46 research outputs found

    Pendekatan Sistem Dalam Pengembangan Sekolah

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    Developing effective school management needs to pay attention are two basic components namely inputs and processes. Component inputs need to be considered to comply with minimum service standards (SPM) or the national standard (NS) at each school level (elementary, junior high school and vocational school). SPM /SN at every level of the school include: currulum, teacher / staff, students, facilities, financial, organizational, and environmental support (government, society, and parents). Although SPM was the main concern, does not mean that good schools are exclusive, in which only certain groups of students (intelligent or able to be economically) are accepted. Nor does it mean that schools should have a versatile facility and infrastructure to realize the luxury of a good school

    Persepsi Stakeholder Terhadap Lokasi Dan Fungsi Terminal Penumpang Tipe a Kabupaten Kebumen

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    Keberadaan lokasi dan fungsi terminal penumpang tipe A Kabupaten Kebumen sekarang initelah banyak menimbulkan polemik dan persepsi antar beberapa stakeholder terkait. Hasil penelitianini menunjukan bahwa pemanfaatan terminal oleh penumpang dan awak angkutan dirasa masihrendah, walaupun rata-rata pertumbuhan untuk jumlah penumpang yang naik dan turun di terminalmencapai 8,05% dan 5,47%, dan untuk kedatangan bus 1,38%, akan tetapi jumlah tersebut masihbelum sesuai dengan kapasitas daya tampung dan skala pelayanan terminal tipe A, karena sepinyaterminal tersebut, sehingga pemanfaatan terminal t hanya menguntungkan pihak tertentu saja, yaituberupa pencapaian target retribusi terminal, sedangkan fungsi terminal sebagai distribusi, ekonomi,dan sosial belum mampu berjalan secara maksimal. Keragaman persepsi stakeholder terhadap lokasidan fungsi terminal penumpang tipe A Kabupaten Kebumen terlihat bahwa sebagian besar pihakmengganggap lokasi dan fungsi terminal penumpang Tipe A Kebumen belum berjalan secara optimal,sehingga perlu dilakukan upaya optimalisasi terminal dengan memperhatikan beberapa aspektertentu

    Politik Identitas Dan Pencitraan Kandidat Gubernur Terhadap Perilaku Pemilih

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    Bengkulu-election voter behavior in 2015 was strongly influenced by the identity and imaging candidate for governor will be selected. Therefore, to get a comprehensive picture of the problem, then, the method used will combine two main aspects, namely the approach of political science behavior (voting behavior), politics of ethnic identity, the image of the candidate and the elections in the perspective of political sociology with a quantitative approach appropriate public opinion surveys. Thus, it will be obtained proof that identity factor tribe or ethnicity, together with the image factor figures, can contribute positively in shaping the behavior of voters in the elections Bengkulu, 2015

    Fenomena Kemiskinan Nelayan: Perspektif Teori Strukturasi

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    Tulisan ini merupakan hasil studi lapangan yang menggambarkan realitas kemiskinan nelayan di Desa Teluk, Kecamatan Labuan, Kabupaten Pandeglang-Banten. Dengan menggunakan teori Strukturasi Giddens, kemiskinan nelayan dijelaskan sebagai produk dari dinamika relasi agen dan struktur yang melembagakan praktik sosial dalam kehidupan masyarakat nelayan. Lewat metode studi kasus, maka, tampak dengan jelas betapa proses strukturasi yang berlangsung bukannya membebaskan kaum nelayan dari perangkap kemiskinan, sebaliknya justru melanggengkan kemiskinan yang ada. Dengan kata lain, struktur juga bisa bersifat constraint (unenabling), sehingga Perubahan struktural yang terjadi bukan memberdayakan melainkan bersifat mereproduksi dan melanggengkan kemiskinan kaum nelayan. This paper is the result of field studies that illustrate the reality of poverty in the fishing village of Teluk, District of Labuan, Pandeglang, Banten. By using the theory of Structuration Giddens, poverty fisherman explained as a product of the dynamics of relations agents and structures that institutionalize social practices in the life of the fishing community. Through the case study method, then, appears clearly how the structuration process that takes place instead of freeing the fishermen of the poverty trap, instead perpetuate the poverty that exists. In other words, the structure can also be constraints (unenabling), so that the structural changes taking place not empowering but rather reproduce and restless-gengkan poverty of the fishermen

    Default Risk On Islamic Banking In Indonesia

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    Stability of financial institutions is a crucial issue amid the economic crisis that hit the US and Europe. Islamic banking in Indonesia as financial institutions are also required to have good stability in order to maintain the stability of the national economy. The aim of this research is to determine the stability of Islamic banking in Indonesia, and understand the factors that affect the stability. Stability of Islamic banking will be measured using Merton model to estimate the Probability Default (PD). Panel data regression was used to estimate the factors that affect the stability of Islamic Banking. The object of this research is 10 Islamic banking in Indonesia that meet the specified criteria. From the analysis of the Merton model, the research found that the stability of Islamic banking in Indonesia is not good enough. This can be seen from the value of the probability default on Islamic banking which still above 0.5. However, based on the trend, the probability default of Islamic banking has decreased from year to year. Some of the variables that influence the stability of Islamic banking is asset and BI rate (SBI)

