108 colony forming unit/g, which is generally considered to be the spoilage of meat. The concentration of inosinic acid in the pork loin aged at −1 ℃ was s decreased more slowly than that of the sample aged at 4 ℃. Free amino acid analysis and sensory evaluation were performed on the samples aged at 4 °C for 14 days and at −1 ℃ for 42 days, in which the total bacterial count was almost equivalent. Further, the glutamic acid concentration and overall palatability of pork loin sample aged at −1 ℃ for 42 days were significantly increased as compared to those of samples aged at 4 °C for 14 days. From these results, it was concluded that aging at −1 ℃ increased the added value of pork by suppressing the growth of bacteria and improving its palatability over that achieved from samples aged at 4 °C.本研究の一部は、2020年度関西大学若手研究者育成経費(個人研究)において、研究課題「熱成処理温度の違いが食肉の呈味成分の生成に関与するアミノペプチダーゼ活性に及ぼす影響」として研究費を受け、その成果を公表するものである
Twenty years of coordination technologies: State-of-the-art and perspectives
Since complexity of inter- and intra-systems interactions is steadily increasing in modern application scenarios (e.g., the IoT), coordination technologies are required to take a crucial step towards maturity. In this paper we look back at the history of the COORDINATION conference in order to shed light on the current status of the coordination technologies there proposed throughout the years, in an attempt to understand success stories, limitations, and possibly reveal the gap between actual technologies, theoretical models, and novel application needs
An Implementation of Parallel File Distribution in an Agent Hierarchy ∗
AgentTeamwork coordinates parallel job execution in a hierarchy of mobile agents. A collection of specialized agents are deployed to remote sites including multiple clusters so as to launch, monitor, check-point, and resume a parallel and distributed-computing job. It is very important to develop an algorithm to deliver data files to each of remote processes in a timely fashion. By taking advantage of an agent hierarchy, we have implemented a file-distribution algorithm in AgentTeamwork that delivers user files through an agent tree by duplicating them at each tree level, dividing them into smaller partitions, and aggregating partitions in a larger fragment in transit to the same sub tree. This paper presents the details of AgentTeamwork’s file-distribution algorithm and demonstrates its convincing performance
AgentTeamwork: Coordinating gridcomputing jobs with mobile agents
AgentTeamwork is a grid-computing middleware system that dispatches a collection of mobile agents to coordinate a user job over remote computing nodes in a decentralized manner. Its utmost focus is to maintain high availability and dynamic balancing of distributed computing resources to a parallel-computing job. For this purpose, a mobile agent is assigned to each process engaged in the same job, monitors its execution at a different machine, takes its periodical execution snapshot, moves it to a lighter-loaded machine, and resumes it from the latest snapshot upon an accidental crash. The system also restores broken inter-process communication involved in the same job using its error-recoverable socket and mpiJava libraries in collaboration among mobile agents. We have implemented the first version of our middleware including a mobile agent execution platform, error-recoverable socket and mpiJava API libraries, a job wrapper program, and several types of mobile agents such as commander, resource, sentinel, and bookkeeper agents, each orchestrating, allocating re-sources to, monitoring and maintaining snapshots of a user process respectively. This paper presents AgentTeamwork’s execution model, its implementation techniques, and our performance evaluation us-ing the Java Grande benchmark test programs
Self-Migrating Threads for Multi-Agent Applications
We propose "self-migrating threads" as a new cluster computing paradigm for multi-agent applications, which can be viewed as the interactions among autonomous computing entities, each having its own objectives, behavior, and local information in a synthetic world. Self-migrating threads have both navigational autonomy of mobile agents and fine computation granularity of threads. They are also given the capability to construct system-wide logical networks, representing synthetic worlds. With those aspects, we expect that self-migrating threads provide multi-agent applications with good programmability and performance. We have designed the functionality of self-migrating threads and implemented a low-level migration library. In this paper, we discuss the feasibility of our design by considering the implementation techniques and basic migration performance
Mobile Agents, DSM, Coordination, and Self-Migrating Threads: A Common Framework
We compare four paradigms that have recently been the subject of considerable attention: mobile agents, distributed shared memory (DSM) systems, coordination paradigms, and self-migrating threads. We place these paradigms in a common framework consisting of three layers: the computational model, the implementation of the computational model on a physical architecture, and the interface between the computational model and the system's environment. We consider two examples of self-migrating thread systems---Messengers and WAVE---and place these into the same framework to illustrate their relationship to the other related lines of research in terms of their capabilities to organize and coordinate computation, map the concurrent activities onto a multicomputer architecture, and provide an interface for interaction with their environments on the underlying host computers. 1 Introduction Mobile agents, distributed shared memory (DSM) systems, coordination paradigms, and self-migrating threa..
Distributed Individual-Based Simulation Using Autonomous Objects
Individual-based simulation modeling structures an entire complex and open-ended application as a collection of individual autonomous entities. The behavior of the entire system is simulated as interactions among such entities and hence the application development focuses primarily on describing the entities behaviors. Therefore, this modeling scheme attracts many scientists dealing with complex models from the battlefield to particle-level simulations. A natural implementation of individual-based modeling is to use the philosophy of autonomous objects, i.e., mobile entities navigating autonomously through their underlying computational network. We have developed Messengers, an autonomous-objects-based system aimed at a general-purpose distributed computing, and, especially, distributed simulations. It is the first system to provide a virtual-time computing environment for autonomous objects, and therefore the present work is the first experiment in applying the paradigm of autonomous ..