    Influence of Investment Opportunity Set, Financial Leverage and Firm Size on Real Activity Manipulation and Its Implication on Stock Return (Study on Manufacturing Company Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange)

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    This study is aimed to examine the influence of investment opportunity set, financial leverage and firm size on real activity manipulation and its implication on stock return, either simultaneously or partially. The research data collection is conducted by employing secondary reports of audited financial reports of manufacturing companies listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange The unit of analysis used in is the manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange within the period of 2010-2014. The unit of observation is selected by using purposive sampling method of which it employs 380 observations of companies. From those numbers, it is further selected of companies that have  real activity manipulation of which is 206 oervations Hence the final number of observations selected by using purposive sampling method that  indicated real activity manipulation amount is 174 companies. The analytical method used in this research is path analysis. The results showed that (1) investment opportunity set, financial leverage and firm size have a simultaneously  significant influence on real activity manipulation (2) investment opportunity set has no significant influence  on real activity manipulation, (3) financial leverage has a significant influence  on real activity manipulation, (4) firm size has no significant  influence on real activity manipulation, (5) investment opportunity set, financial leverage, firm size and real activity manipulation have a simultaneously  significant influence on stock return, (6) investment opportunity set has a significant influence  on stock return, (7) financial leverage has no significant influence on stock return, (8) firm size has no influence on stock return, (9) real activity manipulation has no significant influence on stock return, (10) real activity manipulation does not mediate the influence of investment opportunity set on stock return, (11) real activity manipulation does not mediate the influence of financial leverage on stock return, (12) real activity manipulation does not mediate the influence of firm size on stock return. Keywords: Investment Opportunity Set, Financial Leverage, Firm Size, Real Activity Manipulation, Stock Return

    Galeri Anak Jalanan di Kota Makassar

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    Dengan adanya fasilitas Galeri Anak Jalanan ini, diharapakan dapat menjadi salah satu bentuk penanggulangan anak jalanan di kota Makassar, dan juga menjadikan Galeri Anak Jalanan sebagai sarana yang kreatif dan rekreatif. Dan tidak melupakan hak-hak anak jalanan yang dimana mereka juga berhak mendapatkan pendidikan yang layak dan setara seperti apa yang dirasakan oleh anak-anak yang lainnya

    ‘Evaluasi Komponen Fisik Dominan pada Klub Sepakbola Sso Real Madrid Foundation Aceh Tahun 2016

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    Komponen Fisik Dominan merupakan hal yang mutlak dan harus dimiliki oleh pemain dalam olahraga apapun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat Komponen Fisik dominan pada Klub Sepakbola SSO Real Madrid Fondation Aceh Tahun 2016.Jenis penelitian ini termasuk penelitian Deskriptif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh pemain sepakbola SSO Real Madrid Foundation yang berjumlah 80 yang memiliki sampel sebanyak 20 orang yang diperoleh dari Purposive Sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan adalah Tes Kondisi fisik dominan yang terdiri dari tes Vertical Jump, tes Leg Dynamometer, tes lari 50 meter dan tes lari 12 menit. Data diolah dengan menggunakan statistik dalam bentuk perhitungan rata-rata, dan Persentase. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan keseluruhan tes komponen fisik dominan pada klub sepakbola SSO Real Madrid Foundation Aceh Tahun 2016 dapat dikategorikan Vertical Jump mendapatkan hasil 55.1 yang berada pakatagori baik, 4 orang pada posisi baik sekali (20% ), 8 orang berada pada posisi baik ( 40% ), 7 0rang berada pada posisi cukup (35%) dan 1 orang berada pada posisi kurang ( 5% ). Leg Dynamometer mendapatkan hasil 147.71 pada katagori cukup, 0 orang berada pada posisi baik sekali ( 0% ), 0 orang berada pada posisi baik (0%), 12 0rang berada pada posisi cukup ( 60% ) dan 8 orang berada pada posisi kurang (40%). Lari 50 Meter mendapatkan hasil 6.80 berada pada katagori baik, 5 orang berada pada posisi baik sekali (25%), 2 orang berada pada posisi baik ( 10% ), 13 0rang berada pada posisi cukup (65%) dan 0 orang berada pada posisi kurang ( 0% ). Lari 12 Menit mendapatkan hasil 2.49 berada pada katagori sedang, 4 orang berada pada posisi baik sekali ( 20% ), 5 orang berada pada posisi baik ( 25% ), 8 0rang berada pada posisi cukup ( 40% ) dan 3 orang berada pada posisi kurang ( 15% ). Berdasar penelitian didapatkan keseluruhan komponen kondisi fisik dominan berada pada katagori Baik